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Darrell Issa: Lois Lerner lost her rights
Politico ^
| May 22, 2013
| Rachael Bade
Posted on 05/22/2013 12:34:42 PM PDT by Second Amendment First
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To: CA Conservative
Issa blew it! What can you expect from a former car thief turned congress critter?
That's an inappropriate comment to make about a former bomb disposal expert.
Issa has seen the Valley in the Shadow of death up close and personal.
posted on
05/22/2013 4:07:12 PM PDT
(The only people better off today than 4 years ago are the Prisoners at Guantanamo.)
To: SteveH
More on Congress's Contempt powers and options
here. Although Congress (only 1 House needed I believe) can completely bypass the other two branches and act alone (link's option 1) IIRC they can only imprison folks for the duration of that Congress. I'd expect Holder would block the 'normal' modern procedure, link's option 2, proceding through US Attorney for DC. I don't know whether option 3, going to District Court for DC is available to House as link only mentions the Senate in that connection. If not, their options are either the weak option 4, or growing up Boehner and going big after Holder blocks option 2.
posted on
05/22/2013 4:08:51 PM PDT
(Obama been Liberal. Hope Change!)
This is what I was thinking. If you testify and believe you have done nothing wrong, it seems a contradiction to refuse to answer because of the fear of self-incrimination.
posted on
05/22/2013 4:11:35 PM PDT
Anima Mundi
(Envy is just passive, lazy greed.)
To: ncpatriot
I know! President Crazy Uncle.
posted on
05/22/2013 4:12:54 PM PDT
(Pleading the 5th is just so 1972.)
To: bert
To: Anima Mundi
Ask Scooter how it all works out.....
To: unixfox
My thoughts too. Which makes her a loose cannon.
You know what I say? You wanna run with the jackals, expect to be dinner at some point.
posted on
05/22/2013 4:30:09 PM PDT
(Plannedopolis-look it up. It's how the elites plan for US to live.)
To: Second Amendment First
Skulls said that Lerner is also a lawyer, so she should have known what she was doing.
To: Old Yeller
Sekulow. Damn faulty IPad.
To: Mamzelle
People always overestimate the intelligence of Democrats. Who? Maybe other Democrats and a couple of Rinos, but no one whose opinion really matters.
posted on
05/22/2013 5:34:16 PM PDT
(A nation divided by Zero!)
To: Second Amendment First
From what I read it's not clear if she cantestify adn then take the fith as well. And,it well could be litigated. If her lawyer,Taylor III is as slick as everyone thinks maybe that's what he had in mind. Litigate whether or not you can have it both ways by testifying and also taking the fifth. There are loads of opinions on both sides.
If he gets that crap into an appeals court she could be home free for years and yet another obama delaying tactic would be at work.
posted on
05/22/2013 5:44:14 PM PDT
(FreeRepublic:Land of the Free because of the Brave--Sarah Palin our secret weapon)
To: Second Amendment First
I have not done anything wrong, she said. I have not broken any laws. I have not violated any IRS rules or regulations, and I have not provided false information to this or any other committee. In context, with counsel, that is the same as a confession. She's the canary...
posted on
05/22/2013 5:48:48 PM PDT
(The soul of my lifes journey is Liberty!)
To: discostu
Right away the left will say that’s fine for a courtroom but what about testifying before Congress? I think they(taylor the III could tie it up if they want. However if they do that could prolong the entire irs probe. So in a way they are damned if they do and damned if they don’t.I don’t know if there are technical rules for taking the fifth,when it applies when it doesn’t when testifying before Congress.
posted on
05/22/2013 5:54:09 PM PDT
(FreeRepublic:Land of the Free because of the Brave--Sarah Palin our secret weapon)
FR is funded solely by the freedom loving folks
who love and use it. TEA Party On!
WE are Free Republic!!! ALL of us!!!
Please Contribute Today! Git R Done!!
posted on
05/22/2013 5:54:22 PM PDT
(May we always be happy and may our enemies always know it. - Sarah Palin, 10-18-2010)
To: eyedigress
What I need clarified is a federal employee under oath before Congress. That is the big question here.
posted on
05/22/2013 5:56:19 PM PDT
(FreeRepublic:Land of the Free because of the Brave--Sarah Palin our secret weapon)
To: editor-surveyor
I hate the left and I respect the rule of law. Otherwise we should all blow through a conch and hope we get justice
posted on
05/22/2013 6:18:32 PM PDT
When do we get liberated?
(A socialist is a communist who realizes he must suck at the tit of Capitalism.)
To: Second Amendment First
posted on
05/22/2013 6:18:59 PM PDT
Beave Meister
(Die Hard Cubs Fan.....if it takes forever.)
To: DannyTN
No he waived her right by addressing the issues. My son in law is an attorney specializing in constitutional law and he was telling me that if you say I am innocent of x, y, and z, they are then allowed to question you about x, y, and z. If she had wanted to assert her fifth amendment privilege, all she should have been counseled to say is her name and then she should answer nothing. Not even questions about where she worked as that opens her up to answer questions about potential illegal activity at her job.
To: old and tired
If so, then perhaps the entire thing was a staged show from the start to the finish, and Obama is the one being strung up...
posted on
05/22/2013 6:38:15 PM PDT
(First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.)
To: Second Amendment First
Darrell Issa “they can’t be so dumb as to not know so much “
posted on
05/22/2013 6:45:42 PM PDT
(Bidden and Bo /off teleprompter moments, it happens)
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