Man spears fish, fish spears man, both dead.
What's the lesson here? Don't bring a spear to a sword fight?
1 posted on
05/30/2015 12:05:35 PM PDT by
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To: tcrlaf
I think they both got the point.
51 posted on
05/30/2015 1:12:40 PM PDT by
(...Was that okay?)
To: tcrlaf
I was offshore Fort Pierce, Florida and hooked a big Sailfish that made a run and jumped aboard trying to spear me. I dodged him and he went in to the fish locker.
63 posted on
05/30/2015 1:43:26 PM PDT by
Joe Boucher
( Obammy is a lie, a mooselimb and pond scum.)
To: tcrlaf
Seems like every few years, some fisherman gets skewered by a large billfish. This one is the first death I can recall, though. Back in 2006, something similar happened where a Marlin leaped *over* the boat, speared the fisherman through his upper chest (shoulder / collarbone area) and swept him over the far railing, into the water. That fisherman lived, I believe.
There was a thread here about it, I suspect that searching "fisherman impaled" would call it up.
66 posted on
05/30/2015 2:09:21 PM PDT by
Charles Martel
(Endeavor to persevere...)
To: tcrlaf
New movie for 'Jaws' fans: Swordfish...
Outline for movie by Hollywood: A swordfish that is upset at conservatives who are denying global warming attacks people, including the Greenpeace ship, a PETA spokesperson who was speaking out at a beach when the fish attacks and the Obamas.
Oops, it's Hollywood, so it would be people who are kooks portrayed as conservatives.
72 posted on
05/30/2015 2:54:52 PM PDT by
(I'm ExCTCitizen and I approve this reply. If it does offend Libs, I'm NOT sorry...)
To: tcrlaf
He died with a smile on his face and a fish in his heart.
76 posted on
05/30/2015 3:19:26 PM PDT by
Jeff Chandler
(Doctrine doesn't change. The trick is to find a way around it.)
To: tcrlaf
Sometimes the bear gets you . . .
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