1 posted on
02/09/2011 8:35:27 AM PST by
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To: MNDude
One of the favorites as a tactical radar controller was FIO...Figure it Out...and the other when a fighter wanted to argue with my suggested vector, was KMAC YOYO. Kiss My . Charlie, Your On Your Own.
To: MNDude
The Torah was originally written without vowels, as the earliest writings were (I believe) written on tablets and the latter parts on extremely expensive papyrus. They left out the vowels because of the cost and difficulty of obtaining materials. So, this isn’t a new trend.
To: MNDude
Wasn't there a TV commercial where a family was in their living room texting each other instead of talking?
Me I tell people the limits of my texting capabilities are like "yes", "no" and "ok".
53 posted on
02/09/2011 9:28:40 AM PST by
(If you tell a lie enough times some people will come to believe it.)
To: MNDude
This doesn't have much to do with text messaging. Rather, it has more to do with people who are lazy in their speech and writing. It goes back to schools that do not enforce proper grammar, punctuation and word use.
57 posted on
02/09/2011 9:37:27 AM PST by
Opinionated Blowhard
("The time will come when Winter will ask you what you were doing all Summer" -- Henry Clay)
To: MNDude
I think it was right about the same time "You're welcome" was replaced by "No problem".
Today is a good day to die.
I didn't say for whom.
61 posted on
02/09/2011 9:53:59 AM PST by
The Comedian
(Muslim Brotherhood = A.N.S.W.E.R = Soros = Obama)
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