Don't be played!
If people would listen to me, I’d tell `em we Tea-Party their Act in Tampa.... Go bang on the door and remind them WHO is the boss in this country. Eagles up, Freepers up, EVERYBODY UP! Grab the torches! Lets go have a talk with these people.
Obama and the socialists cannot stand, and Mitt is halfway in bed with them from all I can see to lie down.
When it becomes radical to want our country to obey the law and operate the way it’s been for 200 years.
Time to get radical then! :)
Besides, I love instigating the occasional riot or two.
Sorry, Duncan Hunter is retired.
If Newt had a chance, he’d be a lot better than Romney.
He doesn’t.
And this may surprise some people but Newt is not the greatest conservative or the greatest guy. He’s not even trustworthy. He would be better than romney. So are a lot of other people that are not going to be the nominee.
At this point we need to fight Romney and hope for at the very least a strong CONSERVSTIVE veep. Then fight Obama.
And we need to start a new party toute suite. No more RINO party. It has left us.
Interesting article but I don’t agree with all of it. However I agree with the premise. If the premise is that the presumptive nominee, idiot Romney, is a loser and a liar and not the best replacement for Obama or an adequate challenger to Obama and will abandon conservatives and be worse than McCain.
But the reason why Romney is leading and only Gingrich is left, even though Santorum has not released delegates, is because democrat states with democrat-republicans and open primaries went for idiot Romney in droves and then to top it off the GOP cheated in Virginia and Missouri to help Romney. And Gingrich is vowing to oppose Romney to Tampa, which is one thing I like about Gingrich.
But thwn one has to note that a divisive tea party/ conservative base helped end Bachmann’s campaign, killed off Perry too, and turned on Cain. But you have to understand the base was split on candidates from the first day. So they are unable to unify with one candidate.
The author Tamara Heater is too pro Newt to understand the critiques against Newt by conservatives like Glenn Beck and Michelle Malkin. The Newt of the past several months was much better than the Newt of the past. But the past shows us a Newt that was with a mixed record. Cut, Cap and Balance was on his highlights. Supporting an Individual Mandate was one of his lowlights. He wants a sort of Amnesty Bill of his own. He came up with a plan he has touted a while. But really got press when he brought it up at one of the early debates. However, he is right on the Supreme Courts.
Thus I still remain 50/50 on him. He is the last one left and I could support him though. But I am already on to figuring out what to do next.
I don’t dislike Newt. Agreed with him on various points he made this cycle. But to me Bachmann, Cain and Santorum were a bit better to me. There is enough out there about Newt to leave me confused and holding my nose.
But I get the point. However if it is trying to make Newt out to the best choice period out of the entire field that ran as opposed to the only choice left now and the last chance to rally around somebody better than Mitt, then I disagree.
I’ll agree he is much better than Romney.