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The Democracy Initiative: a Coup in Plain Sight
The American Thinker ^ | January 20, 2013 | Clarice Feldman

Posted on 01/20/2013 7:17:31 AM PST by Mrs. Don-o

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To: Mrs. Don-o


21 posted on 01/20/2013 8:36:54 AM PST by PMAS (All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing)
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To: buckalfa

Amen to that Brother.

22 posted on 01/20/2013 8:41:58 AM PST by Venturer
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To: broken_arrow1; Mrs. Don-o

>The link in AmericanThinker is dead - imagine that?<

The link just below the article’s title worked fine for me.

23 posted on 01/20/2013 8:42:05 AM PST by Darnright ("I don't trust liberals, I trust conservatives." - Lucius Annaeus Seneca)
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To: Mrs. Don-o

Yes, I’ve received emails from some of these groups.

24 posted on 01/20/2013 8:59:56 AM PST by Eva
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To: Slambat

“It’s starting to look more and more like the GOP is just
a false front of opposition to communist takeover of the
U.S.” Slambat.

My husband and I were just talking about this. With all of these egregious abuses, the GOP should be screaming bloody murder and defending its constituents and the constitution, but they are oddly silent. I’m beginning to think they were all taken into a room and made offers they couldn’t refuse.

25 posted on 01/20/2013 9:11:40 AM PST by usmom
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To: Mrs. Don-o
Your first paragraph in your Post #5 is important. You stated: ". . . we have to recognize that the current situation represents the end game in a century long effort to deconstruct the form of government the founders gave us - our constitutional republic."

The so-called "progressive" agenda has, for decades, sought to replace the founding concept of Creator-endowed individual rights, liberty and laws to protect them with their own false concept of imperfect persons in government assuming the role of the "Supreme Being."

The electorate must become educated to these competing ideas and rediscover America's Founding principles, which can enable them to recognize which are true ideas of liberty, and which are counterfeit ideas of tyranny. That is not easy.

In 2008, Michael Ledeen, on another subject altogether, wrote of the degree to which Americans have been "dumbed down" on some basic ideas underlying our freedom:

Ledeen said, "Our educational system has long since banished religion from its texts, and an amazing number of Americans are intellectually unprepared for a discussion in which religion is the central organizing principle."

In the Pope's speech in Germany a few years ago, he observed:

"A reason which is deaf to the divine and which relegates religion into the realm of subcultures is incapable of entering into the dialogue of cultures."

Ledeen put his finger on a problem that stifles meaningful dialogue and debate in America on a number of subjects--as is now exhibited in the discussion on the causes and solutions to acts of violence such as that in Newtown. Censors [disguised as "protectors" (the Radical Left's ACLU, NEA, education bureaucracies, etc., etc.)] have imposed their limited understanding of liberty upon generations of school children.

> From America's founding to the 1950's, ideas derived from religious literature were included in textbooks, through the poetry and prose used to teach children to read and to identify with their world and their country.

Suddenly, those ideas began to disappear from textbooks, until now, faceless, mindless copy editors sit in cubicles in the nation's textbook publishing companies, instructed by their supervisors to remove mere words that refer to family, to the Divine, and to any of the ancient ideas that have sustained intelligent discourse for centuries.

Now, it is the ACLU which accuses middle Americans of "censorship" if they object to books, films, etc., that offend their sensibilities and undermine the character training of their young. Sadly, many of those books and films are themselves products of the minds that have been robbed of exposure to wisdom literature in the nation's schools and universities.

Back in 1876, a Black Minister and Ohio State Legislator, Rev. Benjamin W. Arnett, delivered the "Centennial Thanksgiving Sermon," celebrating the Declaration of Independence, at St. Paul A.M.E. Church in Urbana, Ohio. The Sermon can be read online at the American Memory Section of the LOC, in the African-American Collection. Below is a small excerpt from that Sermon's conclusion. In it Rev. Arnett warned about a movement among "liberals" to remove the ideas underlying America's founding documents. See if you don't recognize those ideas from what you have observed in recent years:

"The Danger to our Country.

"Now that our national glory and grandeur is principally derived from the position the fathers took on the great questions of right and wrong, and the career of this nation has been unparalleled in the history of the past, now there are those who are demanding the tearing down the strength of our national fabric. They may not intend to tear it down, but just as sure as they have their way, just that sure will they undermine our superstructure and cause the greatest calamity of the age. What are the demands of this party of men? Just look at it and examine it for yourselves, and see if you are willing that they shall have their way; or will you still assist in keeping the ship of state in the hands of the same crew and run her by the old gospel chart! But ye men who think there is no danger listen to the demands of the Liberals as they choose to call themselves:

"'Organize! Liberals of America! The hour for action has arrived. The cause of freedom calls upon us to combine our strength, our zeal, our efforts. These are The Demands of Liberalism:

"'1. We demand that churches and other ecclesiastical property shall no longer be exempt from just taxation.

"'2. We demand that the employment of chaplains in Congress, in State Legislatures, in the navy and militia, and in prisons, asylums, and all other institutions supported by public money, shall be discontinued.

"'3. We demand that all public appropriations for sectarian educational and charitable institutions shall cease.

"'4. We demand that all religious services now sustained by the government shall be abolished; and especially that the use of the Bible in the public schools, whether ostensibly as a text-book or avowedly as a book of religious worship, shall be prohibited.

"'5. We demand that the appointment, by the President of the United States or by the Governors of the various States, of all religious festivals and fasts shall wholly cease.

"'6. We demand that the judicial oath in the courts and in all other departments of the government shall be abolished, and that simple affirmation under the pains and penalties of perjury shall be established in its stead.

"'7. We demand that all laws directly or indirectly enforcing the observance of Sunday as the Sabbath shall be repealed.

"'8. We demand that all laws looking to the enforcement of “Christian” morality shall be abrogated, and that all laws shall be conformed to the requirements of natural morality, equal rights, and impartial liberty.

"'9. We demand that not only in the Constitution of the United States and of the several States, but also in the practical administration of the same, no privilege or advantage shall be conceded to Christianity or any other special religion; that our entire political system shall be founded and administered on a purely secular basis; and that whatever changes shall prove necessary to this end shall be consistently, unflinchingly, and promptly made.'

"'Let us boldly and with high purpose meet the duty of the hour.'

"Now we must not think that we have nothing to do in this great work, for the men who are at the head of this movement are men of culture and intelligence, and many of them are men of influence. They are led by that thinker and scholar, F. E. Abbott, than whom I know but few men who has a smoother pen, or who is his equal on the battle-field of thought. He says in an address on the duty of his leagues:

"'My answer may be a negative one to all who see nothing positive in the idea of liberty. The conviction I refer to is this: that, regarded as a theological system, Christianity is Superstition, and, regarded as an organized institution, Christianity is Slavery. The purpose I refer to is this: that, whether regarded as theological system, Christianity shall wholly cease to exercise influence in political matters. Although the national Constitution is strictly secular and non-Christian, there are many things in the practical administration of the government which violate its spirit, and constitute a virtual recognition of Christianity as the national religion. These violations are very dangerous; they are on the increase; they more and more give Christianity a practical hold upon the government; they directly tend to strengthen the influence of Christianity over the people, and to fortify it both as a theology and a church; and they are therefore justly viewed with growing indignation by liberals. Not unreasonably are they looked upon as paving the way to a formidable effort to carry the Christian Amendment to the Constitution; and the liberals are beginning to see that they must extinguish the conflagration in its commencement. I believe all this myself, with more intense conviction every day; and therefore I appeal frankly to the people to begin now to lay the foundations of a great National Party of Freedom. It is not a moment too soon. If the liberals are wise, they will see the facts as they are, and act accordingly. Not with hostility, bitterness, defiance, or anger but rather with love to all men and high faith in the beneficence of consistently republican institutions, do I urge them most earnestly to begin the work at once.'

"He acknowledges that this is a religious nation and wants all men to assist him in eliminating the grand old granite principles from the framework of our national union. Will you do it freeman; will we sell the temple reared at the cost of so much precious blood and treasure? These men would have us turn back the hands on the clock of our national progress, and stay the shadow on the dial plate of our christian civilization; they would have us call a retreat to the soldiers in the army of Christ; the banner of the cross they would have us haul down, and reverse the engines of war against sin and crime; the songs of Zion they would turn into discord, and for the harmony and the melody of the sons of God, they would give us general confusion; they would have us chain the forces of virtue and unloose the elements of vice; they would have the nation loose its moorings from the Lord of truth and experience and commit interest, morally, socially; religiously and politically to the unsafe and unreliable human reason; they would discharge God and his crew and run the ship of State by the light of reason, which has always been but a dim taper in the world, and all the foot-prints it has left are marked with the blood of men, women and children. No nation is safe when left alone with reason.

"But we have no notion of giving up the contest without a struggle or a battle. We are aware that there is a great commotion in the world of thought. Religion and science are at arms length contending with all their forces for the mastery. Faith and unbelief are fighting their old battles over again, everything that can be shaken is shaking. The foundations of belief are assaulted by the army of science and men are changing their opinions. New and starting theories are promulgated to the world; old truths are putting on new garbs. Error is dressing in the latest style, wrong is secured by the unholy alliances, changes in men and things, revolution in church and state, Empires are crumbling, Kingdoms tottering; everywhere the change is seen. In the social circle, in the school house, in the pulpit and in the pews. But amid all the changes are revolutions their are some things that are unchangeable, unmovable and enduring. The forces that underline the vital power of Christianity are the same yesterday, to-day, to-morrow and forever more. They are like their God, who is omnipotent, immovable and eternal, and everywhere truth has marched it has left its moccasin tracks."

So said Rev. Benjamin Arnett in 1876. Where is the leader who will declare these things today? His theme was "Righteousness Exalteth a Nation, but Sin is a Reproach to Any People." Might such outspoken thoughts not enlighten the minds of Americans today as they discuss the topic of this thread? To read the full text of Arnett's remarkable history of nations and of the American Republic and its founding ideas, visit here, search by author and title of "Centennial Thanksgiving Sermon."

26 posted on 01/20/2013 9:30:38 AM PST by loveliberty2 ( -)
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To: concerned about politics

“I think people are getting frustrated. Oboma is not only taking away freedoms, he’s taking away comforts, too. Socialism/communism can’t and will never be able to afford to provide them with what they had before Oboma and his demonic army took it all away from them. “

So long as their cellphones, iPods and video games keep working, you won’t hear all that much from the youngun’s.

They be satisfied!

27 posted on 01/20/2013 9:31:40 AM PST by Road Glide
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To: concerned about politics

“If even one person on the right acts out, Oboma will take full advantage of the wonderful crises he’s been handed.”

Who’s suggesting physical conflict? That’s the last resort, and I pray it never comes to that.

We on the right have something that is completely alien to the left, that is, respect for the rule of law, not the rule of men. And with that comes moral discipline, which is essential to prevail.

Tyrannies only stay that way through the repeated threat or use of blunt force, augmented by heavy doses of propaganda. They may be gearing up for a complete takeover following this latest stolen election, but to think we’ll just knuckle under and go willingly is fantasy.

They forget that white hot anger, hidden under a veneer of civility, is a wonderful motivator.

28 posted on 01/20/2013 9:34:39 AM PST by Tigerized ("..and whack 'em, and whack 'em, and whack 'em!' cried the Toad in ecstasy." (continuing in 2013))
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To: Darnright

I’m sorry I didn’t point it out more clearly. The point of the article that appeared in AmericanThinker by Clarice Feldman, “Democracy Initiative: A coup in Plain Sight” referenced Matthew Continetti’s”’A Conspiracy so Immense’: ideological commitment and the timidity of pragmatic politics”. That is the link in AmericanThinker is dead. I provided a link to Matthew Continettie’s original piece, which I will provide again:

29 posted on 01/20/2013 9:40:48 AM PST by broken_arrow1 (I regret that I have but one life to give for my country - Nathan Hale "Patriot")
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To: Mrs. Don-o

Agreed. Saved the print version.
Great pull-quote, unfortunately from Grover Norquist: “They know they can’t do this for you, but they’ve hired these nice people to draw chalk outlines of your kids, and that’s supposed to make you feel better.”

30 posted on 01/20/2013 9:46:32 AM PST by Excellence (9/11 was an act of faith.)
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To: concerned about politics

The problem is, physical conflict between the two sides is looking inevitable at this point. There is no way to live peaceably side by side, given how aggressive the left has become. They are bent on political extermination first, and then who knows what? Well, we know what 0bama’s friend and mentor, terrorist Bill Ayers has in mind. The left has begun the concerted and overt effort not only to silence those of us on the right, but to dehumanize us. For what purpose? It’s going to go beyond politics as usual this time.

31 posted on 01/20/2013 10:21:51 AM PST by Trod Upon (Civilian disarmament is the precursor to democide.)
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To: buckalfa

Justice Roberts incoherent ruling on ObamaCare coupled with nominating a policy-wise carbon copy of Obama removed any doubt that the GOPe are co-conspirators with the dems.

32 posted on 01/20/2013 10:27:16 AM PST by SecondAmendment (Restoring our Republic at 9.8357x10^8 FPS)
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To: Mrs. Don-o
This is what we're up against:

Posters from the One Nation Rally, Oct, 2010, D.C.

We're in for the Fight of our Lives!

33 posted on 01/20/2013 11:04:44 AM PST by Art in Idaho (Conservatism is the only Hope for Western Civilization.)
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To: Mrs. Don-o

The ONLY way America can avoid a one party totalitarian system is for the GOP to start PLAYING HARDBALL.. If a black is a racist, CALL HIM A RACIST. The media lies and is in bed with 0bama, CALL THEM LIARS AND WHORES FOR THE REGIME.. The GOP should get ‘all up in 0bama’s grill’ about BENGHAZI. Call for impeachment hearings for the cover-up let alone the dereliction of duty on behalf of the CIC. The GOP should REFUSE to raise the debt celing, and CALL FOR THE IMPEACHMENT OF HARRY REID FOR VIOLATING FEDERAL LAW BY NOT PASSING A BUDGET. The Dems don’t want a budget because they can’t BANKRUPT AND CRASH our free-market, capitalist Republic if there was a budget!

34 posted on 01/20/2013 11:17:50 AM PST by Obama_Is_Sabotaging_America (IMPEACH OBAMA)
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To: Mrs. Don-o

Clarice Feldman is always good.

35 posted on 01/20/2013 11:23:30 AM PST by Lancey Howard
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To: buckalfa

In bed with the rats is the only explanation.

36 posted on 01/20/2013 11:40:14 AM PST by Terry Mross
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To: Mrs. Don-o

You are correct about the “end game” being played out. As an unapologetic optimist I see a few obstacles to the progressive victory tho. Not saying it’s going to be easy but you need only look to Greece to see how it’s going to play out. The busy body progressive crowd is banding together because they must. They know their krap doesn’t work but they keep hoping. Two huge factors are coming into play. As in Greece they are running out of other peoples money and gov’t is eating itself alive. Then there is modernization of production which will go on with or without them but it’s making unions and their friends obsolete. THEY are the ones gradually becoming second class citizens. The US gov’t hasn’t run out of money yet but the writing is on the wall. TurbotaxTimmy quit paying interest to municipal/state US bond holders and just last week started borrowing from the Fed Employee retirement fund. When they confiscate 401K accounts you’ll know they are out of money, out of gas, and it will be over except the whining.

37 posted on 01/20/2013 11:54:29 AM PST by cherokee1 (skip the names---just kick the buttz)
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To: cherokee1

You’re correct. They’re in the fight of their lives. All their policies are failing. Name any liberal elite who isn’t dependent on the government’s largesse for their daily bread.

The degrees they get are useless. The one area they’ve got us beat is in entrepreneurship, but you can read their book here:

38 posted on 01/20/2013 1:29:28 PM PST by 1010RD (First, Do No Harm)
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To: MileHi

...than what would calling for a Constitutional Convention be?
A disaster.

At some point it will be less of a disaster than the present disaster.

39 posted on 01/20/2013 1:30:11 PM PST by theBuckwheat
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To: theBuckwheat

...than what would calling for a Constitutional Convention be?
A disaster.

At some point it will be less of a disaster than the present disaster.

Maybe only the red states should be calling for a constitutional convention.....

40 posted on 01/20/2013 2:11:25 PM PST by GraceG
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