His involvement means that the whole Benghazi talking points business was - as has been speculated on here at FR from day one - cooked up by Jarrett to save Barry's bacon.
This is the point that gets me:
“The email lists the following two goals, among others:
“To underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy.”
It is almost as if they are admitting that Benghazi WAS indeed a failure of policy. The admitted manipulation to make Obama “statesmanlike” is sickening. And all the Democrats, not just the politicians but those that support the politicians (like my leftist academic colleagues), love it and believe all this crap. They haven’t a brain to open-mindedly critique this administration, and one can only hope they are ALL going down because of it all.
Many of us have been saying for going on two years now that the DEMS stole the election of 2012 for Clown Obama. Now we have the proof - if this information were known prior to Nov 2012 I would venture to say Hussein would NOT have won.