To me, whether they were making a profit or not is not the point. Killing babies would be my point of contention.
Godless scumbags. Like sacrifices to Moloch. Burn it all to the ground and salt the earth.
The Nazis used the skin of the people they killed for lamp shades and by the way did plenty of “medical” experiments. They like the people at Planned Parenthood felt justified and slept well.
How many millions comes from the average abortion statistic from planned parenthood at a low estimate of 300$ per baby?
Thought experiment, assuming the 300$ x 55 million that’s a lot of dollars, over 16 billion.
Just random figures.
Planned Parenthood has taken the place of ISIS in news stories on atrocities.
Of course they aren’t. That would be evil.
The biology procurement companies that buy the body parts from PP are owned by PP shareholders. They buy an organ for, say, $75, and sell it to the ultimate user for $1500 or $3500. The shares rise in value and dividends are paid.
One word: Lamborghini.
Well I mean if they arent making a profit whats the big deal about?
God these pro lifers are just so oversensitive...
oh look a squirrel!
what the exposure of the fact that they are seeling baby body parts will bring the attention of anyone with even a tiny smattering of common sense to full alert.
MAYBE it will shock a few presently pro choice zombies
First no then yes but we did this heinous act but did not make a profit on selling human body parts from aborted humans that women were charged to abort these unborn humans. Wait, is it or is it not illegal to sell human body parts? Answer that question first!
The IRS couldn’t show a profit after running the Mustang Ranch (a bordello—go figure), but that didn’t make it any more acceptable to the average person, either.
It doesn’t matter to me one way or the other if they are profiting.
I am having a serious problem with them existing at this point.
Apparently, it's just a loss-leader.
How could they not be making a profit?
The tax-payers pay for the abortions. Then the tax-payers fund the "research grants" that are used to purchase the baby parts.
This is like Solyndra, only evil.
hmmm, it’s almost like slave holders selling hteir slaves and making the claim that it’s ok because ‘they didn’t make a profit’
They are BOTH unethical! Cripes- what the hell is wrong with the left?
Oh! So that’s what Joseph Mengele did wrong! He was making money on his experiments! \needless-sarcasm-end-tag
If the amended it, would that no mean that there was an earlier agreement that they did in fact make which was profitable?
Hey, they are just doing all this as a public service - sort of like Mother Teresa's orphanages - and living spartanly off donations from well-wishers. Probably all those abortion doctors, nurses, and clinic managers are barely surviving off food stamps and food pantries.
It’s a non-profit that brings in over a billion dollars a year.
“Planned Parenthoods net revenue increased 5% to total of $1.21 billion in its organizational fiscal year ending on June 30, 2013, according to its new Annual Report 2012-2013, and about 45% of that revenue—$540.6 million—was provided by taxpayer-funded government health services grants.”
It’s just like the NFL which is classified as a non-profit trade association which makes about 10 billion dollars a year.