Posted on 11/25/2015 11:34:24 PM PST by Cincinatus' Wife
Simple, succinct, and to the point. ;-D
//Iâm sure Trump wonât miss my support, apparently there are enough liberals to pump up his numbers.//
You need help. If you have been paying attention it is the CONSERVATIVES that are supporting Trump. The liberals like you are the ones doing everything they can to bad mouth him and lie about him.
Is this backwards day in your brain?
You are not a business owner are you? Dusty is correct, sometimes taking the loss is better business practices. Furthermore, corporate restructuring is not the same as personal bankruptcy so your argument is based on a faulty premise.
You trust Cruz? Good. I trust God. That’s what makes it possible to see things about where Cruz and Trump are heading.
My biggest reservation about Cruz is that I’m missing signs of his growing. That’s a not-good position for someone born again to be in. You can’t attain to alabaster sainthood on earth and then just sit on it with satisfaction. This will decay into ego.
Trump is a markedly flawed man, moving in the right general direction. This is a picture of someone more authentic about where he is.
Good job getting that in print. Kudos.
Today, this day of Thanksgiving, we are blessed that our country has formed two categories of persons. The Trump category and the Cruz category.
If you fall into either category, congratulations, you are a winner and you are wise and smart.
All others do not exist, except in the universe of losers.
I’ll take her #230 as gospel. Her goal is single-minded: Defeat the most outspoken proponent of finally dealing with the millions of criminal invaders and deporting them. It is an issue that obviously doesn’t matter to her. She supports squishes (Walker, alas, whom I supported to draft in 2012) or definitive open-borders panderers (”Heartless” La Raza Rick). That a family member was grievously harmed does not matter to her in her political choices. If it did, she would be supporting Trump (or at least not opposing him). It’s that simple.
Well, this conservative isn't and I'm not alone.
Maybe just a little thing called the law? If you have a problem with the law, get it changed! Is this whole election boiling down to nothing more about either enforcing the existing laws or getting rid of the bad ones?
Its as simple as that. Get someone in who will upset the apple cart or live with the status quot. Other than Cruz or Trump, name anyone else running who has the balls to go into the belly of the beast and take on the status quot.
Well don’t let anyone tell you there is no difference between how the menfolk and the womenfolk think.
“Scientific vivisection of a nerve until it’s raw.”
Kipling knew. If logic won’t do what she wants, she goes into the forte of women, which is to emote with the greatest cunning.
You are not alone and you are not conservative. If you were, you wouldn’t be so obsessed and lying about Trump. Go play on DU
FYI, I am a woman who deals in logic. Don’t lump us all in with psycho there.
However notice that Trump is attracting far fewer liberals than the other kind of thinker.
Conservatives are supposed to be able to think. You are not excused.
She’ll deny she said that, of course. I did explicitly ask her about supporting Trump in the general repeatedly (not the primary, since that answer is clear), so she knows exactly what I was talking about. He won’t miss her vote. To paraphrase the old line from the RINOs here about not voting for their Socialist ringer fraud Willard, but applying it for next year, “Hillary thanks you for your support, CW !”
Which brings this thread full circle back to my problem with Rush and his Trump-love - my post #6.
So, for those of us who enthusiastically support both are double winners and double smart? :)
Now, now. Nobody is accusing you of being a Conservative.
That’s why I caveated “When logic doesn’t work.” You’re wise, however, and know that if reason (or at least, true love) won’t go there, you shouldn’t go there either.
Rush is like Trump in the respect that he is his own man and not intimidated by others.
He also has some Trump swagger.
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