Blown away.....Major Talent here...
I went on a hell of a good dove shoot Saturday....if you got roots in Dixie you’ll know what I’m talking about.
I live in Fairfax County in VA. This county voted republican in a presidential race for the first time in 1964. Fairfax county voted republican for all the races since until 2004. In 2004 fairfax county voted democratic again. The demographics of the county have been shifting.
The writer of this article is an old time southern democrat—without the racial overtones.
I grew up in South Georgia during the 30s and 40s. My folks were sharecroppers. We were poor as church mice, but didn’t know it. Mom and my sisters spent the summer canning 3,000 quarts of veggies and fruits to carry us thorough the winter. In November we killed 13 hogs for meat for the winter after it being smoked in the smokehouse for several weeks. We walked miles to school, but came home and picked cotton in August until it was all in.
This guy says “Ill knock the far outa that no-count scandal, I could say with native syllabically padded fluency. Fire. Of no account. Scoundrel. Well, in my day we wouldda said “I will knock the peewaddling sh** outta you or “I will stomp a mudhole in your a** and walk it dry. Is this guy really a southerner?