“Trump is NOT a TEA Party conseravtive.”
You mean like the other politicians that pretended they were TEA party conservatives. Until they got in office?
Otherwise,Trump never claimed to be a TEA Party conservative that i am aware of?
Trump is not a severe conservative like Romney and yet, somehow he is 100 time better. For a fake conservative he sure is SERIOUSLY nailing repeatedly conservative issues?
By the way to all the anti-tumpeteers we get it..Trump is not a conservative,k.
All i can say is don’t vote for him?
Had Trump not entered the race Jeb ‘illegal lover’ Bush would have likely been the nomination?
No, you’re winning because God wants you to win. Remember to give him the credit and read your Bible to see what it says and govern that way and you will be blessed.
Mr. Trump isn’t swayed by vaulted ceilings because he’s built or been in most then.
“honey we made it...” ..
.He already did and I think he is sincere in his desire to give back to his country. I think he is genuinely worried about the future of the U.S.
Obama’s been given a wedgie by pretty much every international leader out there and in every instance he has surrendered and cowered in fear. Why then do Boehner and McConnell roll over and play dead every time Obama walks in the room? This is a disgrace.
This kind of Trump-ing needs to be happening all over the world. I suppose that; when America is brought to the level of the third world, and there’s nowhere else to run, people will realize that being a patsy gets no one anywhere.
When there’s nowhere else to run; “immigrants” and “refugees” might have to become what they should have been all along, fighters! How long is it going to take Americans to realize that foreign invaders and illegal immigrants will continue to pour in until we either stop them or they sink us entirely. If that happens, you can be sure no one is going to be standing by with free housing, education and healthcare for us if we choose to become “refugees” instead of the fighters we’ve always been.
Well, if the majority is STILL SILENT, they haven’t learned much, have they? I am sick of hearing about these folks. What, they come out once in a while and vote because oranges cost too much? Big help that.