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US ambassador killed in 'co-ordinated al Qaeda revenge attack by terrorists snipped
UK Daily Mail ^
| 12 September 2012
| Jill Reilly and Lydia Warren
Posted on 09/12/2012 1:46:01 PM PDT by little jeremiah
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A very indepth article, with many photos. Guess what - LIBYANS were hired to guard the consultate in Libya:
A furious mob fired gunshots and then set the building alight as they clashed with Libyans hired to guard the facility. Outnumbered by the crowd, Libyan security forces did little to stop them, al-Sharef said.
posted on
09/12/2012 1:48:03 PM PDT
little jeremiah
(Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
To: little jeremiah
Yet somehow Romney should not have pointed out that apologizing to these terrorists was a mistake???
posted on
09/12/2012 1:48:20 PM PDT
(No Obama)
To: little jeremiah
Obama’s support for Islamist revolution in the Middle East is coming home to roost.
posted on
09/12/2012 1:48:38 PM PDT
a fool in paradise
(Obama likes to claim credit for getting Osama. Why hasn't he tried Khalid Sheikh Mohammed yet?)
To: little jeremiah
Did little to stop them . . . and promptly fingered the ambassador’s location.
posted on
09/12/2012 1:49:49 PM PDT
(Starve the beast.)
To: little jeremiah
Stupid assholes that we are, we still hire locals to work for us at our facilities overseas.
We never learn.........
posted on
09/12/2012 1:50:12 PM PDT
(When did logic become reversed, and right became wrong, and wrong became right?)
To: little jeremiah
Some shouted, 'We are all Osama' Limbaugh made a great point about the DNC convention -- just one long brag about killing Osama.
Will the aged 1960s Marxist-Alinsky campus radical, psycho spoiled brats and their bratty ideological issue dominating the MSM mention that Osama connection . . . .
posted on
09/12/2012 1:51:14 PM PDT
(If modern America's Man on Horseback is out there, Get on the damn horse already!)
To: Williams
My heart just keeps pounding. I am so enraged and disugsted I can’t function.
posted on
09/12/2012 1:51:18 PM PDT
little jeremiah
(Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
To: Williams
Of course Romney should have. He did the right thing. 0*uckhead and Hitlery luv muzzies. Eenemies foreign and domestice, right here in front of our eyes.
My heart is burning.
posted on
09/12/2012 1:52:38 PM PDT
little jeremiah
(Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
To: little jeremiah
A furious mob fired gunshots and then set the building alight as they clashed with Libyans hired to guard the facility. Outnumbered by the crowd, Libyan security forces did little to stop them, al-Sharef said.
Obama is paying the fox to guard the hen house .
These are the people who HE put in power with an illegal war while congress said nothing.
posted on
09/12/2012 1:53:14 PM PDT
(Proverbs 29:2)
To: a fool in paradise
9*uckhead’s support for Islam is becoming clear.
Those who are tasked with protecting our country and our Constitution better be taking notice.
posted on
09/12/2012 1:53:49 PM PDT
little jeremiah
(Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
To: little jeremiah The State Department took several corrective actions and subsequently selected a new contractor to take over the Afghans embassys security. But that selection quickly created new controversy when the Senate Armed Services Committee issued a report finding that the contractor had relied on warlords with possible ties to the Taliban to staff its security forces. The inspector general recently concluded that the State Departments vetting of the contractor met federal regulations but somehow failed to uncovered the information found by Senate investigators. The Department was not aware of the selected contractors past performance, as reported by the Senate Armed Services Committee, until after the report was publicly released in October 2010, which was after the contract and the task order had been awarded. OIG also determined that the Department had used the proper systems to obtain, the IG reported ************ The Obama/Clinton State Dept vetted and approved a security contractor who was known to possibly reaching out to Taliban warlords to staff the security positions,,,
To: DickBrannigan
“We”? You mean that’s standard policy at consulates and embassies all over world? US military doesn’t give protection? The US always hires local thugs and fools?
posted on
09/12/2012 1:55:51 PM PDT
little jeremiah
(Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
To: austinaero
I understand the reference is to Afghanistan,,it’s the stupidity of the State Dept that I highlight
To: Genoa
THe US should have US mil guarding US embassies and consulates. WTF???
posted on
09/12/2012 1:57:44 PM PDT
little jeremiah
(Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
To: austinaero; PhilDragoo
Please do not confuse “Stupidity” and “Treason”.
It isn’t stupidity. It’s evil. Big difference. Phil, could you post your graphic and comments on this thread? I’d copy it but I don’t know how to exactly. My heart is burning.
posted on
09/12/2012 1:59:19 PM PDT
little jeremiah
(Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
To: little jeremiah
Never in my lifetime have I seen a American embassy taken over and destroyed and an American ambassador and other Americans murdered.
The Obama Administration apologized again.
The Secretary of State said she could not understand how it possibly could have happened.
The MSM praised the Arab Spring. They were either totally clueless or lying about what was really happening.
To: little jeremiah
As paraphrased
by another FReeper:
Jeff Cooper [famous firearms instructor] trained the bodyguards of a head of state for some third-world country. When he was done, he told the head of state that some of his men were now as good or better than the men protecting the President of the United States. Then he added, But I dont know who they are. I hope you do.
posted on
09/12/2012 2:01:02 PM PDT
($1 meals:
To: little jeremiah
My heart just keeps pounding. I am so enraged and disgusted I cant function.I hear you.
I was on the phone a lot this morning with Senators and Reps' staff members expressing my anger over this debacle in as controlled a manner as I could muster.
At one point, when I related to one staffer the hurt I felt having this happen on the 11th anniversary of having three friends die on 9/11, I broke down, even though I had said the same thing about ten times to different offices already.
We have to express our rage to the folks in DC. This cannot be ignored, swept under the rug, or excused away.
We have an American-hating President and a Marxist Administration bent on making this nation bow to Islam.
posted on
09/12/2012 2:03:05 PM PDT
(Pass the word: Obama is a FAILURE!! Democrats are the enemies of freedom!)
To: detective; Travis McGee
What did the 0*uckhead people say this time in apology, about the movie again?
Please, the MSM is not clueless. They are complicit leftist ideologue traitors. Enough alreayd of this “oh, they’re clueless, oh they’re stupid, oh they’re amateurs, oh they don’t know what they’re doing” bs.
Oh, they know what they’re doing all right. They’re helping The Revolution they’ve longed for all these years.
Travis McGee’s story he posted yesterday explains it nicely.
posted on
09/12/2012 2:04:07 PM PDT
little jeremiah
(Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
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