Rubio is full of sh**. Has anybody here ever heard anybody besides the scumbag politicians even mention immigration reform? Freinds, neighbors, family members? Where is this even on the radar? The only thing I ever hear, if anything, is, "Get the illegal aliens out of here and secure the border."
Yeah, Rubio is full of sh**.
Wow. What a lying piece of scum that guy turned out to be.
He’s NOT being played. I hope people quit giving Rubio cover by saying he is, since he just denied it.
He’s not being played, he’s showing his true colors.
This isn't going to hurt. (It's gonna hurt)
You can trust me. ( you can't - honest people don't need to reassure you)
It's not the money... (it's the money)
These aren't the droids you're looking for (yes, they are)
I'm not being played by Schumer ... (he's being played by Schumer)
Rubio is a Benedict Arnold and needs to be replaced at the next Florida primary.
Its time to write/fax/email/call our US Senators and Congressmen again - they are making another pull for amnesty & open borders!
Tell them to vote NO! on the immigration bill and that listed below is what we need to do ASAP to protect America and preserve her freedom from illegal aliens/criminals:
1) Secure our borders
2) Enforce existing law
3) Not allow any amnesty provisions of any kind
4) Improve our visa system
5) Prosecute and fine those businesses which knowingly employ illegal workers
6) Give law enforcement officials the necessary resources and authority to combat illegal immigration
7) Deport illegal aliens violating the law after being fingerprinted, photographed, charged with a felony, and placing their information in a national database.
8) Send a bill for deportation/prison costs to the embassy of the illegal immigrants national origin.
9) 2nd time and thereafter repeat offenses by illegal aliens should be sent to work prison camps for a maximum of 6 months.
10) Seize and liquidate all assets from illegal aliens and use the proceeds for our military and local law enforcement.
11) Must not give illegal immigrants government welfare benefits of any kind, including Social Security
12) Designate English as our national language
13) Change the 14th Amendment regarding birthright citizenship for the children of illegal immigrants
14) Put pressure on the Mexican government and other nations to reduce illegal immigration to America.
15) Encourage only legal immigration and citizenship to for those wanting to become Americans.
These ENFORCED changes would strengthen America greatly.
Exactly! I can honestly say that I've never jumped on the Rubio band wagon. When he won his Senate seat I was happy the other guy lost but certainly did not celebrate his victory. The man turned out to be a RINO.
It was a choice between Rubio being naive or stupid, with Rubio saying this it's obvious he's both stupid and naive.