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To: Timber Rattler
Which country is he running to be President of?
108 posted on
04/14/2015 8:34:15 AM PDT by
To: Timber Rattler
Rubio is not a conservative but a liar and slick con man. He teamed up with Mcain and other traitors to back-stab Americans by inviting in an invading army of foreign illegals by giving them amnesty. Luckily the Republican House didn't go along with the democrat Senate . but obama the evil dictator is giving amnesty to illegals by executive action (already given 9 million work visas to illegals) and obama is also unconstitutionally taking over the Internet with Soros manufactured regulations.
110 posted on
04/14/2015 10:09:04 PM PDT by
(Obama illegally got his FCC gestapo to impose SOROS' regulations on Internet)
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