All OBama does for women is make them take the fall for his mistakes.
3.5 M more in poverty, 580K less employed
WE DONT NEED TO BE IN THE ME for our energy!!!!
Is this woman with the Bush question serious?
The rich are doing well under Obama.
Soros said he is having a very good crises.
Warren Buffet hasn’t paid his taxes since 2002 and Obama gave him the highest medal a civilian can get.
Go Mitt go!
Just keep saying if you want 4 more years of the last four years!
I think you know better! roflmao baaaziiinga
YES! No amnesty!
Libya...Here we go!
Want my guns? My “assault weapons” ? COME AND TAKE THEM!!!!!
Fast and Furious, and the fat cow moderator is ignoring it altogether.
Two of the worst orators I’ve ever had the misfortune to listen to, but it doesn’t matter. Mitt’s winning and that is the only important thing.
Ugh...Watching on youtube and it keeps stuttering.
Romney rocked! He won this debate hands down! Obama lied and the embassador and three other died!
debate ping
I can’t help but feel Romney lost last night for that one moment, that he allowed that POS to look him in the eye and pretend to be the Commander in Chief. Nevermind Obama lost 100% in facts and details, that has never mattered to libs.
Romney should have interupted just like Obama kept doing and ended that one....he just looked weak as the President put him down and raised himself above the politics, all the while looking him in the eye, no matter how absurd that is.
Romney put him down well earlier and that could have been a stand out moment, but Obama managed to lie his way back.
He was weak on Obamas personal criticisms of him. His business background (responding weakly much later in the debate), his 47% comments....Libya....he had chance after chance to score knock out blows and he didn’t.
That said the format was extremely hostile to him, Obama seemed to get the last word every time and the questioning from the ‘audience’ was questionable......Romney will do better in the last debate and hopefully land some bigger blows.