To prevent violence against women, get them into a CCW class.
“...because gun violence against men is perfectly acceptable!”
This woman was my representative. I spent many an afternoon protesting on her office’s street corner, where she was never in residence. She ducked all the meetings we had set up with her. I heard her complain that people who talk to her about politics on the planes home (Texas with her husband) was wearisome.
She seems more active politically now.
One of the people who disarmed the gunman was a woman, who was on the ground. She knew how to drop the magazine out of his weapon (press the button) and was brave and practiced to do this in the middle of a squabble. One of the men had a gun on him, but did not want to use it in close quarters. He strong-armed the killer instead.
Idiot Giffords, used pictures of herself at the shooting range, but wants to deny other women and their husbands guns and target practice.
Good riddance. Your husband looks like bald Lauffner and his political ambitions to ride on your coat tails is blatantly obvious and repulsive.
Please go away, ma’am.
Gabby Giffords is still exposed to her nutcase husband.
Protecting Underpaid Pregnant Minority Women And Snail Darters From Gun Violence In Irregularly Warm Temperate Climates!