Does anybody else get the impression that BHO loves the bearded-savage-alaku-akbar-shouting subhumans and hates normal people?
It's what serial liars absent any character do.
Not only is he welshing on the promise that the victims would be taken care of; he’s protecting the raghead perp who shot them!
Sgt. Munley’s calling out Obama as a liar re taking care of wounded military personnel, and in light of Obama’s pimping his supposed support of the military at his State of Disunion address tonight, the Ft. Hood plaintiffs could be the straw that breaks Obama’s back re the military.
The VA is in disarray and if I remember correctly, former Gen. Shinseki is in charge of it (and there is some civilian administrator there too).
They’ve had 4 years to straighten up things and apparently have not made any significant progress on many fronts.
Time for all veterans to go after Obama and his incompetents.