I want a pony.
This article almost illustrates the need for mental illness hospitals and live-in wards for those who cannot manage their own lives.
This might sound good in the short run, but it will lead to perversity of result in the long run.Forcing some people to give others the unearned, the undeserved, and something for nothing is an assault on justice, and is tantamount to abolition of causality in the receipt of income.It also leads to punishing productiveness and rewarding non productiveness.Eventually everyone would have the incentive to do as little as possible, and society would become less and less free.This would result in transforming America into a hellhole.
Hmm...author doesn’t mention that the money used for these programs first had to be taken from taxpayers under threat of force.
The problem is too much freedom. If everyone had to live in government barracks and eat government-approved meals everybody would be healthy and happy. And we'd all be rich, too, because the government would just give us money! Why didn't somebody ever think of this before?
Obolacare is going to bankrupt us as it is, so we better expand it to include housing. /channeling progressive think. Obolacare is not even fully implemented yet and the progs are looking to expand it. Give it ten years and it won’t be 1/6 of the economy it will be 100% all encompassing law. Thanks Chief Justice Roberts.
Dialysis has been an entitlement for a very long time - Obamacare has nothing to do with extending its reach, and may in fact curb availability as funding decreases in out years.
Next it will be free servants, all to take care of you, cook your food, and make sure you get to the doctor on time. Sheesh.
Government already has healthcare as a gun to force people to go along with it. Why not control housing for the same reason?