Here’s an idea:
How about we pay off the debt and THEN we can discuss raising taxes?
Of course we’ll be dead by then.
Isn't that supposed to be for the disabled?
Of course you will lose all of your freedoms just like they did in the Soviet Union.
Why do you ask?
Regarding misguided Sanders wanting to raise taxes, please consider the following. As mentioned in related threads, a previous generation of state sovereignty-respecting justices had clarified that Congress is prohibited from appropriating taxes in the name of state power issues, basically anything that Congress cannot justify under its constitutional Article I, Section 8-limited powers.
Congress is not empowered to tax for those purposes which are within the exclusive province of the States. - Justice John Marshall, Gibbons v. Ogden, 1824.
Note that one of the very few things that the states have actually authorized the feds to tax and spend for where domestic policy is concerned is the US Mail Service (1.8.7). In other words, most federal government spending programs are based on 10th Amendment-protected state powers and associated state revenues that corrupt Congress has stolen from the states by means of unconstitutional federal taxes.
Remember in November !
When patriots elect Trump or Cruz or whatever conservative they elect, they need to also elect a new, state sovereignty-respecting Congress that will work within its Section 8-limited powers to support the president.
Also consider that such a Congress would probably be willing to fire state sovereignty-ignoring activist justices.
Of course soldiers will knock on your door in the middle of the night to kill you or drag you away for disobeying Bernie’s government.
Why do you ask? I thought everyone knew how Socialism works...
It worked so well for Walter Mondale in 1984.