1 posted on
08/01/2013 8:50:39 PM PDT by
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To: Olog-hai
To: Olog-hai
You don’t need drugs, if you resort to guillotines.
3 posted on
08/01/2013 8:56:32 PM PDT by
(What Islam and secularism have in common is that they are both death cults)
To: Olog-hai
Let me guess: you can’t use expired execution drug because, ah, it might be dangerous?
5 posted on
08/01/2013 8:58:47 PM PDT by
(The US has become a banana republic, except without the bananas - or the republic.)
To: Olog-hai
What’s wrong with one bullet? Cheap, effective. And Lord knows they don’t have issues obtaining ammo like we do.
6 posted on
08/01/2013 9:02:11 PM PDT by
(When Democracy Fails, Vote From the Rooftops.)
To: Olog-hai
Gas chamber, firing squad, hanging, electric chair.
To: Olog-hai
9 posted on
08/01/2013 9:07:32 PM PDT by
To: Olog-hai
i can send them some vitamin lead.
11 posted on
08/01/2013 9:13:37 PM PDT by
Secret Agent Man
(Gone Galt; Not averse to Going Bronson.)
To: Olog-hai
The constitution prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. It does not guarantee a painless execution.
12 posted on
08/01/2013 9:20:25 PM PDT by
(2A can't survive dem majorities)
To: Olog-hai
Try unleaded and a match.
13 posted on
08/01/2013 9:24:11 PM PDT by
(...Was that okay?)
To: Olog-hai
Nitrogen asphyxiation is the way to go.
15 posted on
08/01/2013 9:26:26 PM PDT by
Mr Ramsbotham
(I'll retire to Bedlam.)
To: Olog-hai
There is no shortage of H2SO4.
18 posted on
08/01/2013 9:42:53 PM PDT by
To: Olog-hai
Cripes, they need me to send them a gallon of bleach?
To: Olog-hai
Texas prison system running out of execution drugNo they're not!! A whole bunch of us Texans will be happy to donate to the prison system so the bottom feeders can die of lead poisoning!!
20 posted on
08/01/2013 9:49:18 PM PDT by
(Congress - another name for the American politburo!!)
To: Olog-hai
Most drugs merely lose some effectiveness past the expiration date, so double the dose and press on.
Otherwise, the legislature will have to authorize a secondary method of execution. Currently, Texas law only provides for lethal injection.
21 posted on
08/01/2013 10:03:33 PM PDT by
Charles Martel
(Endeavor to persevere...)
To: Olog-hai
Give them the fraternity hazing treatment. Make them drink a 12-pack of beer and a 750 ml bottle of whiskey in one hour.
To: Olog-hai
Texas prison system running out of execution drug
Surely the great State of Texas does not have a bullet shortage!
25 posted on
08/01/2013 11:10:21 PM PDT by
(Where can I go to sign up for the American Revolution 2013 and the Crusades 2013?)
To: Olog-hai
They should switch to lead.
Or Grade 1 US manila.
To: Olog-hai
Why don’t they just snip their spinal cords and suck their brains out like they do at abortion clinics?
28 posted on
08/02/2013 12:38:32 AM PDT by
(ObamaCare is just commie DemocRAT code for genocide.)
To: Olog-hai
Just put 100 sleeping pills in their final meal.
BTW, I recently had to take a friend’s dying cat to the vet to be put down. THEY had a supply of pentobarbital. Take these guys to the vet.
That stuff took about two seconds to knock the cat out and about ten to kill it.
32 posted on
08/02/2013 3:58:09 AM PDT by
Right Wing Assault
(Dick Obama is more inexperienced now than he was before he was elected.)
To: Olog-hai
from the article:
As of May 2012, Texas had 46 of the 2.5-gram vials of pentobarbital, presumably enough to execute as many as 23 prisoners since each execution requires a 5-gram dose. The execution Wednesday of an inmate convicted in two road-rage killings was the 20th lethal injection since that disclosure.
end snip
So after the drug expiration date the remaining vials can't be used?
37 posted on
08/02/2013 5:28:04 AM PDT by
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