Yes, the first person I always got to when asking the question "Are we winning the war?" is someone who is associted with a war we lost, and whose experience consists of having been shot down (twice!) and spending 6 yeras as POW.
John McCain (and the rest of his generation) wouldn't know a military victory if it slapped them in the face.
He's right in one respect; there aren't enough boots on the ground, but that's only because the US military has still failed to learn the lesson of WWII/Kora/Vietnam: quality infantry willing to slug it out with the enemy in face-to-face combat, not tanks, not high-tech gee-gaws, not special forces, not public-relations officers, win wars, and that you have to break eggs if you wish to make an omlette.
We don't have many infantrymen (or is it now infantrypersons?) because to spend money on the them would mean fewer toys (F-22's, DD(X)'s, Strykers, etc). It's also difficult to get people who mostly see the military as a way to get that great, entry-level-network engineering job AFTER their service, to join up to crawl through the mud when the civilian sector pays about 3 times as far as starting salaries (which are typically pathetic, but not as pathetic as military pay). The X-box generation wants to play Infantryman via the first-person shooter, but not actually, you know, BE one.
And of course, we're forgetting our media-obsessed society which wants to see antisceptic wars and not war as it really is; the blood, the filth, the human suffering, which, unfortunately, are often necessary when one is involved in the destruction of a poisonous culture in the hopes of replacing it with a much more rational and humane one. Somewhere along the lines, we forgot how to kill effectively, viciously and on the eyeball-to-eyeball level.
McCain & Russert should just get a room already & leave us alone.
Why didn't he bring up the U.N. black helicopters or Jenin massacre while he was at it?
Oh well, hilllary will need a running mate.....
Sure is a lot of hot air coming from the mouths of would be RINO candidates. Hagel has about as much chance of becoming the nominee as I do. McPain, slightly more.
McCain was on one of those Sunday morning talk shows....You're kidding? (obvious sarcasm)
"McVain" is politically fashion-concious and MSM-dependent...not exactly strong-leadership material...
The loser in McCain's scenario is McCain. A daddy's boy still trying to fly an airplane.
McCain is really a self absorbed little Jerk.
The biggest problem is the cut and run MSM, libs and dems. Their cowardly statements cause the people of Iraq to think that we will not stay around to help them so they feel obliged to take up arms on their own. In addition, these statements cause the instigators of violence (Iran, Al-Qaida, ...) to believe that they will be able to drive the US out if they just keep up the pressure.
Polls seem to show that the people of the US gutlessly agree with the cut and run cowards further inflaming the violence.
McCain is believing his DNC talking points.
McCain has "inside the beltway" disease.
Broken record. This is why this man will never be President.