Posted on 07/30/2009 5:09:56 PM PDT by Kevin in California
I think the other day he was mildly bashing Sarah. Today he is sticking up for her. Me thinks he follows his ratings too much.
Well, let’s see. A pro abortion, anti gun, pro illegal immigrant, anti Palin, entertainer from LA (born in Levittown), not our cup of tea? Who would have guessed it.
Exactly. I've been a FReeper for a VERY long time, but no other posters here speak for me.
And since a DemocRAT was the first "Birther", I'm quite content to allow the 'RATS to own the issue.
Great book is “How to Win Friends and Influence People.”
Everything that you did would be in the chapters on what not to do for any results.
I’m sorry but flinging insults sometime bring the best results.
Have you e-mailed Levin, Rush, Savage, etc...etc... and recommended they too read that book? I say that because they too fling name calliing insults on a daily basis.
Don’t get me wrong, I am as conservative as they get (and I live in the liberal cesspool of the SF Area) and I too am fed up with the direction this great country is headed down. When I see someone telling a bald faced lie (O’Reilly) on national TV, I’m gonna call him out on it.
You can bet your bottom dollar that O’Reilly has never seen Obama’s REAL birth certificate—the Kenyan one.
“but we FREEPERS are on to you that you’re just a blowhard,”
— — — are the spokesman for
You left out a Catholic who can't say God, or Jesus Christ, preferring to refer to The Deity.
Me, I wonder what Zero is hiding; but in any case, I don’t think it matters if he was born on the moon - now.
He was elected, he has been sworn in, and the only things that can get him out of office now are death and Impeachment/conviction. The second just is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN, and the first is unlikely unless God strikes him down or Hillary poisons him.
We need to focus on defeating his leftist agenda. Forget the damn long-form BC.
Yep, O’Reilly promised to keep a closer watch on the economics after screaming at Barney Frank, heat of the moment has long since passed
Your point is true, but not new. It is worded so as to be satisfying to you but to accomplish nothing. Since you are no sort of authorized FR spokesman, it was inappropriate to speak for FR but only as an individual Freeper.
Well Kevin , How many copies of your serial auto biographical political wisdom have YOU sold? Not to menyion the windbreakers, golf tees and door mats.
Dear Bill
I am an appreciative fan of yours and regularly watch The Factor.
I am a military veteran, patriot, dad and grandpa, taxpayer, with a college degree and a wonderful family.
I fear you have seriously damaged your own credibility by characterizing Lou Dobbs recent comments on CNN
..and the now pro-active pursuit [By hundreds of thousands of Americans] of the purported bona fide, yet intentionally hidden evidence that POTUS Barack Obama was indeed born on our native soil as BOGUS.
This has the potential to be the story of the century.
If the native-birth scenario is proven to be a fraud every order as CIC, every executive order and all signed legislation would be found null and void.
The Democrats will be hanging the Going Out Of Business sign for quite a while.
Many Chicago thugs will be taken down along with the empowered disciples of Saul Alinsky, and may behind-the-scenes puppeteers. The prison terms will be long and the fines severe.
If I were a journalist with your resources and visibility, I would be all over every scintilla of the possibility that POTUS native birth was bogus until there was some semblance of public transparency from the nations seat of power.
They are playing a masterful shell game -- the media, including The Factor, is failing to do their job by asking ALL OF THE RIGHT QUESTIONS and demanding the documentary proof!
There are a couple of serious question begged here that neither you, nor the MSM have addressed:
What else do they want We the people NOT to know?? You have allowed on the air that you/your staff have seen the bona fide evidence of the nativity as of some time last year, and thus satisfied your journalistic curiosity regarding this issue.
The same self-satisfaction leads to your recent on-air bilge; that anyone who doesnt see it your way is some kind of wing-nut or tin-foil hat conspiracy theorist; including respected journalist Lou Dobbs.
Have you considered
Perhaps your staff swallowed the Dems spinner-bait hook line and sinker? If so, you are presently even if unwittingly--promoting this gross charade.
If you have seen the evidence or possess copies of same, I challenge you to publish this evidence on the air or on your website.
At the very least, interview your staff on the air Let them tell us what they have witnessed during your investigation.
I also challenge you to invite Joe Farah of or Dr. Orly Taitz to appear on The Factor LIVE and enlighten your audience, as they debate this issue with you.
Time for you get this story all the way IN to the No Spin Zone.
Do your journalistic duty, Bill.
This post is to add on to what I wrote in post #23 above
July 29, 2009
Suborned in the U.S.A.
The birth-certificate controversy is about Obamas honesty, not where he was born.
By Andrew C. McCarthy
July 30, 2009
Obama’s birth certificate and the real issues
Thomas Lifson
I doff my cap and bow low to Andrew McCarthy of National Review Online, who has produced essential reading for anyone wondering what to think about the birther controversy rocking the right, and now breaking into the mainstream media, which sees an opportunity to mock and discredit the right.
He and I agree: the entire Kenyan birth theory is a distraction, and a useful tool in the hands of Alinskyites on the ridicule and destroy mission. But before moving on to other significant issues, McCarthy acknowledges that NRO’s editorial yesterday accidentally mischaracterized the nature of the documentation that is available from Hawaii. He writes:
The information in the certification may be identical as far as it goes to what’s in the complete state records, but there are evidently many more details in the state records than are set forth in the certification. Contrary to the editors’ description, those who want to see the full state record - the certificate or the so-called “vault copy” - are not on a wild-goose chase for a “secondary document cloaked in darkness.” That confuses their motives (which vary) with what they’ve actually requested (which is entirely reasonable). Regardless of why people may want to see the vault copy, what’s been requested is a primary document that is materially more detailed than what Obama has thus far provided.
McCarthy then lays out the real issue: Obama’s extraordinary secrecy, amounting to a scrubbing of his paper trail, combined with his demonstrated record of lying about his past. Obama is a phony, though and through. A former assistant US Attorney, McCarthy economically but methodically assembles the evidence, including sources, that Obama has presented a false story of his life. He lists a startling number of lies about his life story, with documentation. [snip] Continue at above link.
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