Thanks for posting this. What a disgrace! James Simpson in “The Red-Green Axis,” just published in 2015, explains how involved the Catholic hierarchy has been for decades in supporting open borders, amnesty, and the the sanctuary movement. Everyday Catholics have seen how the bishops got limper and limper on pro-life issues—Dolan being the prime example.
Catholic Charities/USConference of Catholic Bishops is the LARGEST “Volag,” or Voluntary Agency, and about 59% of its income is from government sources. People can also hear Simpson on youtube.
The inspiration for subverting Catholic agencies came from Saul Alinsky, aided and abetted by Msgr John Egan and Dorothy Day, who had dinner with Alinsky and praised him often in the pages of the “Catholic Worker”; see and Carol Byrne, “The Catholic Worker Movement (1933-1980): A Critical Analysis,” (2010).
I knew Dolan when he was at the NAC in Rome. He was a good priest and not apparently political. When they gave him the Red Hat, they also removed his spine, and his testicles, and his conscience. Since then he has become no different than the politically motivated Cardinal Law. IMHO, :)