This slip may hold the key to Obama's psyche.
I actually liked when he said it. Proud to be a mutt too! And it does good things for those weak recessive genes. Mutts are more healthy!
Just because I thought it might come in handy one day....
The best drinking game EVAH!!!
The Obot Drinking game, for all of us ever forced to endure the stench, a game to get drunk with.
- Passing out does not constitute a loss.....
1)drink (sip) every time an OBot says Obama.
2) one drink every time an oBot says Obama is a Natural born citizen!” and links to Obama’s website.
3) Take one drink every time an oBot says you can send large amounts through PayPal
4) Barf it all up every time you hear a clip from Obama.
5) sip every time someone speaks poorly about Republicans
6) Take 2 drinks every time an oBot says Soon
7) One drink for every time someone wonders about the mysterious inner circle
8) Drink up when you see someone using insults in place of reason.
9) Small sip every time an oBot insults someone else to cover up their own inadaquacies, and or small reproductive organs.
10) Drink when you hear an Obot say Obama was born in Hawaii, look on! (where Obots go for truth)
um, this is not news, and not even really notable. i’ve heard plenty of people of mixed race and ethnicity call themselves “mutts.”
though obama’s use of it for himself in direct reference to a dog is spot on. :P