1 posted on
08/21/2013 7:22:22 AM PDT by
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To: Perdogg
THANK-YOU Perdogg for your posting!
2 posted on
08/21/2013 7:23:15 AM PDT by
(“Go, do not be afraid, and serve”-Pope Francis)
To: Perdogg
To: Perdogg
What a joke. I wonder how many people are going to die because of what he did. This country is a disgrace. He’ll be out in ten.
4 posted on
08/21/2013 7:24:23 AM PDT by
(Former Rodeo Clown Sensitivity Training class valedictorian.)
To: Perdogg
Just heard on the earth radio the decision of the verdict. Just got back online late yesterday afternoon. Has been an exhusting day for me today.
5 posted on
08/21/2013 7:24:25 AM PDT by
(“Go, do not be afraid, and serve”-Pope Francis)
To: Perdogg
That’s all???? 35 years???
6 posted on
08/21/2013 7:27:18 AM PDT by
(Great vid by ShorelineMike! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOZjJk6nbD4&feature=plcp)
To: Perdogg
Should be facing a firing squad. AND his superiours should be charged also for allowing him access to this trove.
7 posted on
08/21/2013 7:27:19 AM PDT by
(Barry Hussein Soetoro-0bama=The Complete Destruction of American Capitalism)
To: Perdogg
I don’t know, is sending a fag to a male prison considered punishment or winning the lottery?
8 posted on
08/21/2013 7:28:10 AM PDT by
(Someday our schools will teach the difference between "lose" and "loose")
To: Perdogg
9 posted on
08/21/2013 7:28:15 AM PDT by
(Stand or die)
To: Perdogg
10 posted on
08/21/2013 7:28:22 AM PDT by
(“Go, do not be afraid, and serve”-Pope Francis)
To: Perdogg
Smoke screen. How did he have such a “Need to Know” to have access to that many documents in the first place? Little secret that isn’t so secret: Security of national secrets is a joke.
13 posted on
08/21/2013 7:31:38 AM PDT by
(Liberals are bloodsucking ticks. We need to light the matchstick to burn them off. -786 +969)
To: Perdogg
The military of Patton, McArthur, Eisenhower, Marshall, Bradley and Nimitz would have convicted Manning for treason and taken him out to the firing squad.
What we are seeing with the Manning verdict is the new progressive military led by hand picked politically correct generals taking decisive action. Wait until the Hasan verdict given the prosectors have been forbidden to talk about terrorism.
15 posted on
08/21/2013 7:32:16 AM PDT by
Soul of the South
(Yesterday is gone. Today will be what we make of it.)
To: Perdogg
Am I the only one who found it somewhat offensive to see Manning paraded before the cameras each day in his dress uniform? He forfited the right to wear that the day he passed secrets to Wikileaks. He should have been in prison-issue scrubs.
16 posted on
08/21/2013 7:33:41 AM PDT by
To: Perdogg
5 years?
He won’t even serve that much.
More like he’s out at the end of 2016
Remember HIS best bud is in the WHITE HOUSE.
I’d put good money on an presidential pardon as O exists...
17 posted on
08/21/2013 7:36:10 AM PDT by
("Gun-free zones" equal "Target-rich environment.")
To: Perdogg
Isn’t sending a homo to prison kind of a reward?
To: Perdogg
Will he get olive oil & a prayer rug?
21 posted on
08/21/2013 7:42:42 AM PDT by
To: Perdogg
In Obamaland, treason is no big deal. Just like Black on White crime, voter intimidation, etc, crime and punishment (or lack thereof) is determined by The Won and you better never forget that!
22 posted on
08/21/2013 7:42:43 AM PDT by
(Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy)
To: Perdogg
If he’s confused about his gender hopefully prison will help him figure it out.
To: Perdogg
Thirty five? Far too lenient.He should swing.
To: Perdogg
At least when he gets out he can be a co-host of some show with Chris Matthews.
37 posted on
08/21/2013 8:03:11 AM PDT by
(Marx smelled bad & lived with his parents most his life.)
To: Perdogg
Is he allowed to wear his wig and dress for all 35 years?
40 posted on
08/21/2013 8:06:52 AM PDT by
Choose Ye This Day
(Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. -- Churchill)
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