Semper Fi, Kelly
> Ahmadinejad should be arrested as soon as he departs from his plane at JFK.
He ought to be politely invited to the US, taken to the Ground Zero site, arrested, put on trial, and when he is found guilty (for there is no reasonable doubt) he should be suspended by the neck from one of those construction cranes, like they seem to be so fond of using as gibbets in Tehran. There is no justice quite like Poetic Justice.
Then let’s see how keen they are to build nuclear weapons.
I absolutely do not understand the lack of leadership in this situation. It should be a non-issue. What happened to the Axis of Evil?
Oh that's right, they're all Democrats. Who apparently implicitly support the right of Holocaust deniers who call for the incineration of Israel to be cordially received in their city.
Doesn’t this man understand that his request would require the administration to have someone with a set of testicles?