Posted on 09/10/2011 1:47:27 PM PDT by Cincinatus' Wife
Perry Campaign: Remember When Romney Compared Social Security to a Criminal Enterprise? [quote from Romney's book] " What would happen to the bankers responsible for misusing the money? They would go to jail. But what has happened to the people responsible for the looming bankruptcy of Social Security? They keep returning to Congress every two years. [end quote]
Did Perry Blow It on Social Security? (Marco Rubio and Ron Johnson certainly didn't)There is a brand of Republican who looks at President Obamas vulnerability on the economy and says, Go for it! They argue that the overriding issue of the campaign should be jobs and that everything else should be a distant second.
There is another kind of Republican who sees the election of 2012 as a tipping point for the nation a do-or-die moment when we will either pull back from the precipice of debt and national decline or fall off the edge. This second brand of Republican is hoping that a candidate will emerge who can lay before the American people the nature of the challenge we face in a direct and forthright way. If a campaign is run and won on the need to reform our obese government, the new president will have a mandate to take the necessary steps once in office.
After Wednesdays Republican debate, it seems that Mitt Romney represent
When viewed through the prism of history, it's all accurate. How does the Romney camp expect this to be a detriment....?
Grandma will take that monthly check every month until the zombie apocalypse, then blame the zombies when it doesnt arrive.
In short, the Dems (and every opponent of Perry) will make this ALL ABOUT GRRRRRANDMA.
Willard sucks.
Romney: Social Security is a criminal enterprise.....
Perry: Social Security is a ponzi scheme
sounds like one in the same to me.......
This is why I have a problem with “Mitt”....seems slimy...and I’m 60....everything Perry says is true....
Note how Perry's team went after Paul (his letter about Reagan and leaving the GOP) and then Romney (quotes from his own book on SS)
Perry Campaign: Remember When Romney Compared Social Security to a Criminal Enterprise?
There is low and then there is Rino low.
Remember, Karl Rove, his group and their money are behind Mitt Romney.
Wow....this is scumbag style stuff beyond belief.
Rove sucks, too!
Pitiful. Florida is definitely not a state where we need our candidates to drive each others negatives up. Romney’s conduct could have implications for the general election spreading this kind of nonsense which is right out of the Dem playbook.
So, Perry didn’t say these things?
Romney reminds me of Rosa Delauro holding up pictures for the cameras while on the the House floor -- crying over canned dog food for the elderly.
Hahahaha! Milt is using Democrat tactics against a former Democrat. Doing Mr. Obama’s work for him. Lovely! BTW, has anyone here ever met a real, live Romney supporter or seen a bumper sticker or yard sign? Gov. Palin isn’t even declared yet and I see both bumper stickers and signs ALL THE TIME!!
grandma’s-check-in-jeopardy alert.
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