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Sunday Morning Talk Show Thread 5 March 2006
Various big media television networks ^ | 5 March 2006 | Various Self-Serving Politicians and Big Media Screaming Faces

Posted on 03/05/2006 5:16:49 AM PST by Alas Babylon!

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To: samantha

"Yes, I agree but the Negative Nasties in the Democrat party have been doing this for quite a while. I believe it may have started way back in the Reagan years, but since the Dumbs have been out of power for so long they are more and more crazy to get back their power,therefore they are becoming hysterical and cannot stop themselves from being so mean-spirited."

I agree Samantha. The Dims' MO is to point fingers at Pubbies and accuse them of doing some that the DIMS are actually doing.
I also agree about the fact that they are getting more and more desparate to get power back. POWER is what matters to them most. Some because of power for power's sake, but for some, it's to continue to push forward their Communist and/or Socialist agenda. I posted the following earlier this week on another thread. Some of you may have seen it there, or on the original thread. It's something many of us have suspected for a number of years, based on the direction our schools, the MSM, the ACLU, People for the American Way, Soros, and where the Hollyweird left are going - but this was a truly eye-opening and somewhat disturbing article. It's a bit of a long read, but well worth it. IMHO the fight we have ahead is much more than Dims v.s. Pubbies - it's against these people taking over our country and turning it from a Democratic Republic into another France, or worse.

To: defconw; Tony Snow

Some of you may have seen this article before, but I just discovered it last night. Haven't had a chance to read the thread but did read the article - -it's long but an interesting read! By including this article, it appears there is at least one newspaper that isn't part of the HBM.

The betrayal of America
A Sick and Tired Writer

Max Friedman
The Augusta Free Press

This column is a rant, not a soft, cuddly piece of fluff opinion. It is going to tell the truth like you have never heard it before. To quote Jack Nicholson from the movie "A Few Good Men" - "You want the truth? You can't handle the truth" - but I'm going to give it to you anyway.

So, as your mother used to do to those of you readers who are old enough to remember, hold your nose and take your medicine, because the doctor is in, and he's operating with a chainsaw.

After 35 years in the news/journalism business, from D.C. to Vietnam, I can honestly say that most of the leading Democratic Party politicians and their far-left support groups are traitors to this country. Besides the few who are deceased or out of office, today's DP is loaded with leaders who have sold out this country to the communists, to the Islamofascists and to their egos. Others are just plain stupid, addle-brained and knee-jerk jerks.

(I'll get to the Republicans in a minute).

Joining them in this class of betrayers is the mainstream media, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, CNN and CBS (as we used to say in Vietnam, the Communist Broadcasting System). They have put their hatred for President Bush before the safety and security of the country, and they have severally damaged our security efforts, not only at home, but abroad, and I will give examples to prove my point.

The Republican leadership in both the House and Senate should resign immediately because they are ineffective, incompetent, stupid and clueless as to what needs to be done to protect this country, to fix internal problems quickly and rationally, and they have no backbone for a fight with the Demonrats. Rep. Dennis Haslert is a nice guy, but he's too slow in a fight. The first one to draw and fire accurately wins, and he can hardly get his gun out of his holster. With Tom DeLay out of the picture, perhaps we are witnessing a new wave of younger Republicans who will have the guts to fight the Democratic Left the way they should be fought, to the death, because the security of the United States depends on it.

Sen. Bill Frist is a great guy, but he lacks the skillfulness and hunter instinct needed to stop the Senate Democrats from destroying this country. Sen. Trent Lott, not!. Sen. Arlen Spector, head of the Judiciary Committee, is a total waste, and I used to like his fighting spirit when he was a prosecutor in Pennsylvania in the 1960s. Now he is the great compromiser, and usually loses to the mean-spirited Democrats every time, plus the fact that he isn't a great committee chairman. Too often he misses the real point of the hearings and lets good opportunities for getting at the truth go right down the drain. Also, he is anal-retentive on the Constitution and national-security surveillance to the point that he is endangering our safety. As one jurist said years ago, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact," but Spector doesn't seem to know it.

The White House staff - I couldn't give a rat's behind about Karl Rove. If he is so smart and skilled, then why is he a political eunuch right now? And why did Scooter Libby talk to the press at all? Stupidest move he could ever make. The press is the enemy, not a neutral and objective medium. I don't care if higher-ups did authorize him to leak items on Iraq - he just should have kept his mouth shut.

Karen Hughes is a nice woman and good for domestic politics, but she is so out of her league in the international arena (as a spokesperson for the American position), that she is, indeed, in a "League of Her Own." In fact, she's not even in the right league, or stadium. Her first meeting with Moslem women months ago gave her a black eye and proved how ineffective she is for the job.

The White House public-relations/media-relations people - fire them all, for they are totally incompetent and useless. I get more news, better news, more timely news, and more detailed news from overseas on-line journalists such as Michael Yon and Bill Roggio in Iraq, and from other on-line journalists on various topics, including The Augusta Free Press' own contributor Bruce Kesler (now with the Democracy Project), Ruth King (for extensive on-line website coverage of the Middle East and Europe), and the guys from the Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation/Radix Foundation, concerning Southeast Asia, the POW/MIA issue, and related military affairs, than I get from all the mainstream media put together.

Only Fox News Channel comes close to providing news no one else reports, a sort of visual version of The Washington Times (the best source of information on terrorism and security issues in the daily print media) and its cousin, The Weekly Standard, followed by Newsmax and

The press onslaught against President Bush has culminated in the U.S. losing many of its tactics and methods in the war against terrorism. The lies about how the U.S. treated terrorist prisoners and suspects at Guantanamo Bay, and the exaggerated stories about Abu Graibh (which was a disgraceful affair), the exposure of so-called black prisons for questioning terrorists held in back-line countries (as versus frontline countries), the disinformation reporting on what is actually in the Patriot Act, and now The New York Times deliberate sabotaging of an electronic surveillance operation run by the National Security Agency on a few dozen Americans, are only part of the picture of how the Left in this country is putting their own political and ideological agenda above and beyond the security of the United States.

If anyone thinks that the Dec. 18 story by James Risen and Eric Lichtblau in The New York Times, "Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts: Secret Order to Widen Domestic Monitoring," was anything other than a deliberate attempt to scuttle the vote on the Patriot Act, which was before the Senate on that same day, then you are crazy. And it wouldn't hurt book sales for Risen's new publication. This has been the typical modus operandi of the NYT, LAT and Washington Post for the past 35 years. Any chance they get to destroy America's operational agencies and tactics, they jump at with glee. Risen and Lichtblau are just the latest in a long line of subverters of America's security, all in the name of a free press.

Guys like Seymour Hersch (NYT), Walter Pincus (WP), Dana Millbank (WP) and other hatchet-job writers have always been assigned the dirty work of exposing and destroying America's intelligence systems and internal-security operations. Somebody should look into Pincus' background around 1959. They might find something very strange.

These subverters have been aided by Newsweek (the false Koran flushing down the toilet at Gitmo); CBS (the Bush National Guard documents fraud); and many misinterpretations or deliberate distortions of the actual scope of threats to our security (Jack Anderson and Karen De Young, WP, on the communist Sandinistas in Nicaragua); NYT (Ray Bonner on the true nature of the Communist guerrillas in El Salvador, the FMLN); the real nature of communist penetration of Grenada (the 100 feet of seized documents tells it all); the continual blaming of the White House and the military for not capturing Osama Bin Laden (covering up for Bill Clinton's missed opportunities to have Bin Laden hand-delivered to U.S. intelligence), and the nearly complete failure of the media to tell about the tremendous progress being made daily in Iraq, are only part of the truth about the anti-American, left-wing, so-called liberal or mainstream media, in America.

Go back to 1970 and look at the timing of these stories, and you will eventually see the pattern of destruction that they have on ongoing congressional hearings, legislation, military operations, intelligence operations and the morale of the homefront and military front in the war on terror. The same could be said about some of the MSM during the Cold War when the U.S. was held in a moral-equivalency position to the two greatest genocidal nations in the world, the Soviet Union (an estimated 60 million dead), and Red China (an estimated 100 million-plus dead). The apologists and protectors of these countries were legion in the op-ed pages, and often on the editorial pages of the NYT and WP (as the two most influential papers in the country).

What Walter Duranty started in the NYT in the 1930s by covering up the mass murder that Joseph Stalin was perpetuating on the people under his control, was continued over into covering up for the so-called Viet Cong and their North Vietnamese masters, the mini state terrorist regime that the Palestine Liberation Organization had established in Lebanon, and now the extent of the threat that Islamofascism poses to the U.S. and Western civilization. Look at how so-called Moslem advocacy groups in the U.S. have been portrayed despite the fact that their leaders have been convicted of supporting terrorism, and that their members call for Jihad against the U.S. and the West.

At to this list both Playboy and Penthouse magazines during the 1970s when they ran often damaging articles about U.S. intelligence operations and techniques. They seemed to be trying to out as many operations as possible, and in one case, Playboy gave money to a longtime identified CPUSA member (Frank Donner) at Yale who headed an ACLU-backed project to uncover and destroy U.S. intelligence operations. They didn't like it when I exposed their gift to this longtime CP security operative who was now a part of the ACLU Surveillance Project at Yale.

Having been involved in internal-security matters since 1969, as both an operative and a journalist, I have both seen things that the WP and NYT would never publish (I tried), and have been told things that would make you want to go out and shoot, as traitors, a number of journalists (a few were actual communists and a couple may have been enemy operatives), as well as some lawyers and politicians. Maybe one day the documentation on this will be available to the public.

I will only give you a few insights here because of space considerations, but you might someday be able to read the whole story.

There have been numerous members of the Communist Party and their sympathizers in the U.S. Congress since the 1930s, and a few are suspected of being KGB agents of influence, if not actual KGB agents. When Professor Harvey Klehrs and John Haynes (Library of Congress) had access to the Soviet COMINTERN files (the operational arm of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the MVD/NKVD) in the 1990s, they found lists of American labor leaders who were not only Communist Party USA members but also Soviet COMINTERN agents, including the late Harry Bridges, who lied his way through congressional hearings, immigration hearings, court hearings and the media (who covered up his past very successfully) until the Klehrs/Haynes discoveries in the 1990s.

The same goes for the Democratic Party cover-up of Soviet spy Alger Hiss.

Some of the CPers/sympathizers in Congress were in powerful positions, including chairmanships of both full and subcommittees, and used these positions to promote communist propaganda and disinformation, to attack U.S. foreign policy, to discover intelligence secrets, to undermine and eventually destroy internal-security committees/agencies, and to aid our communist enemies. Freedom of Information requests to the FBI have revealed the communist ties of the late Rep. Emanual Cellers and Samuel Dickstein, as well as those of the late Leonard Bernstein and so-called journalist I. F. "Izzy" Stone (a probable KGB-agent-of influence).

Often congressional aides were part of the equation, with some of them being active in CPUSA-funded think tanks such as the Institute for Policy Studies or the Fund For Peace operations including the Center for International Policy. One look at the names of congressmen/senators and their staffers on those letterheads and in the publications of these organizations verify what I have just said, and the list is much long.

A few congressmen/women have/had CPUSA front records that stretch for miles, and some also supported the Trotskyite Communists of the Socialist Workers Party and the once-Trots, now Stalinists, Workers World Party, whose fronts are led by Ramsey Clark, the former attorney general under Lyndon Johnson. These fronts include the International Action Center and ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism), as well as others.

Among the CP fronts that the dirty dozen members of Congress have supported have been the Labor Research Association, the National Alliance Against Racism and Political Repression (the old Angela Davis support group), the National Committee to Abolish the House Un-American Activities Committee/House Internal Security Committee, and its successor, NCARL, the National Committee Against Repressive Legislation), the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, led by identified Soviet agent Steve Nelson, the U.S. Peace Council/World Peace Council, and the National Coalition to Fight Inflation and Unemployment (this only covers some of the 1970s).

Besides supporting the communist-dominated anti-war groups, including the various Mobes (of which I was a covert member), and their successors, PCPJ (Peoples Coalition for Peace and Justice) and NPAC (National Peace Action Coalition), the one major SWP front that lists congressional sponsors is the Political Rights Defense Fund, which, like PCPJ/NPAC, has one John Kerry as a sponsor/endorser. It was an anti-FBI operation.

If you want names of these people, here are a few of the worst: Abzug, Conyers, Dellums, G. Miller, D. Edwards, Rangel, Kastenmeier, Harkin, Kerry, Braun, P. Burton, P. Mitchell, C. Hayes (CPUSA), G. Crockett (CPUSA), T. Weiss, and about another dozen with lesser numbers of fronts or less serious affiliations. Dellums even wrote a glowing memorial statement for Sandy Pollack, a key CPUSA operative and a true Comintern (Communist International) agent if there ever was one in the 1970s and 1980s. It is in her tribute book, along with a lot of other people whose names would shock you.

For a few of these mentioned congressional names, there is some serious evidence that they were secret members of the CPUSA, but this for a future story. For some congressional names not mentioned here who were reportedly members of the CPUSA, I am working on finding the documents that will allow me to reveal the truth about them. Don't ask me how I know about them, I do. Unfortunately, I can't tell you all of it right now until the proof is in my hands, and getting them declassified for public review is going to be one heck of a battle. Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich) tried his best to make sure that these documents were either destroyed or sealed for 50 years (when the House Internal Security Committee was destroyed in 1975). He knows what's in them and fears the devastating damage that they will do to him and the Democratic Party should they ever be released. His own record is a beaut, even just the public one.

John Kerry - let's ask him why he and Sen. Tom (the Vietnam veteran fraud) Harkin (D-Iowa) made a trip to shore up the Communist Sandinista leadership of Nicaragua in 1984 right before a congressional vote was to be held on whether or not to fund the anti-communist freedom fighters known disparagingly as the contras (a communist-disinformation term). Congress voted down arms for the FFs. Then right after this trip and the vote, Daniel Ortega went to Moscow for an arms deal in complete betrayal of pledges he had made not to do so. (See Stephen Powell's book, Covert Cadre, for much more on this pair).

Congress then regained a little sanity and revoted to aid the freedom fighters in Nicaragua, which led to the military stalemate in that country and then to free elections that ousted the Reds.

Kerry and Harkin have a lot to answer for on this one, and Kerry misspent millions of investigation dollars on a communist-perpetrated fraud regarding the so-called Contras and drugs in Latin America. Some of the key people Kerry relied on for information were avowed supporters of Hanoi and the VC, a self-proclaimed saboteur, an finger wound exaggerator (just like Kerry), and an FBI informant who committed perjury before Congress.

You might also want to ask Kerry and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) about the destruction of secret documents from the POW/MIA Task Force they headed in the mid-1990s, as well as their deal to cut out the human-rights requirements and live-sightings reports issue from the conditions for any diplomatic recognition of Hanoi's dictatorship. Former POWs and the families of MIAs are seething at this betrayal, which is why many Vietnam veterans will never vote for John McCain.

A member of this task force is available for any hearing on what happened to those files.

Ted Kennedy - The man is only interested in one person in the world, and that is Ted Kennedy. I feel that he sold his soul to the devil a long time ago, a la Damn Yankees, and he has and will betray anyone (Mary Jo Kopechne, for starters) and his country for power. Following in his footsteps is Kennedy-wannabe Kerry, who has a number of other skeletons in his closet that he doesn't want the public to know about. Remember, he told Tim Russert of "Meet the Press" last year that he would release his military records by signing the SF 180 form. We're still waiting - and waiting and waiting. Has our boy done something rash in the past that he doesn't want the public to know about? The evidence points that way, and the Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth only scratched the surface of the egomaniac known as JFK-lite.

Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.), once the hero of moderate liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans, has been used to spearhead the Democrat Party's surrender policies on Iraq, and while he was once a valiant soldier fighting in the big muddy of Vietnam, the only thing he is fighting in today is his muddled mind. He sounds like a programmed robot from the 1960s protests, only he doesn't know it is 2006, and things have changed. The U.S. is winning in Iraq, and his opinions are not only outdated, they are just plain wrong. I don't know whether to pity the man or to write him off as a turncoat. Either way, he has betrayed his country and her fighting forces, thus following in the fine footsteps of the Democratic Party of George McGovern and Ted Kennedy, Frank Church, Jimmy Carter and John Kerry.

I found a photograph the other night in a KGB-front publication, the World Peace Council, and its newsletter of 1978, which featured a KGB-agent of influence led delegation of WPC leaders (mainly Communists) to the U.S., including Washington, D.C., and Detroit, Mich. The Detroit City Council, led by veteran CPUSA front supporters Mahaffey and Henderson, was in the picture, as was one city councilman named Carl Levine, as in present-day Sen. Carl Levine (D-Mich.).

The DCC gave the WPC party a grand welcome, as did some members of Congress in a reception for them in D.C. Carl was known for his anti-intelligence activities in Michigan, so it was no surprise to see him in that photo. He helped destroy the information on that group.

Today, Sen. Levine, the anti-intelligence fool on the Senate Intelligence Committee, is a powerful enemy of America's ability to defend herself. It looks like stupidity is habitual. And don't worry, Detroit's other veteran CPUSA/WPC fronts supporter Conyers also shows up in WPC newsletters giving speeches to worldwide WPC meetings bought and paid for by the KGB and the CPSU/International Department.

However, when a WPC publication was published by Congress in 1983, all photos of congressmen at WPC affairs (including Conyers) were left out, deliberately. I have the original version of the WPC booklet, and that's not what was published by Congress.

To sum up this still incomplete rant about the Democrats, the media and gutless Republicans, the Democrats have sold their souls to the devil so that they can destroy George W. Bush at all costs, including the betrayal of our troops in the field and the security of the United States in the long run. All they want is power, and they will do anything to get it by smearing the president and his administration, by lying about the Clinton administration's past actions and inactions, covering up the destruction of U.S. intelligence capabilities that led to the intelligence failures of their policies and administrations (Carter and Clinton), i.e. Iran and Khomeini, World Trade Center I bombing, Black Hawk Down in Somalia, the USS Cole, the African Embassy bombing, the Khobar Towers bombings, and the multiple failures to take Bin Laden when the Sudanese offered him to us, all of which led to 9/11.

The Democrats perverted the 9/11 Commission into near impotency, covered up the firewall that obstructed U.S. intelligence agencies from cooperating, and now they are stonewalling other government investigations, including the potentially most damaging scandal of all, Able Danger.

While the Republican leadership has almost no backbone in Congress and did not have a very effective public leadership in the White House regarding Hurricane Katrina, the Democrats have done nothing but endanger the U.S. for the past 40 years. One betrayal costing 58,000 lives in Vietnam and Indochina should have opened the eyes of even the most dedicated Democratic Party member as to what the DP stood for. Yet they want to repeat it again in Iraq, and their supporters still think that their party cares about America.

These are the most treacherous Democrats ever to sit in Congress, the most incompetent, the most egotistical, and the most stuck on stupid bunch of SOBs in modern American political history (Sen. Harry Reid and Rep. Nancy Pelosi being the prime examples), and a lot of the American people are the dumbest bunch of yahoos ever to go into a voting booth to help them carry out this betrayal.

As for the mainstream media, hell is too good for them. There must be a special place for traitors and fools, and I know that it isn't half full yet. Ask any soldier in Iraq about the mainstream media, and they will tell you they prefer the honesty of Al-Qaeda and the Ba'athist terrorists.

I am so ashamed of what the Democrats have become, and so angry at their betrayal of our armed forces (including my son), that I will never vote Democrat again for the rest of my life. Sorry, Scoop and Hubert, you were honorable men, but you have been desecrated by your party just as John Kerry desecrated the honor of the Vietnam veterans in 1971.

God help America! The Democrats won't, ever, and the Republican leadership can't unless they get some backbone.

Max Friedman is a regular contributor to The Augusta Free Press. The views expressed by op-ed writers do not necessarily reflect those of management of The Augusta Free Press.$39014

112 posted on 03/01/2006 6:34:32 AM PST by Seattle Conservative (God bless and protect our troops and their CIC.)

441 posted on 03/05/2006 9:35:43 AM PST by Seattle Conservative (God bless and protect our troops and their CIC.)
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To: MNJohnnie
Was it not you that originally posted the article on the "Whistle blower law"?

No. It was not me.

442 posted on 03/05/2006 9:35:46 AM PST by Cboldt
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To: Txsleuth
President Bush comes under fire, even especially here on FR, for not "fighting back" or getting out in front of a story...

I am aware Sleuth. However, when he DOES come out fighting, as was the case with the "cut and run" strategists and the NSA leaks, he stands alone. His "party" runs and hides under their desks or saunter up along side the enemy.

Within 48 hours I learned that THE President had the constitutional and statutory authority to order the electronic surveillance of calls to or from a suspected terrorist. How many Republicans jumped on the "we need a thorough investigation" of THE President's actions, as opposed to pointing to the FACTS that authorized the action.

443 posted on 03/05/2006 9:37:21 AM PST by Just A Nobody (NEVER AGAIN - Support our troops. I *LOVE* my attitude problem! Beware the Enemedia.)
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To: freema

Don't forget Kemp was running around in October 2005 demanding that Ex-felons be given the right to vote.

He was NPR talking about African-American ex-felons being denied the right to vote because of 'racism'.

Here's the link

444 posted on 03/05/2006 9:38:48 AM PST by rcocean (Copyright is theft and loved by Hollywood socialists)
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To: Mo1

WH reporters are in therapy? This new victimhood that some Americans have embraced is just plain sad. We've just lost our "can do" spirit and gumption and it's depressing the heck out of me.

445 posted on 03/05/2006 9:40:07 AM PST by Peach
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To: OldFriend

Taking extra walks will temper the anxiety created by the gutless Pubbies, and it will probably lower our BP and your Blood Sugar, and we may even lose a dress size in the meantime. I decline to click on any of the Washington Elite Pubbie Bloggers or their Websites. National Review online has become as schizophrenic as Newsmax. They want things all their way or they start throwing trash.It has been on-going about the Borders, and it reached a nasty creschendo after the Harriet Miers short lived Appointment. George Bush is not President of The Conservative States of America anymore than Slick Willy was President of the Liberal States of America. These people need to get over themselves and realize the harm they are doing is not just to GWB, but to themselves. I will never have their noise in my head again, at least first hand. In a way they are every bit as delusional and one issue nutzo as Andrew Sullivan. At least with Sullivan you maybe able to equate his hysteria and girly man babbling with a possibility that he may be effected by Meds or his Serious Medical Condition, after all AIDS does effect the Brain eventually, and he was such a Profound thinker for all Conservative Causes except for one. What is the excuse of these other so-called good Conservatives? Beltway Fever? Needing to be loved by Liberals? That is too gross to even imagine.....

446 posted on 03/05/2006 9:42:40 AM PST by samantha (cheer up, the adults are in charge! Soldier in Bucket Brigade Reporting for Duty.)
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To: Justanobody
Many of us have been rather hard on Scott McClellan and, quite frankly, he ususally deserves it. But he did have a great statement this week and he redeemed himself just a tad bit w me - -I only wish he'd do this more often:

Here's a post on the Bush to Afghan thread from what appears to be someone on the ground in Iraq:

"White House press secretary Scott McClellan said, "There are security precautions that were taken and we are confident in the security precautions that have been taken. One of those was not informing you of the trip until now."

Over here in Ramadi, we are HOWLING!!! Everyone I've showed this to has burst out laughing. Nice shot, Scottie!!

11 posted on 03/01/2006 1:23:12 AM PST by Old Sarge (Fobbit = REMF ... how do you like me now?)

132 posted on 03/01/2006 6:50:50 AM PST by Seattle Conservative (God bless and protect our troops and their CIC.)

447 posted on 03/05/2006 9:45:19 AM PST by Seattle Conservative (God bless and protect our troops and their CIC.)
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To: rcocean
Jack Kemp makes his money off his consulting firm, "Kemp Partners". This is what "Kemp Partners" does:

Kemp Partners is particularly adept at providing entrepreneurs with unique access to human and investment capital that will further their business objectives. Our principals have cultivated an extremely broad global network of relationships in virtually all areas of business, from technology to investment banking, manufacturing, media, professional sports and entertainment. We understand how to leverage those relationships to enable our clients to achieve their objectives in a timely and highly effective manner.

Now you know why Kemp is always pushing for more foriegn access to the US market, its where he makes his money.

448 posted on 03/05/2006 9:45:33 AM PST by rcocean (Copyright is theft and loved by Hollywood socialists)
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To: Mo1

I've watched relatively little news for the last few days. Neither party seems to give a damn about national security lately, and the Republicans wholesale sell out of our president has so infuriated me that I'm not good company, so I'm just remaining in the background for now.

449 posted on 03/05/2006 9:46:50 AM PST by Peach
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To: samantha

My Goodness. You said it all. Kudos.

450 posted on 03/05/2006 9:46:56 AM PST by PrinceOfCups (Just the facts, Ma'am.)
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To: Cboldt; OldFriend
Keeping with the "Libby Rule," doesn't the government first have to establish that the leak could be in violation of criminal statute, before they start asking whodunnit?

You'd think so, but I laughed at the reply by OldFriend in this reply.

O'Reilly commented to Katie Couric one morning that he's waiting to see Russert taken away in this Plame story!


451 posted on 03/05/2006 9:50:46 AM PST by Arrowhead1952 (Don't mess with Texas.)
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To: Seattle Conservative
appears to be someone on the ground in Iraq:

LOL...yes, Old Sarge IS in Iraq. He sure loved that statement!

452 posted on 03/05/2006 9:52:11 AM PST by Just A Nobody (NEVER AGAIN - Support our troops. I *LOVE* my attitude problem! Beware the Enemedia.)
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To: FreedomNeocon

I think Rush realizes that Buckley is in his twilight years and that the "genius" intellect that he so much admired is for the most part lost forever. I have not been able to really understand Mr Buckley for years without a Transcript he has been so mumbly and garbled. Very sad....

453 posted on 03/05/2006 9:52:24 AM PST by samantha (cheer up, the adults are in charge! Soldier in Bucket Brigade Reporting for Duty.)
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To: snugs
I like the symbolism here. Anyone ever been to a rodeo and watched how difficult it is for the cowboy to stay on a wild bronco for the required 8 seconds? To the cowboy it probably feels more like 8 years.

Ride em Cowboy!

454 posted on 03/05/2006 9:54:37 AM PST by Aquamarine
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To: Alas Babylon!; snugs; rodguy911; All

Good Morning all. I will be doing the top 10 but I have a rather full day I must get back to shortly and a long day tomorrow so I probably will not get a list up until Tuesday Afternoon.

455 posted on 03/05/2006 9:55:05 AM PST by MNJohnnie ("Good men don't wait for the polls. They stand on principle and fight."-Soul Seeker)
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To: eeevil conservative; samantha

"LOL! The "Mentally Sick Media""


BTW - here is one FReeper's idea on how to get back at some of those in the MSM - a different kind of boycott:

LIBERAL MEDIA SMACKDOWN - Putting them out of Business report ^ | March, 4, 2006 | Staff Report

Posted on 03/04/2006 4:27:16 AM PST by woodb01

LIBERAL MEDIA SMACKDOWN - Putting them out of Business
Total Collapse by Election 2008 Staff Report

Conservatives, people of value, those with character and morals are aware of not just the leftist bent of the media, but the outright hatred of conservatives, Christians, Republicans and President Bush. The Bush bashing hatred after Katrina has been unbelievable. CNN had a supposed "computer glitch" that put an "X" on Dick Cheney's face (a blatant LIE about a "selective" computer glitch). Coupled with how quiet the mainstream media outlets of ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN were over the ACLU's attack on American soldiers with their demands for more inflammatory pictures from Abu Graib, it's time to put and end to the liberal media's terrorism against America.

The media attacks Bush for fighting terrorism abroad (even though there have been no attacks on the U.S. since 9-11) but has a love affair with Bill Clinton who played down repeated terrorist attacks on Americans, and even on American soil. [FN1]

Consider these outrageous media cover-ups:

- Al Qaeda terrorist plot to assassinate President Bush on U.S. soil, little media attention [FN2]
- How the U.S. media ignored widespread INTERNATIONAL media coverage about terrorist plots to ATTACK the U.S. so the media could fan the flames over impeaching Bush. [FN3]
- How during the Clinton Administration, the mainstream failed to report Clinton giving Iran Nuclear Weapons Technology [FN4] and giving U.S. Military Technology to China [FN5]
- USA Today manipulates an Associated Press Photograph of Condoleezza Rice to make her eyes look "demonic" [FN6]
- Liberal Media publishes modified porn site photos of supposed GI rapes to inflame Islamic Terrorists and Islamic hatred of U.S. [FN7]
- Newsweek, the same trash rag that published the FAKE Koran in the toilet story to try to bring about more U.S. soldier deaths runs Anti-American covers and stories abroad, some even call them treasonous. [FN8]
- As the "mainstream" media and democrats attack DeLay for supposed campaign financing issues, they ignore the actual, verifiable, and utterly proven campaign finance FRAUD by Hillary Clinton. [FN9]
- Just in case you had any doubt at all, the "mainstream" press routinely advances Anti-American Communist crusades and covers them up, right here in the good ol' USA. Can we say treason and terrorism here? [FN10] As noted from the story:
AIM covered the event and posted photographs of some of the communist banners and signs on our website.

Even the Washington Post's media reporter, Howard Kurtz, admitted after the fact the press did a "poor job" of describing the communists behind the demonstration. But it was worse than poor. It was deliberate deception.

Except for the radical left wing support of the Democratic Party and the leftist extremists that run the media, American media hate would be more properly considered TREASON. The American media is as much a terrorist organization as Al Qaeda, the difference is that they attack America's morals, values, character, and work tirelessly to advance causes that put all Americans at risk.

In a word, it is difficult to say they are anything but evil.

There is a very, very easy way to cause the media propaganda arm of the Democratic Party to completely collapse. Can we say pink slips, not by the hundreds, but by the THOUSANDS and a total collapse of the liberal media by Election Day 2008?

The solution is so simple that anyone can do it, it's not difficult, and it doesn't require any special sacrifice, if anything, it only requires delayed gratification.

How is that possible? When you happen to see any of these media outlets "news" programs, simply pay special note to their advertisers. DURING THE PERIOD OF TIME THOSE ADVERTISEMENTS RUN (a week, a few weeks, a month), don't buy those products from those companies, PERIOD! You don't have to stop buying their products permanently, just hold off on buying those products until the first of the NEXT calendar month after the advertising campaign has completed. Stop supporting those companies with your hard earned dollars during that period of time. When you notice that advertising campaign at that media outlet is over. Start purchasing again at the beginning of the next month. You can forego your Coke, Pepsi, Home Depot supplies, Fisher Price toys, or anything else for a week or two, even a month. Market forces can be used to destroy ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN.

Here's why it works. Every major company that does advertisement tries to measure the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns. After each TV, print, or other advertising campaign, they review sales information to see how effective the campaign was. There may be as much as two to four months lag time before the data is analyzed, and that analysis becomes talk in the marketing departments of these large companies, but the analysis looks carefully at the period of time the ad was running and its effect on sales. At first, the marketing "message" will get tweaked, if that doesn't change the sales effect, the marketing message may get overhauled, if that doesn't do it then the advertising program's rates must be lowered based on a lower market value.

During marketing campaigns, if sales stay flat or show ANY kind of a slump, the value of the advertising medium drops. After a few adjustments to the marketing message doesn't produce results, it doesn't really matter how large the audience market share is, the value of the media brand drops and the advertising revenue plummets. This cycle usually takes somewhere between six months to a year to translate into pink slips (some advertising agreements are negotiated annually), but it WILL translate into a totally devastated and collapsed media by Election Day 2008.

The brand's "value" is completely destroyed. The "brand" will become completely worthless.

And guess what, the liberals can NOT copy this campaign! Here's why, if they try to do this with Fox News, many of the liberals will finally be exposed to some measure of both sides of the story, a good portion of their brainwashing as "useful idiots" will be undone. Can you imagine, exposing moderate liberals to Fox News would expose the liberal media even faster.

And what are the liberals going to do anyway? The elites of the liberal camp that have money are so self-centered they're not going to dramatically escalate product purchases from the liberal media advertisers to save them! And so what if a few of them do, let the liberals waste their campaign contributions on Capitalism This is an easy lifestyle change for conservatives that it may take a little longer, but it WILL destroy the liberal media and the pink slips will still be coming.

And the liberal support base, the carefully brainwashed "useful idiots" of the left, have been so "dumbed down" by a corrupt public education system that many of them make low or marginal incomes. As such, they don't have the financial resources to rescue or to significantly affect media campaigns. These liberal "useful idiots" are also the least likely to actually watch news so there is little likelihood of any real or lasting impact from the liberals. My attitude is "let the liberals eat their art!"

456 posted on 03/05/2006 9:56:03 AM PST by Seattle Conservative (God bless and protect our troops and their CIC.)
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To: Seattle Conservative

Bump for later.

457 posted on 03/05/2006 9:59:20 AM PST by gov_bean_ counter (Self appointed RNC Press Secretary for Smarmy Sound Bites.)
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To: Kimberly GG

NO....I wasn't watching Wolfie..

What is the explanation behind "we want nothing to do with Dubai, Dubai wants nothing to do with CNN"..Did Wolf say that..and why does Dubai not want anything to do with Dubai??

Do you remember what Wolf said that Musharraf wasn't happy about>?

458 posted on 03/05/2006 9:59:46 AM PST by Txsleuth (Bush-Bot;WaterBucket Brigader;and fan of defconw)
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To: anita
Greg Jarret on FNC is clearly on of their liberal leftists. Frankly, I'm tiring of many on Fox News Channel who are in the Bash Bush band. I wish FNC would remember 'who' and 'why' they became the leader in cable news. If I wanted liberal slants on the news, I have many options on major networks and the other cable news networks. On FNC I expect to hear deep thinkers and detailed issues and TRUTH but now find it only on a few FNC shows- Brit Hume, Neil Cavuto and Hannity & Colmes. I find myself tuning out FNC when I used to watch it 24/7. The Sunday morning Fox show hosted by Chris Wallace is wimpy except for the insight Brit provides. I tune in only at the end now for Brit's commentary.
459 posted on 03/05/2006 9:59:56 AM PST by Faithfull
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To: Bahbah

Thanks for that information, re: Wolf's intvu with Musharraf.

460 posted on 03/05/2006 10:01:32 AM PST by Txsleuth (Bush-Bot;WaterBucket Brigader;and fan of defconw)
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