zer0: everyone will have to sacrific, well, except me of course.
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To: Joiseydude
mr. obama spares no expense while all of the “little people” have to tighten their budgets just to get by.
i hope his supporters that have lost their jobs or are going through hard times due to the tanking economy realize that their dear leader, who is supposed to be the party of the “common man”, isn’t practicing what he’s preaching
34 posted on
01/14/2009 9:18:32 AM PST by
(just say NObama)
To: Joiseydude
Makes me want to VOMIT! Phoney, liar, hope all those DUMMIES are happy! Change, well that’s all we’ll have left!
36 posted on
01/14/2009 9:19:53 AM PST by
(Never acknowledge a Marxist as President of the United States of America!)
To: Joiseydude
The mind boggles at the venom that would being spewed about an inauguration of a Republican that took on this kind of extravagance!!
In good economic times the MSM would be beside themselves but they would be apoplectic in their negative coverage and go on and on about how "OUT OF TOUCH" the rich Republicans are with the American people.
37 posted on
01/14/2009 9:20:55 AM PST by
To: Joiseydude
Still spending money like we have it, I see.
38 posted on
01/14/2009 9:22:22 AM PST by
(Don't lose sight of your conservative principles.)
To: Joiseydude
Millions of people and 5,000 porta potties. There is going to be some angry women. When the inauguration is over,the place will make the day after Woodstock look like a marine barracks.
39 posted on
01/14/2009 9:24:19 AM PST by
70th Division
(I love my country but fear my government!)
To: Joiseydude
Bush declares a 'state of emergency
Is this code for Bush continuing to spend tax payer money like a drunken lottery winner in Vegas?
42 posted on
01/14/2009 9:29:19 AM PST by
To: Joiseydude; RobinOfKingston; TommyDale
I don’t have a problem with this. The $160 million isn’t for the parties — those are funded with private donations. The big bill is for big security, and it’s needed. If you think $160 million is a lot of money, just imagine how much would evaporate from the retirement and other investments of US citizens, if President-elect Obama was killed by some nut during the inauguration. The stock market would instantly start plumemting. $160 million would be gone in the first 5 seconds, and then a few trillion would follow. This money paid for security doesn’t evaporate — it’s distributed as paychecks to workers and payments to providers of equipment. A lot of ordinary working people in the DC area will be putting in extra time and enjoying some extra income as a result of this.
To: Joiseydude
Why does this seem like the coronation of a Russian Czar?
To: Joiseydude
GD disgusting. This is a presidential inauguration not a frakking coronation!!
Are the taxpayers actually have to pay for all this bullsh!t???
51 posted on
01/14/2009 9:47:26 AM PST by
(To protect and defend ... against all enemies, foreign and domestic .... by any means necessary.)
To: Joiseydude
By the light of a kerosene lamp, Coolidge took the oath from his father, Colonel John Calvin Coolidge, a farmer, notary public, and justice of the peace.
A study in contrast...
57 posted on
01/14/2009 9:56:28 AM PST by
Ol' Sox
To: Joiseydude
These are the same people who castigate the average person, who raised hell about Palin's wardrobe costing a few thousand, and pissed and moaned over Cindy McCains dress and earrings. The same ones who have a fit if a conservative spends their own money for things they want, the same ones who say we should sacrifice for the "common good"(a commie phrase if I ever heard one!).
If the dimwit base can't see the hypocrisy that is the Democratic party and that Bozo is the head hypocrite, then they have a real problem facing reality.
59 posted on
01/14/2009 10:10:31 AM PST by
To: Joiseydude
60 posted on
01/14/2009 10:10:43 AM PST by
(I've got my eye out for Mullah Omar.)
To: Joiseydude
Oh, yeah, one other comment. GW should have his face slapped for going along with this BS. This is an outrage, pure and simple.
62 posted on
01/14/2009 10:14:40 AM PST by
To: Joiseydude
Holy Crap!!!!!!!!!!! As the economy tanks, liberal A-holes lecture CEO’s on riding their jets, Zero the annointed one pisses away this much tax payer money? How thoroughly predictable and disgusting!
74 posted on
01/14/2009 1:35:28 PM PST by
(Like a muddied spring or a polluted well is a righteous man who gives way to the wicked. Prov. 25:26)
To: Joiseydude
Bush declares a 'state of emergency' in WashingtonGood ole Bush - screwing us right up to the last.
A president mostly uses the power to declare a state of emergency during a crisis, such as a hurricane or other natural disaster. In doing so he paved the way for unlimited funding to be released to those local authorities responsible for staging the event.
While we can all make jokes that Obama's imauguration is a natural disaster, Bush's action just debases the "emergency" aspect of this concept. From now on future presidents can declare anything an emergency and raid the Treasury to ane even greater extent.
For someone who came in on such high hopes, Bush sure turned out to be one steaming POS.
76 posted on
01/14/2009 2:21:45 PM PST by
("A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves." –Bertrand de Jouvenel)
To: Joiseydude
Does anyone have figures on how much the celebrations normally cost? How much is typically spent? And is it more or less than what Obummer is spending (of tax-payer money)?
84 posted on
01/14/2009 4:41:44 PM PST by
(The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.)
To: Joiseydude
How Much did the current president's inaugurations cost
the American taxpayer?
What is the source of funds for the current orgy of spending?
I'll go get some popcorn...
86 posted on
01/14/2009 5:11:01 PM PST by
(Change is not a plan; Hope is not a strategy.)
To: Joiseydude
Well I think it’s time to throw in the towel and face the facts. It’s over. Time for plan B. Get the hell out of the US for a few years, see what happens.
88 posted on
01/14/2009 5:13:08 PM PST by
(Not my president.)
To: Joiseydude
Welcome to
"Change!" *Snicker*
89 posted on
01/14/2009 5:29:07 PM PST by
(Change is not a plan; Hope is not a strategy.)
To: Joiseydude
pretty sad we have to go to the Daily Mail in the UK to find out these matters. In doing so [Bush] paved the way for unlimited funding to be released to those local authorities responsible for staging the event. Obama didn't make the relevation until being questioned about one of his nominees. Almost an off-hand comment. Obama had a war chest of $27million, plus complete funding of his 'transition team' which also had funding thru it's non-profit status, Obama has raised over $50m from donations for the inauguration, and now, he springs on us, he needs even more? another $100 million more? and this guy is gonna be signing off on future budgets??? are you kidding me???? This guy has the NERVE to tell us, the world is ending, we're all going to have to tighten our belts, pay more taxes, change our lightbulbs, and park our cars and walk, and the list of attendees and events and entities standing in line for their handouts 'because Obama deserves it' just grows and grows like it's 1999, as the 22nd Amendment is oh-so-quietly repealed? No wonder so many people are retiring to 'reconnect with their spirituality'. God Help Us All. imo jmo moo best regards, blu
90 posted on
01/14/2009 6:29:08 PM PST by
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