Because Obama has directly challenged the Constitution, knowing very well that most on the left don't respect “original intent”, the phrase describing James Madison's warning that if the Constitution is not interpreted in the legal and linguistic framework of its framers, it is meaningless, Obama or his handlers knew that a battle must come. If they win, the Constitution is what they want it to mean and we have lost freedom of individuals to freedom of "the people," a euphemism for Marxism. If the court confirms the oft-confirmed definition “born in the country of citizen parents” Obama is out and we have lots of cleaning up to do.
Let the trolls keep each other busy. Spend your effort reading Mario Apuzzo’s essays or the U. of Conn or biographies of Marshall or Hamilton or Washington. We need the clarity of the ideas of our founders and framers to defeat the “Change” from a republic to a socialist autocracy being executed by our enemies.
A true blue American hero. May The LORD bless him and help him and us also by His mercy and grace through Jesus Christ our LORD.