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To: doug from upland
2 posted on
11/07/2008 1:51:44 PM PST by
(Tagline scrubbed to prevent invitation to indoctrinization camp)
To: doug from upland
Good for him. Seems to be a timely and appropriate response.
3 posted on
11/07/2008 1:51:51 PM PST by
(Fight Gerbil Swarming)
To: doug from upland
Actions, sir, actions.
When you fire the loon-ess, I’ll believe you.
4 posted on
11/07/2008 1:52:54 PM PST by
Da Coyote
To: doug from upland
I’d say she’s a goner.
But she’s black.
5 posted on
11/07/2008 1:52:59 PM PST by
To: doug from upland
Will the “appropriate action” be a gift basket and promotion to school Principal?
To: doug from upland
She’ll get the Dear Leaders highest proletariat award.
7 posted on
11/07/2008 1:55:35 PM PST by
(Redistribute Obamas Wealth)
To: doug from upland
Worse that making comments is her stupidity at believing John McCain meant literally “100 years” when she should know his intent was “we will take as long as it takes to defeat the terrorists.”
8 posted on
11/07/2008 1:55:38 PM PST by
To: doug from upland
I appreciate the super's repsonse, the problem is that this sort of thing was going on when I was in school by teachers with our first mock election between Carter and Reagan.
All I can say is thank God for JROTC, a good football coach, and a particular History professor in college to help me break through the mind control before it took. God and Parents get the most credit though.
9 posted on
11/07/2008 1:57:03 PM PST by
(Specialization is for insects.)
To: doug from upland
I think the superintendent is serious about this one.
Of course, the NEA will supply her an attorney, but given the video evidence I think she is a goner.
10 posted on
11/07/2008 1:57:27 PM PST by
(F-R-E-E, that spells free. Free baby.)
To: doug from upland
The antidote is massive, massive exposure. If they can sweep it under the rug, they can save her a$$. If we can keep it on the burner, she’s toast.
11 posted on
11/07/2008 1:57:51 PM PST by
("What ISN'T in the news is often more important than what IS." Ed Biersmith, 1942 -)
To: doug from upland
The appropriate action would be to have this stupid woman apologize to the little girl infront of all her classmates and then have her explain to them all WHY she was wrong and then FIRE HER ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To: doug from upland
She should be made to publicly apologize and then fired on the spot.
14 posted on
11/07/2008 1:59:00 PM PST by
(If you don't stand behind our troops...please feel free to stand in front of them!)
To: doug from upland
What is most disturbing about this video is that the teacher knew the camera was filming. What goes on in the classroom when no other adults are present?
15 posted on
11/07/2008 1:59:22 PM PST by
To: doug from upland
Here’s an interesting question. What does it take a Swedish film crew to expose indoctrination in American schools?
17 posted on
11/07/2008 2:00:37 PM PST by
doug from upland
(8 million views of .HILLARY! UNCENSORED - put some ice on it, witch)
To: doug from upland
I've said it before, and I will say it again: It's high time parents start demanding webcams in the classroom so they can watch what is being taught to their children in real time. The technology is there and it isn't very expensive.
18 posted on
11/07/2008 2:01:49 PM PST by
(Democrats over-reaching for a mandate - smack their hand and tell them "No. Not Yours".)
To: doug from upland
Abolish government schools!
To: doug from upland
Fayetteville would be nothing but a widespread slum if it wasn’t for Ft. Bragg’s and Pope AFB’s service members and their families.
I wonder what the military’s reaction to this “teachers” remarks are...
23 posted on
11/07/2008 2:07:35 PM PST by
(Biden10/19/08: "I probably shouldn't have said all this because.. the press is here")
To: doug from upland
24 posted on
11/07/2008 2:07:39 PM PST by
doug from upland
(8 million views of .HILLARY! UNCENSORED - put some ice on it, witch)
To: doug from upland
Ms. Harris... future Secretary of Education in the Obama administration?
To: doug from upland
thanks for your diligence with this doug!
we all need to share the contact information you provided far & wide
27 posted on
11/07/2008 2:11:59 PM PST by
(Don't tell GOD how big your storm is -- Tell the storm how B-I-G your God is!)
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