For now, at least, Bill’s cow isn’t running, and her mistaking entitlements for enterprise and wages can be laughed off, chalked up to too much botox on her brain.
No one ever makes a point of the obvious logical fallacy here. If "government-created" infrastructure was truly the reason for an entrepreneur's success, then everyone should be a millionaire because everyone has access to that same infrastructure. They are not, therefore it isn't.
The title should be obviously reflect reality: “hillary klintoon flunks life”. This degenerate, while wealthy, is a complete loser and a criminal. She was fired from the Watergate committee for incompetence and illegal activity. Her “marriage” is a failure to a philandering criminal. She failed as “first” lady, stealing the silverware and china on her way out. She somehow had Vince Foster murdered and covered it up. She killed 4 Americans at Benghazi through her actions or inactions. While she was secretary of state, $6,000,000,000,000.00 was “unaccounted for”. She has a history of ongoing, chronic dishonesty. She has as her companion and confidant, huma, an iranian whose mother is the head of the female branch of the moozlum brotherhood. Her only child looks interestingly like a close friend of the family. She is obese. She is fugly. She can’t even hire a good ghostwriter (her recent book was an abject failure and waste of paper). I could go on but I have something better to do...pick up an obama that my dog left on the lawn just now.