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Perry: The GOP Frontrunner
National Journal ^ | Aug 15, 2011 | Josh Kraushaar

Posted on 08/15/2011 6:07:40 AM PDT by tellw

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To: Eccl 10:2
Who would you rather have as President...

This is not about Perry vs. Obama. This is about the best nominee for the Republican party. This is the only time we get to have a say. After this, it becomes nose-holding time for everyone who doesn't get the primary candidate of their choice. Obviously, if Perry were the nominee, most of us would vote for him, but for now, I want a chance to vote for Cain, Bachman or Palin.

Thank you.

141 posted on 08/15/2011 10:50:35 AM PDT by webheart (Just saying.....)
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To: reasonisfaith

You don’t think that quiting halfway thru her term is not keeping a promise?

142 posted on 08/15/2011 11:11:08 AM PDT by Coldwater Creek (He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty Psalm 91:)
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To: cripplecreek

Don’t believe it. Obama won’t be that easy to get rid of.
There are still hoards of Messiah worshippers- and don’t forget he and the rats will stoop to anything to stay in power. Don’t forget the cheating and voter fraud and dirty donations that put him where he is.

143 posted on 08/15/2011 11:31:24 AM PDT by patriot08 (TEXAS GAL- born and bred and proud of it!)
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To: ClearCase_guy

There’s one man with a record good enough and who is TOUGH enough to throw the usurper’s a$$ out of our White House.
That man is Rick Perry.

We need somebody who can WIN this thing. That means somebody with cross-over appeal, which our Palin, Bachmann and Cain (no matter how much we love them) simply do not have.

Until 1989, Rick Perry was a conservative Democrat. He switched parties as, like many Democrats including Ronald Reagan and Phil Gramm, he saw that party moving farther and farther to the left. Under Perry’s decade as governor, hundreds of Texas Democrats have followed his lead and become Republicans. As a former Democrat, Perry can speak to that swath of his former party that has become disenchanted with their party as President Obama has taken it even farther to the left, in a way that few Republicans can. He can also speak well and credibly to all wings of the national GOP, from the fiscal cons to the social cons to the libertarian set.
He would appeal to all segments of the Republican electorate and would come armed with a record of economic success and a commitment to liberty that no other contender can match.

Texas has been voted #1 business climate for the last seven years.
Texas has been getting all of California’s jobs.
Perry must be doing something right.
We need a good business guy right now.
Perry has proved it.




>Sarah Palin threw her endorsement to Rick Perry for governor.
Recently restated that she likes Perry
“He walks the walk of a true conservative” “And he sticks by his guns — and you know how I feel about guns.”
Sarah Palin

>Rush said that Perry is his dream candidate.

>Michael Reagan praises Perry:
“If you don’t believe Reaganomics can still work in this day and age, for whatever reason, I say you should look no further than the state of Texas.
Under the leadership of Gov. Rick Perry, Texas has championed and built upon the concepts my father used to rebuild America in the 1980s..
In short, Reagan Revolution is alive and well - deep in the heart of Texas.”

>Ted nugent is a close friend and supporter.


> Gov. Perry, who has championed Israel and called for a muscular foreign policy, has the ability to appeal to all five elements of the party – fiscal, social and national security conservatives plus the Tea Party and the Establishment – without alienating any.

>Since Perry has been Governor of Texas, Texas has added more than 850,000 jobs, more than all other states combined. Texas has added over 180,000 jobs since August of 2009.

>According to this web site Texas is #1 this year and last year for business friendly.
Obama would not want not run against a governor that has the BEST business climate in the U.S. when everything else is in a depression.

>He refused to raise taxes when Texas faced a record $10 billion budget shortfall in 2003. Instead, he was the first Texas governor since World War II to sign a budget that lowered state spending (and has now done it twice). As governor, Perry has used his line item veto to cut over $3 billion in proposed spending.

>For seven years running, CEOs polled by Chief Executive magazine have rated Texas first in business development and job growth. Texas boasts 58 Fortune 500 companies — more than any other state.

>As America’s No. 1 exporting state, Texas shipped $206.6 billion in goods abroad last year, composing 16 percent of America’s $1.28 trillion in exports. California’s $14.4 billion in exports ranked it second, with 11.2 percent of U.S. outflow.

>Texas’ achievements so stunned Gavin Newsom, California’s Democratic lieutenant governor, that he flew a delegation to Austin last May to ask Perry how he lures defectors from the Golden State.

>Of the 70 companies that fled California in 2011, the Wall Street Journal’s John Fund reported last April, 14 relocated to Texas — these exiles’ primary destination.

>In 2005, Perry signed a historic $15.7 billion property tax cut for homeowners and businesses that also included new taxpayer protections against appraisal increases. In 2009, Gov. Perry secured a tax cut for approximately 40,000 small businesses in Texas and protected the Rainy Day Fund for future challenges.

>He led the battle to pass the country’s most sweeping lawsuit reforms, closing the door on junk lawsuits that had been making trial lawyers rich while driving countless doctors either out of the state or the profession all together. Since Texas voters approved these reforms, malpractice claims and premiums have fallen and access to healthcare is increasing across the state as doctors have applied in droves to practice in Texas.

>Perry is also known for his socially conservative views on homosexuality, and he opposes same sex marriage. He condemned the United States Supreme Court decision in Lawrence vs. Texas, which struck down a Texas sodomy law. He called the law “appropriate”


>Perry is pro-life and opposes government funding for elective abortions. In 2005, Perry, a social conservative, signed a bill that limited late-term abortions and required girls under the age of 18 who procure abortions to notify their parents. Perry signed the bill in the gymnasium of Calvary Christian Academy in Fort Worth, an evangelical Christian school.

>Perry signed into law a bill requiring a sonogram and doctor’s explanation before granting an abortion

>In 2005, Perry signed a new law that requires minor girls to receive parental consent before getting an abortion. This law strengthens a parental notification law Perry supported as Lt. Gov. in 1999, which
helped reduce teen abortions by 26 percent.
Perry has also signed a ban on third trimester abortions, a ban on tax dollars being used to support abortion facilities, a prenatal protection act that protects
unborn children from assault, and an informed consent law that helps expectant mothers better understand the risks and consequences of abortion. Perry supports a ban on human cloning and will veto any
legislation that provides state dollars for embryonic stem cell research, a process that ends a human life.
Perry urges to keep up pressure to roll back the landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion until “Roe v. Wade is nothing but a shameful footnote in our nation’s history books.

>Perry, a frequent critic of the federal government, also bashed President Barack Obama for his administration’s policy allowing federal funding of embryonic stem cell research, saying he was deeply disturbed by studies that turn “the remains of unborn children into nothing more than raw material.”

>Perry has faulted Obama for reversing the so-called “Mexico City policy” that banned giving federal money to international groups that perform abortions or provide information about abortions. Obama struck down the policy during his first week in office, saying it was too broad and undermined family planning in developing countries.
Under Obama “our federal tax dollars can now be used to fund abortion all over the world. With the stroke of a pen, abortion essentially became a U.S. foreign export,” Perry said.


>Perry adds immigration issues to lawmaker session
Perry wants passage of a measure requiring every person arrested to be run through the federal immigration databases as part of the Secure Communities program. He also wants to provide the state Department of Public Safety with the authority to make sure someone is in the U.S. legally before issuing a driver’s license.

>These measures, along with a ban on sanctuary cities, would “provide a clear message that Texas will not turn a blind eye to those breaking our laws,” Perry said in a statement.
“Texas owes it to the brave law enforcement officials, who put their lives on the line every day to protect our families and communities, to give them the discretion they need to adequately do their jobs,” Perry said.

>Gov. Perry has made numerous requests of the federal govt. to enforce the border in Texas including handing President Obama a letter in person when he landed in Dallas last year.
(Obama insulted governor Perry when he turned away and Perry had to hand the letter on the illegals issue to presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett. Obama declined to personally accept it.)

>Gov. Perry refuses to meet/greet Obama in May 2011 at El Paso during his Texas tour.
Perry later declared, “If he wanted to meet, I was in Austin.

>Perry signed into law photo ID required before voting.

We cannot have homeland security without border security. Under Gov. Perry, Texas has been a leader on border security while the federal government has faltered. Under his leadership, Texas has put more boots on the ground, more technology to use, and more targeted operations to dramatically reduce all crime along the border.

>Surge Operations. Starting in June 2006, state-funded operations have committed resources to strategic areas, resulting in an average of 65 percent reduction of all crime, including rape, murder, human trafficking and narcotics smuggling in our border communities. In 2009, the 81st Legislature reapproved funding for border operations, dedicating more than $110 million for the second consecutive session.

> Transnational Gang Initiative. In response to a rising tide of gang violence in Texas communities, Gov. Perry secured funding for enhanced anti-gang efforts all across the state. On Feb. 26, 2009, Gov. Rick Perry sent a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano requesting the deployment of an additional 1,000 National Guard soldiers to the Texas-Mexico border and has yet to receive a response. Gov. Perry reiterated his request and concerns in a letter to President Barack Obama on Aug. 21, 2009.

> Ranger Recon. In September, Gov. Perry launched the Ranger Recon security initiative, which utilizes Ranger Reconnaissance Teams to tap the specialized criminal intelligence and apprehension capabilities of the Texas Rangers to protect Texans who live in remote areas of the border and whose lives and property are threatened by criminals coming across the border.

Perry has always advocated for “boots on the ground” at the border, but has been unable to get the Feds to send the manpower. He’s advocated for letting the military practice the use of unmanned Predator aircraft along our border (they’ve gotta practice somewhere” )

There are National Guard troops on the Border. Perry has repeatedly asked for more and recently won approval for the 1200 (we only got about 250) that have been deployed to stay longer.
from a year ago:
The result of the Governor alerting the Texas Republican Congressman about Obama’s plan to remove the National Guard after less than 6 months:
News from last month about the extension:

WHAT have other states done?? (with the exception of AZ Ok and Ga)

What have other candidates stated that they would do?

What has Sarah stated she would do?

What is Backmann’s plan?

What did Reagan do?
President Ronald Reagan was the first president in history to grant amnesty to illegal aliens. On November 6, 1986, he signed into law the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986, [PUB L 99-603]. In so doing, he set a precedent whereby the United States would not seek to deport illegal aliens, but to reward their lawbreaking by granting them full citizenship.

NEWSFLASH! None of them are going to do much.
We have to take the best of the lot.



In what was described as a “God and country” sermon at the Cornerstone church in San Antonio, attended by Perry and other mostly Republican candidates, the Rev. John Hagee stated, “If you live your life and don’t confess your sins to God Almighty through the authority of Christ and His blood, I’m going to say this very plainly, you’re going straight to hell with a nonstop ticket.”
Perry was asked if he agreed with those comments and said, “It is my faith, and I’m a believer of that.”[39] Perry went on to say that there was nothing in the sermon that he took exception with.
Humorist and entertainer Kinky Friedman, the Jewish independent candidate for governor in the 2006 election, said, “He doesn’t think very differently from the Taliban, does he?” Carole Keeton Strayhorn disagreed with Perry’s comments, and Democrat Chris Bell said that one who is in public office should “respect people of all faiths and denominations”.
Conservatives then responded, arguing that Perry had a right to his religious beliefs, and that he was not disrespecting Americans of other religious convictions. While visiting Israel in August 2009, Perry gave an interview to the Jerusalem Post in which he affirmed his support for Israel from his religious background, “I’m a big believer that this country was given to the people of Israel a long time ago, by God, and that’s ordained.”




>Perry does not believe there is valid scientific proof of anthropogenic global warming. He has said several times that there is no scientific consensus on the issue.[69] In a September 7, 2007, speech to California Republicans, Perry said, “Virtually every day another scientist leaves the global warming bandwagon. ... But you won’t read about that in the press because they have already invested in one side of the story.”


>Pro-life, Pro-guns, pro-spending cuts, pro-business

>He’s an outside-the-Beltway candidate

>He is not a Ivy League grad

>He was an Air Force captain who flew a C-130

>Speaks Spainish.
(Odumbo says everybody should speak a foreign language, but he CAN’T)

>Fighting with Obama on many fronts
Google Perry/Obama and you will see he’s been fighting him and his government for the past two years.


1. “Texas to Allow Regular Incandescent Bulbs”
Reports are the governor will sign Bill HB2510 by June 19th.
Bill HB2510 allows for the manufacture and sale of incandescent light bulbs otherwise banned in federal legislation of 2007, applicable from 1 January 2012 onwards.
The legality, at least in the way the proposed law is framed, has apparently been cleared with the US Attorney General’s office.
The Bill has already passed in both House and Senate with overwhelming support.
While Texas has no current manufacture, relevant parties are being invited to restart it.
Texas has been a leading US state in providing new local jobs, and this is seen as a further contributive measure.

2.Perry Adds TSA Anti-Groping Bill to Call ^

Gov. Rick Perry this evening announced the addition of TSA anti-groping legislation to the agenda for the special legislative session. In a statement, he said lawmakers could consider legislation “relating to the prosecution and punishment for the offense of official oppression on those seeking access to public buildings and transportation.”

>There is no such thing as ‘Perrycare’

>Signed into law sonogram and explanation by physician before abortion

>Signed into law, photo ID ident to vote

>Perry did not apply for federal “Race to the Top” education funds because he said it would force national standards upon Texas.

>He has vetoed a record 248 bills, including dozens after the 2001 session, angering many lawmakers.

>He said last year that President Barack Obama was “hell-bent” on turning America into a socialist country.

>Won governorship of state with lots of latinos

>He used to be a Democrat. So? So did Reagan.

>The Bush’s don’t like him

>He has NEVER lost an election, including an elementary school contest for “king” of the Paint Creek School Carnival. He secured that win by handing out pennies for votes.

>Perry has degree in animal science from Texas A&M University

>He is an Eagle Scout and wrote a book about the Boy Scouts, ‘On My Honor’.
Rick Perry uses the Boy Scouts to draw a battle line in what he considers a “culture war,” defending them against the American Civil Liberties Union and what he sees as a moral struggle for the country’s future.
The book also traces a 30-year history of litigation involving the Scouts — most of which they won — which Perry considers an attack on traditional values and faith in God.

Perry targets the ACLU as the primary force behind a leftist push to accept homosexuality and challenge Scouting’s duty to God.

>Perry has a reputation for not sweating



>He played quarterback on the six-man football team for the Paint Creek Pirates. He also played basketball and ran track.

>He’s a runner and triathlete.

>He is an outdoorsman who enjoys hunting and fishing.

>He plays the drums. At a January 2005 inaugural party in Washington, he played with ZZ Top in front of 2,000 people

>Perry has Romney’s looks without the other baggage.
Raised on a ranch.
Has hair.
6’ tall- presidential (especially after Obama)


Anytime governor Rick Perry is mentioned, Free Repubic seems to turn into something resembling Democratic Underground.
Posts regarding Perry are peppered with profanity, vulgarity and downright fabrications- the likes of which is seldom seen on Free Republic.

This is hardly in the best interests of our Conservative agenda. The Loony Left does not need any help from us in the character assassination of our Conservatives.

This Perry trashing comes from the Ron ‘truther’ Paul nuts, Debra Medina sour grapers, lurking Libs- and I suspect, over zealous Sarah Palin supporters and a few Bachmann supporters.
(I love Sarah and Michelle Bachmann as much as anyone else, but we MUST face reality when it comes to our beautiful Conservative ladies’ chances of winning this thing!)

Don’t you think it more sensible to trust what the Conservative icons have to say about Perry?

>Sarah Palin threw her endorsement to Rick Perry for governor-. She recently restated that she likes Perry.

>Rush said that Perry is his dream candidate.

>Michael Reagan praises Perry:
“If you don’t believe Reaganomics can still work in this day and age, for whatever reason, I say you should look no further than the state of Texas.
Under the leadership of Gov. Rick Perry, Texas has championed and built upon the concepts my father used to rebuild America in the 1980s..
In short, Reagan Revolution is alive and well - deep in the heart of Texas.”

>Ted Nugent is a close friend and supporter.

Don’t you think it more sensible to trust what numerous politicians and scholars have said about Rick Perry than various haters?


Read the official statements of dozens of Perry’s fellow politicians and scholars (both Democrats and Republicans) have had to say about Rick Perry:

All (including Democrat opponents) have called him a staunch Conservative, and not one of the dozens issuing opinions has mentioned the vaccine or TTC.
Apparently they don’t consider these things an issue. They DID mention Perry threatening to secede from the union as a strike against him.

What Perry actually said; “You know, my hope is that America and Washington in particular pays attention,” Perry continued. “We’ve got a great union. There is absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what may come out of that? So. But Texas is a very unique place and we’re a pretty independent lot to boot.”

The Gadasil vaccine Perry tried to “force” on Texas girls?
Dead issue.
He never tried to force it.
There was an opt out. It was up to parents to choose


Trans Texas Hiway?
Dead issue.
If that’s the worst he’s done, I can live with it.
I just want someone who can kick the Marxist/Muslim usurper’s sorry a$$ out of our White House!!


Bilderberg member?
Dead issue.
Governor Perry attended one meeting in 2007.
Many prominent Americans have attended these meeting.
That does NOT mean they are members or agree with their ‘agenda’- whatever that is.
Some who attended in the past: Ford, Eisenhower, Gates

Why NOT attend if invited? I would want to know what in the heck they are all about and what they are up to.


>Americans WILL get it:
>Better looking
>Better record
>Rick Perry for President

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The Perry Texans know
Tuesday, August 09, 2011 4:13:55 PM · 28 of 77
patriot08 to All

We need somebody who can WIN this thing. That means somebody with cross-over appeal, which our Palen, Bachmann and Cain (no matter how much we love them) simply do not have.

Until 1989, Rick Perry was a conservative Democrat. He switched parties as, like many Democrats including Ronald Reagan and Phil Gramm, he saw that party moving farther and farther to the left. Under Perry’s decade as governor, hundreds of Texas Democrats have followed his lead and become Republicans. As a former Democrat, Perry can speak to that swath of his former party that has become disenchanted with their party as President Obama has taken it even farther to the left, in a way that few Republicans can. He can also speak well and credibly to all wings of the national GOP, from the fiscal cons to the social cons to the libertarian set.
He would appeal to all segments of the Republican electorate and would come armed with a record of economic success and a commitment to liberty that no other contender can match.

Texas has been voted #1 business climate for the last seven years.
Texas has been getting all of California’s jobs.
Perry must be doing something right.
We need a good business guy right now.
Perry has proved it.




>Sarah Palin threw her endorsement to Rick Perry for governor.
Recently restated that she likes Perry
“He walks the walk of a true conservative” “And he sticks by his guns — and you know how I feel about guns.”
Sarah Palin

>Rush said that Perry is his dream candidate.

>Michael Reagan praises Perry:
“If you don’t believe Reaganomics can still work in this day and age, for whatever reason, I say you should look no further than the state of Texas.
Under the leadership of Gov. Rick Perry, Texas has championed and built upon the concepts my father used to rebuild America in the 1980s..
In short, Reagan Revolution is alive and well - deep in the heart of Texas.”

>Ted nugent is a close friend and supporter.


>Since Perry has been Governor of Texas, Texas has added more than 850,000 jobs, more than all other states combined. Texas has added over 180,000 jobs since August of 2009.

>According to this web site Texas is #1 this year and last year for business friendly.
Obama would not want not run against a governor that has the BEST business climate in the U.S. when everything else is in a depression.

>He refused to raise taxes when Texas faced a record $10 billion budget shortfall in 2003. Instead, he was the first Texas governor since World War II to sign a budget that lowered state spending (and has now done it twice). As governor, Perry has used his line item veto to cut over $3 billion in proposed spending.

>For seven years running, CEOs polled by Chief Executive magazine have rated Texas first in business development and job growth. Texas boasts 58 Fortune 500 companies — more than any other state.

>As America’s No. 1 exporting state, Texas shipped $206.6 billion in goods abroad last year, composing 16 percent of America’s $1.28 trillion in exports. California’s $14.4 billion in exports ranked it second, with 11.2 percent of U.S. outflow.

>Texas’ achievements so stunned Gavin Newsom, California’s Democratic lieutenant governor, that he flew a delegation to Austin last May to ask Perry how he lures defectors from the Golden State.

>Of the 70 companies that fled California in 2011, the Wall Street Journal’s John Fund reported last April, 14 relocated to Texas — these exiles’ primary destination.

>In 2005, Perry signed a historic $15.7 billion property tax cut for homeowners and businesses that also included new taxpayer protections against appraisal increases. In 2009, Gov. Perry secured a tax cut for approximately 40,000 small businesses in Texas and protected the Rainy Day Fund for future challenges.

>He led the battle to pass the country’s most sweeping lawsuit reforms, closing the door on junk lawsuits that had been making trial lawyers rich while driving countless doctors either out of the state or the profession all together. Since Texas voters approved these reforms, malpractice claims and premiums have fallen and access to healthcare is increasing across the state as doctors have applied in droves to practice in Texas.

>Perry is also known for his socially conservative views on homosexuality, and he opposes same sex marriage. He condemned the United States Supreme Court decision in Lawrence vs. Texas, which struck down a Texas sodomy law. He called the law “appropriate”


>Perry is pro-life and opposes government funding for elective abortions. In 2005, Perry, a social conservative, signed a bill that limited late-term abortions and required girls under the age of 18 who procure abortions to notify their parents. Perry signed the bill in the gymnasium of Calvary Christian Academy in Fort Worth, an evangelical Christian school.

>Perry signed into law a bill requiring a sonogram and doctor’s explanation before granting an abortion

>In 2005, Perry signed a new law that requires minor girls to receive parental consent before getting an abortion. This law strengthens a parental notification law Perry supported as Lt. Gov. in 1999, which
helped reduce teen abortions by 26 percent.
Perry has also signed a ban on third trimester abortions, a ban on tax dollars being used to support abortion facilities, a prenatal protection act that protects
unborn children from assault, and an informed consent law that helps expectant mothers better understand the risks and consequences of abortion. Perry supports a ban on human cloning and will veto any
legislation that provides state dollars for embryonic stem cell research, a process that ends a human life.
Perry urges to keep up pressure to roll back the landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion until “Roe v. Wade is nothing but a shameful footnote in our nation’s history books.

>Perry, a frequent critic of the federal government, also bashed President Barack Obama for his administration’s policy allowing federal funding of embryonic stem cell research, saying he was deeply disturbed by studies that turn “the remains of unborn children into nothing more than raw material.”

>Perry has faulted Obama for reversing the so-called “Mexico City policy” that banned giving federal money to international groups that perform abortions or provide information about abortions. Obama struck down the policy during his first week in office, saying it was too broad and undermined family planning in developing countries.
Under Obama “our federal tax dollars can now be used to fund abortion all over the world. With the stroke of a pen, abortion essentially became a U.S. foreign export,” Perry said.


>Perry adds immigration issues to lawmaker session
Perry wants passage of a measure requiring every person arrested to be run through the federal immigration databases as part of the Secure Communities program. He also wants to provide the state Department of Public Safety with the authority to make sure someone is in the U.S. legally before issuing a driver’s license.

>These measures, along with a ban on sanctuary cities, would “provide a clear message that Texas will not turn a blind eye to those breaking our laws,” Perry said in a statement.
“Texas owes it to the brave law enforcement officials, who put their lives on the line every day to protect our families and communities, to give them the discretion they need to adequately do their jobs,” Perry said.

>Gov. Perry has made numerous requests of the federal govt. to enforce the border in Texas including handing President Obama a letter in person when he landed in Dallas last year.
(Obama insulted governor Perry when he turned away and Perry had to hand the letter on the illegals issue to presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett. Obama declined to personally accept it.)

>Gov. Perry refuses to meet/greet Obama in May 2011 at El Paso during his Texas tour.
Perry later declared, “If he wanted to meet, I was in Austin.

>Perry signed into law photo ID required before voting.

WHAT have other states done?? (with the exception of AZ Ok and Ga)

What have other candidates stated that they would do?

What has Sarah stated she would do?

What is Backmann’s plan?

What did Reagan do?
President Ronald Reagan was the first president in history to grant amnesty to illegal aliens. On November 6, 1986, he signed into law the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986, [PUB L 99-603]. In so doing, he set a precedent whereby the United States would not seek to deport illegal aliens, but to reward their lawbreaking by granting them full citizenship.

NEWSFLASH! None of them are going to do much.
We have to take the best of the lot.



In what was described as a “God and country” sermon at the Cornerstone church in San Antonio, attended by Perry and other mostly Republican candidates, the Rev. John Hagee stated, “If you live your life and don’t confess your sins to God Almighty through the authority of Christ and His blood, I’m going to say this very plainly, you’re going straight to hell with a nonstop ticket.”
Perry was asked if he agreed with those comments and said, “It is my faith, and I’m a believer of that.”[39] Perry went on to say that there was nothing in the sermon that he took exception with.
Humorist and entertainer Kinky Friedman, the Jewish independent candidate for governor in the 2006 election, said, “He doesn’t think very differently from the Taliban, does he?” Carole Keeton Strayhorn disagreed with Perry’s comments, and Democrat Chris Bell said that one who is in public office should “respect people of all faiths and denominations”.
Conservatives then responded, arguing that Perry had a right to his religious beliefs, and that he was not disrespecting Americans of other religious convictions. While visiting Israel in August 2009, Perry gave an interview to the Jerusalem Post in which he affirmed his support for Israel from his religious background, “I’m a big believer that this country was given to the people of Israel a long time ago, by God, and that’s ordained.”




>Perry does not believe there is valid scientific proof of anthropogenic global warming. He has said several times that there is no scientific consensus on the issue.[69] In a September 7, 2007, speech to California Republicans, Perry said, “Virtually every day another scientist leaves the global warming bandwagon. ... But you won’t read about that in the press because they have already invested in one side of the story.”


>Pro-life, Pro-guns, pro-spending cuts, pro-business

>He’s an outside-the-Beltway candidate

>He is not a Ivy League grad

>He was an Air Force captain who flew a C-130

>Speaks Spainish.
(Odumbo says everybody should speak a foreign language, but he CAN’T)

>Fighting with Obama on many fronts
Google Perry/Obama and you will see he’s been fighting him and his government for the past two years.


1. “Texas to Allow Regular Incandescent Bulbs”
Reports are the governor will sign Bill HB2510 by June 19th.
Bill HB2510 allows for the manufacture and sale of incandescent light bulbs otherwise banned in federal legislation of 2007, applicable from 1 January 2012 onwards.
The legality, at least in the way the proposed law is framed, has apparently been cleared with the US Attorney General’s office.
The Bill has already passed in both House and Senate with overwhelming support.
While Texas has no current manufacture, relevant parties are being invited to restart it.
Texas has been a leading US state in providing new local jobs, and this is seen as a further contributive measure.

2.Perry Adds TSA Anti-Groping Bill to Call ^

Gov. Rick Perry this evening announced the addition of TSA anti-groping legislation to the agenda for the special legislative session. In a statement, he said lawmakers could consider legislation “relating to the prosecution and punishment for the offense of official oppression on those seeking access to public buildings and transportation.”

>There is no such thing as ‘Perrycare’

>Signed into law sonogram and explanation by physician before abortion

>Signed into law, photo ID ident to vote

>Perry did not apply for federal “Race to the Top” education funds because he said it would force national standards upon Texas.

>He has vetoed a record 248 bills, including dozens after the 2001 session, angering many lawmakers.

>He said last year that President Barack Obama was “hell-bent” on turning America into a socialist country.

>Won governorship of state with lots of latinos

>He used to be a Democrat. So? So did Reagan.

>The Bush’s don’t like him

>He has NEVER lost an election, including an elementary school contest for “king” of the Paint Creek School Carnival. He secured that win by handing out pennies for votes.

>Perry has degree in animal science from Texas A&M University

>He is an Eagle Scout and wrote a book about the Boy Scouts, ‘On My Honor’.
Rick Perry uses the Boy Scouts to draw a battle line in what he considers a “culture war,” defending them against the American Civil Liberties Union and what he sees as a moral struggle for the country’s future.
The book also traces a 30-year history of litigation involving the Scouts — most of which they won — which Perry considers an attack on traditional values and faith in God.

Perry targets the ACLU as the primary force behind a leftist push to accept homosexuality and challenge Scouting’s duty to God.

>Perry has a reputation for not sweating



>He played quarterback on the six-man football team for the Paint Creek Pirates. He also played basketball and ran track.

>He’s a runner and triathlete.

>He is an outdoorsman who enjoys hunting and fishing.

>He plays the drums. At a January 2005 inaugural party in Washington, he played with ZZ Top in front of 2,000 people

>Perry has Romney’s looks without the other baggage.
Raised on a ranch.
Has hair.
6’ tall- presidential (especially after Obama)


Anytime governor Rick Perry is mentioned, Free Repubic seems to turn into something resembling Democratic Underground.
Posts regarding Perry are peppered with profanity, vulgarity and downright fabrications- the likes of which is seldom seen on Free Republic.

This is hardly in the best interests of our Conservative agenda. The Loony Left does not need any help from us in the character assassination of our Conservatives.

This Perry trashing comes from the Ron ‘truther’ Paul nuts, Debra Medina sour grapers, lurking Libs- and I suspect, over zealous Sarah Palin supporters and a few Bachmann supporters.
(I love Sarah and Michelle Bachmann as much as anyone else, but we MUST face reality when it comes to our beautiful Conservative ladies’ chances of winning this thing!)

Don’t you think it more sensible to trust what the Conservative icons have to say about Perry?

>Sarah Palin threw her endorsement to Rick Perry for governor-. She recently restated that she likes Perry.

>Rush said that Perry is his dream candidate.

>Michael Reagan praises Perry:
“If you don’t believe Reaganomics can still work in this day and age, for whatever reason, I say you should look no further than the state of Texas.
Under the leadership of Gov. Rick Perry, Texas has championed and built upon the concepts my father used to rebuild America in the 1980s..
In short, Reagan Revolution is alive and well - deep in the heart of Texas.”

>Ted Nugent is a close friend and supporter.

Don’t you think it more sensible to trust what numerous politicians and scholars have said about Rick Perry than various haters?


Read the official statements of dozens of Perry’s fellow politicians and scholars (both Democrats and Republicans) have had to say about Rick Perry:

All (including Democrat opponents) have called him a staunch Conservative, and not one of the dozens issuing opinions has mentioned the vaccine or TTC.
Apparently they don’t consider these things an issue. They DID mention Perry threatening to secede from the union as a strike against him.

What Perry actually said; “You know, my hope is that America and Washington in particular pays attention,” Perry continued. “We’ve got a great union. There is absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what may come out of that? So. But Texas is a very unique place and we’re a pretty independent lot to boot.”

The Gadasil vaccine Perry tried to “force” on Texas girls?
Dead issue.
He never tried to force it.
There was an opt out. It was up to parents to choose

Perry statement of Gardasil:

“I signed an executive order that allowed for an opt-out, but the fact of the matter is that I didn’t do my research well enough to understand that we needed to have a substantial conversation with our citizenry,” Perry said at the Manchester, N.H., event in response to an audience question about the HPV controversy, according to ABC News’ The Note. “But here’s what I learned: When you get too far out in front of the parade, they will let you know, and that’s exactly what our Legislature did, and I saluted it and I said, ‘Roger that, I hear you loud and clear.’ And they didn’t want to do it and we don’t, so enough said.”


Trans Texas Hiway?
Dead issue.
If that’s the worst he’s done, I can live with it.
I just want someone who can kick the Marxist/Muslim usurper’s sorry a$$ out of our White House!!


Bilderberg member?
Dead issue.
Governor Perry attended one meeting in 2007.
Many prominent Americans have attended these meeting.
That does NOT mean they are members or agree with their ‘agenda’- whatever that is.
Some who attended in the past: Reagan, Thatcher,Ford, Eisenhower, Gates

Why NOT attend if invited? I would want to know what in the heck they are all about and what they are up to.


>Americans WILL get it:
>Better looking
>Better record
>Rick Perry for President


144 posted on 08/15/2011 12:05:29 PM PDT by patriot08 (TEXAS GAL- born and bred and proud of it!)
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To: TonyInOhio



We Are ACORN Mighty, Mighty ACORN: Rick Perry Edition


Perry ‘01 - ‘Fox’s vision for an open border is a vision I embrace’


xx Rick Perry Running for U.S. President of Chinese Cyber Espionage


Tom Tancredo: Rick Perry not a true conservative


The phony Christian is as wicked as can be. He’s a liar and a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Rick Perry’s mandate and Merck Pharmaceuticals. Follow the MONEY from the lobbyist to Rick Perry. Mandatory vaccines and guaranteed flow of MONEY.

Perry essentially calls the legislators who rescinded his executive order to force girls to receive vaccines, murderers.

Rick Perry Gets D-minus on Immigration (middle of a bad GOP pack)


Perry promises America and God he will serve out his 4 years in 2010. Notice too in 2009 95% of the jobs created in Texas were created in the PUBLIC SECTOR. 4 OF 6 MEDINA VS PERRY VS HUTCHISON TEXAS GUBERNATORIAL DEBATE JANUARY 29, 2010

Perry increases size of government increases debt and increases taxes.—QIv5yw34


Perry: “President Fox’s vision for an open border is a vision I embrace, as long as we demonstrate the will to address the obstacles to it. An open border means poverty has given way to opportunity, and Mexico’s citizens do not feel compelled to cross the border to find that opportunity.

In 2000, when Perry first became governor, total spending by the state of Texas was $49 billion. At the end of 2010, it was $90 billion.

x Perry has more than doubled the Debt of Texas from 49 to 90 BILLION:


Gov. Rick Perry says he has a track record of not raising taxes - LIE!

MSNBC_ TEXAS Governor Rick Perry’s Economic Bubble Busted In The Rachel Maddow Show Unemployment rate going up, 25% have no health care, highest # o’minimum wage workers

Barbara Bush earlier this year…on Texas education under Perry: •  We rank 36th in the nation in high school graduation rates. An estimated 3.8 million Texans do not have a high school diploma. •  We rank 49th in verbal SAT scores, 47th in literacy and 46th in average math SAT scores. •  We rank 33rd in the nation on teacher salaries.

NAFTA Superhighway plans advance south Texas governor, Mexico agree to extend Trans-Texas Corridor
———————————————————————————————————————— Read more: NAFTA Superhighway plans advance south


Perry is the brainchild of the Businees Margins Tax - a disaster for small business Don’t mess with the Texas messExecutive Director of NFIB/Texas details harmful impact of margins tax


Perry says he cut property taxes by one-third - UNTRUE!


Perry says he cut the business tax? Half-true


Besides Perry’s economic policy, immigration policy, education policy, transportation policy, energy policy, trade policy and increase taxes policy, one can say he’s not a socialist...but they would be hard pressed to prove it!


As a border state governor, Mr. Perry signed state immigration law in 2001 known as the Texas DREAM Act. Here is an excerpt from a speech Governor Perry gave during the border summit in August of 2001: “We must say to every Texas child learning in a Texas classroom, “we don’t care where you come from, but where you are going, and we are going to do everything we can to help you get there.” And that vision must include the children of undocumented workers. That’s why Texas took the national lead in allowing such deserving young minds to attend a Texas college at a resident rate. Those young minds are a part of a new generation of leaders, the doors of higher education must be open to them. The message is simple: educacion es el futuro, y si se puede.”


•Toll Roads and Trans Texas Corridor – Is it socialism, fascism or communism? It’s a Keeps trying to ram Trans Texas Corridor (TTC) down Texans throats. Massive land grab. Toll roads are gargantuan TAX INCREASES, debt time bombs and an attack on property rights. Rick Perry has instituted a huge tax increase in Texas in the form of toll roads; going from zero debt on roads to $30 billion in toll road debt in 10 years as Perry sells off Texas ’ public infrastructure. They will financially blow up later, just like real estate market did, because of the high leverage. (2003-2011). For more info: email Terri Hall at . Also,, the anti-toll road group. Contact Linda Curtis – of IndyTexans at; she can tell you how Perry is controlled by monopolistic corporations definitely NOT interested in “free market” enterprise and competition. Here is her case for impeaching

Perry as governor:


•HPV vaccine mandate – Attack on parental rights. Tried to force every 12 year old girl in Texas to take Gardisil shots because his former Chief of Staff Mike Toomey is a lobbyist for Merck. Perry literally tried to mandate this by executive decree as if he were a Hillary Clinton dictator until the Texas legislature crushed it overwhelmingly. (2007)


•FLDS El Dorado raid (2008) – Another massive attack on parental rights and peaceful home schoolers; Religious Oppression. 438 children ripped away from parents and traumatized for months. Out of control Child Protective Services goons raid, approved by Rick Perry, and based on a CRANK phone call from Colorado alleging child abuse; breaks up dozens of families. Of ALL the outrageous things Perry has done, this may be the WORST as he criminally traumatized and endangered dozens of peaceful families. (2008)


•Played politics with the death penalty case of Cameron Todd Willingham – Perry refused to give him a stay. Willingham had been convicted of murdering his family via an arson determination that was based on junk science. Even worse, Perry later removed 3 members of board of the Texas Forensic Science Commission that was investigating the case and put political pressure on the head of the panel.(2009)


•Supports No Child Left Behind Act and Dept. of Education (Hey, is the federal government running your local school in the Constitution? Fine with Rick Perry.)


•Instituted state CHIP program for Texas!, a widely abused program and one more step to socialized medicine, more taxes and rationed healthcare. (Hey, is CHIP in the 10th Amendment?)


•Supports Sobriety Check Points! Unconstitutional trashing of YOUR 4th Amendment rights where everyone is pulled over with no probable cause and no reasonable suspicion. (Perry supported SB 298 bill) 2009


•Supports the Patriot Act – By now folks you should have figured out the Patriot Act is the criminal government nuking your 4th Amendment rights. Fine with Rick.


•Vetoes Texas Eminent Domain Bill – taking your land for his toll road schemes more important than signing property rights protection overwhelmingly passed by Legislature. (2007)


•Signs Hate Crimes bill — Attack on free speech and creates thought crimes, includes sexual orientation as a class! (2001)


•Governor for NINE years, then reads about the 10th Amendment a few years ago. Trying to piggy back on Ron Paul and the Tea Party movement. Completely insincere because for 9 years Perry never said an ill word about federal encroachments, No Child Left Behind, etc. (2009)


•Endorses liberal cross dresser and gun grabber Rudy Guiliani for President (2008) – tells Mike Huckabee I love you like a brother, but you can’t win so I am going with gun grabber Rudy Julie Annie, he’s a sure thing! The Bilderbergers said I can be VP if I grovel enough and am for toll roads, globalism, open borders, big government, big pharma and, of course, the Federal Reserve.


•Globalist bootlicker – Bilderberger toady (2007). For United Nations, NAFTA, CAFTA, Trans Texas Corridor.


•Does not stand up for elected State Board of Education every time it gets castrated by the liberals in the legislature Throws crumbs to conservatives on SBOE, but when they really need him, hides under desk, sticks fingers in ears. Did not veto SBOE redistricting map which was designed to castrate conservatives. (2011). Contact textbooks legend Donna Garner on this:


•Supports $5 bar tax on every patron of a strip club – Wife Anita pushes this. “Wife” Anita on salary for $65,000/year at the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault and bar tax is their #1 legislative agenda item. TAASA receives state money already and wants to get grubby hands on bar tax expected to generate millions. Titty bar tax ruled unconstitutional by lower courts. (2010)


•Supported whopping $3 Billion Cancer BONDS, the Lance Armstrong cancer tax – more taxing, borrowing and spending. (2007). Perry is for Texas borrowing money to go into the cancer research business.


•Shortly after he became governor in 2000, Perry signed a hate crimes bill that included gays among the protected groups. He appointed a moderate, Grace Shore, to chair the State Board of Education. He called for expansions of the state’s Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance programs (which are now bankrupting our state).


•Wants to use Texas Teacher and State Employee Retirement Money on risky TOLL ROADS!

Vicente Fox thanks Perry for in-state tuition for illegalsÂ… and other information regarding the immigration situation.
Rick Perry would veto Arizona immigration law




Rick Perry: “I’ve never been in favor of a border wall”


Rick Perry’s super secret, state-funded Israel trip no transparency - big government payoffs for big business - big energy! v=iSoU2eTPU_I&feature=player_embedded


Expose on Rick Perry’s taxpayer-funded mansion


145 posted on 08/15/2011 12:20:28 PM PDT by jacknhoo (Luke 12:51. Think ye, that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, no; but separation.)
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To: webheart

This is not about Perry vs. Obama. This is about the best nominee for the Republican party. This is the only time we get to have a say. After this, it becomes nose-holding time for everyone who doesn’t get the primary candidate of their choice. Obviously, if Perry were the nominee, most of us would vote for him, but for now, I want a chance to vote for Cain, Bachman or Palin.

Thank you.


Agreed. But you must not have read my earlier post in the thread.

While I appreciate those of you who would “hold your nose” and vote for Perry, I absolutely cannot understand those who would not vote for Perry if it was Perry vs Obama. That is so short-sighted.

146 posted on 08/15/2011 12:24:21 PM PDT by Eccl 10:2 (Pray for the peace of Jerusalem - Ps 122:6)
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To: org.whodat

Ronald Reagan didn’t join the GOP until 1962. Using the standard of some of the Freepers here, that makes the Gipper a RINO.

147 posted on 08/15/2011 1:27:21 PM PDT by Behind Liberal Lines
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To: reasonisfaith
They fear Palin because her record shows she will keep her promises...

...well, you know, except for that whole "serve her term and not quit" thing.

148 posted on 08/15/2011 1:28:46 PM PDT by Behind Liberal Lines
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To: reasonisfaith
They fear Palin because her record shows she will keep her promises...

...well, you know, except for that whole "serve her term and not quit" thing.

149 posted on 08/15/2011 1:28:53 PM PDT by Behind Liberal Lines
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To: katieanna
>> She quit her job as governor. It is not good to swear an oath to your state and not fulfill it. Nobody likes a quitter.<<

Do you realize how naïve people who keep bringing that up appear? That’s a lamstream media mantra that doesn’t play well with conservatives who know better. Here on FR you are likely to be laughed out of here.

150 posted on 08/15/2011 1:42:43 PM PDT by CynicalBear
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To: Huck
Romney is also in front because he and Pawlenty were the only two term governors in the race.

Romney only served one term. He chose not to run for re-election. It was pretty common knowledge that Mitt probably couldn't have won a second term. Given the politics of Massachusetts, I don't know if alienating that electorate is a positive or a negative item on your resume.

151 posted on 08/15/2011 1:56:10 PM PDT by CommerceComet (Governor Romney, why would any conservative vote for the author of the beta version of ObamaCare?)
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To: patriot08

Perry snuggling up with Muslims negates you entire space taking diatribe.

152 posted on 08/15/2011 1:56:25 PM PDT by CynicalBear
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To: Charles Henrickson

How many have run? Statistics on presidential campaigns aren’t usually real good, because the sample size is too small, and the variables change too much. Not many elected VPs get elected either. In fact, it is likely in line with those on the losing tickets. Bush41 was the last, and it was a long time ago previous to that, with the exception of VPs that took office due to death or resignation.

153 posted on 08/15/2011 2:03:30 PM PDT by ilgipper
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To: CommerceComet

Yes, someone else pointed that out about Romney. All the more reason to welcome Perry into the race. I want a candidate who has successfully been re-elected.

154 posted on 08/15/2011 2:05:33 PM PDT by Huck (Here's the bad news--Gov. Perry is the best we've got.)
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To: Behind Liberal Lines

The gripper has nothing to do with it, that is history a different time a different place and different influences. We no longer think a push button phone is a new device and an IBM Selectric is not the top dog type writer. Would you like to buy a Selectric I have a nice one in the basement somewhere.

155 posted on 08/15/2011 2:59:25 PM PDT by org.whodat (What does the Republican party stand for////??? absolutely nothing.)
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To: Hawthorn
Both of whom masqueraded as conservatives!!! but I'll give you one...the worst mistake Ronald Reagan made was picking Geo. H W Bush for vice president!!!
156 posted on 08/16/2011 11:18:36 AM PDT by ontap
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