maggie haberman
Reporter for Politico, RTs don’t necessarily mean agreement. Pls email me thoughts, tips, random advice at!/maggiepolitico
Usually the 703 or 202
I write for POLITICO. Email tips, ideas, observations to RT’s don’t = endorsements!/jmartpolitico
“What do we know about those who abuse the power entrusted to them by shilling for the left behind a phony and cowardly shield of objectivity? What should we know about their personal lives, their finances, their personal mistakes, their traffic violations, and any run-ins with the law?”
I like the way he thinks. If the salacious details of “X” persons personal life are subject to public scrutiny, then why are not the salacious details of the lives of those who do the writing or the publishing not equally subject to scrutiny?
What’s good for the goose is indeed sauce for the gander.
This is known as a shot across the bow. Breitbart already has something on them.
Let's just see how it fits.
What’s needed is the Internet version of “60 Minutes” to nail the journalistic scum where they live and work. If they want to use scorched earth tactics on their political foes, then what’s sauce for the goose is good for the gander. Time to drag these pompous windbags’ private lives and secrets out into the harsh light of day. They will NOT like it. Of course, roaches don’t like sunlight either.
Not sure how much this would help the cause. The US media is rife with scofflaws. Soledad O’Brien , Campbell Brown, MIKA what’s her name,and her cohort Joe had a dead woman found in his office! Heck, Al Sharpton got people killed through his lies but he still has his own show! And no one cares.
Read later
The only good journalist is a dead journalist.