Have the NCI watch the women’s bank accounts. I remember several isolated outposts in the USAF where the women after a year’s tour could retire with the money they made.
What is the standard loadout of fish for deployment?
War Time Reserve Mode (WARM) fish....
Torpedos will then be loaded in various tubes.. for recreation..
RAM it home sailor.. will be the cliche’ of the day..
Next part of headline: Navy Lays on Extra Medics in Anticipation of Increase in Pregnancies.
I wonder if the subs will return to port in the middle of their long deployments to drop off the babies, or will they simply create nurseries and have our submariners taking care of the kids.
And will the sailors efficiency ratings plummet due to being exhausted from all that shagging?
It’s a good thing we’re not at war; these social experiments take up everyone’s time and attention.
And in 2017, day care will be provided in subs.
What could go wrong???
Special treatment for months at a time?
Resentment to those specially treated?
Next up transgendered cross dressing queens.
The military needs to reflect the perversions of the pop culture Obamanation. The military isn’t needed anymore because Obama has made the world so much more stable and safer.
this is just more of an effort to destroy the military.
Inversion, corporations fleeing the HQ’s from the USA, is just a politically correct way of saying “going Galt”.
orig comments: women have been getting pregnant on surface ships for a long time now, and doing well at it.
This will add a new dimension to “hot bunking”...
German Navy already has female submarine commanders.