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Bomb Blast at University of Oklahoma (Breaking on Fox) - suicide bomber at OU
Fox News/ ^
| oct. 1, 2005
Posted on 10/01/2005 7:05:29 PM PDT by blogblogginaway
Edited on 10/01/2005 7:21:56 PM PDT by Admin Moderator.
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To: KingKongCobra
That's what happens when you poke the bratwurst. Freshman mistake.
posted on
10/01/2005 7:51:35 PM PDT
(Unleash the Neutron Bomb)
To: RasterMaster
To: Spunky
Ah, thank you. I got my fix.
posted on
10/01/2005 7:51:44 PM PDT
Right Wing Assault
("..this administration is planning a 'Right Wing Assault' on values and ideals.." - John Kerry)
To: kjam22
who blows themselves up to commit suicide? could it be a backpack bomber who wanted to blend in with the exiting crowd and set it off, but it detonated early?
To: Sacajaweau
And ho-wood claims to have all the imagination in the world. That's full of C
The source of this Commander In Chief fantasy is not some creative, west-coast wunderkind. Instead, it's the love child of some scheming political hacks.
To: blogblogginaway
Update from leaving stadium in orderly fashion. Told the west and south exits are closed and fans should avoid the South Oval. Parking lots & a parking building to the west of the stadium are closed, so those with cars there are being asked to wait until the areas are released by searchers. Pres. Boren announced via the PA system at game's end that these precautions were being taken because of "an individual's suicide which is under investigation".
To: Sacajaweau
Peter is the brother of Mandy Grunwald...Hillary's media advisor and the Hillary's best friend. Mandy also ran Bubba's campaign. The other tidbit is that Mandy is married to Matt Cooper who started the Rove bit. That disgusting info is worth an entire day of FReeping. 8~)
posted on
10/01/2005 7:52:22 PM PDT
Dr. Eckleburg
(There are very few shades of gray)
To: ConservativeMan55; All
AP is reporting officials believe it was an individual suicide. The articles has this unpleasant quote from a student witness: "We saw a little bit of smoke, about as much as you would see coming up from a grill."
posted on
10/01/2005 7:52:36 PM PDT
(CA: Stop union theft for political agendas with YES on Prop 75!)
To: indcons
My wife called and said she will have to exit the stadium on the east side. Her car is parked on the west side and probably wont be able to access it tonight. I will have to go pick her up after the traffic has subsided somewhat.
posted on
10/01/2005 7:52:40 PM PDT
(You can never have enough friends, horsepower or ammunition.)
To: zipp_city
"individual suicide" what the heck does that mean?
Duh suicide involves one person killing themself, but why then and there, and why no identification of any sort of the suicide/homicide bomber?
posted on
10/01/2005 7:52:47 PM PDT
To: GummyIII
Contradiction alert!
"We are apparently dealing with an individual suicide, which is under full investigation," OU President David Boren said in a statement."
and then....
"About 9 p.m. a police bomb squad detonated explosives found at the site of the blast."
So the suicide guy had more undetonated bombs on him? Doesn't pass the sniff test.
posted on
10/01/2005 7:52:49 PM PDT
To: SVTCobra03
Hope your wifes okay!
SVTCobra03...Must be a fellow Ford-Nut huh?
posted on
10/01/2005 7:52:49 PM PDT
(When I grow up I wanna be a coWboy.)
To: The Red Zone
" Kind of hard to identify smithereens. Not always, if it was a bomb belt/vest thing, the bomber's head and upper torso usually pops off and lands a distance away intact.
To: BurbankKarl
To: oceanview
I don't know.... I do know it's the first home game that I haven't gone to in years. Was busy today with some other stuff and just decided to watch it on television. It happened on the growup side of the stadium. Boosters etc. The east side is the student side.
posted on
10/01/2005 7:53:20 PM PDT
To: ArmyTeach
I would suspect that the MSM will release the Abu Graib photos on the date Ramadan begins.
Rash Hashanah begin Tuesday, October 4, 2005.
Ramadan begins Wednesday, October 5, 2005
Yom Kipper October 13, 2005.
The word "Mico and Biology" are the words I think are the most dangerous.
I doubt if the fans in the Stadium really had any idea what was happening by virtue of the crowd noise. Stopping the game would have been a major stampede...possibly over nothing, possibly over something.
There is something in the air for the Government to have thought about issuing biochemical supplies to Seattle this month.
posted on
10/01/2005 7:53:33 PM PDT
(What goes around comes around!)
To: WestTexasWend
an individual's suicide which is under investigationWhich he would have been instructed to say to keep folks from panicking.
posted on
10/01/2005 7:53:34 PM PDT
(If you have the ability, it's your responsibility." Marine Sgt. John Place, Silver Star recipient)
To: jdm
No, it doesn't pass the sniff test. They are trying to clear the stadium and avoid a panic.
To: blogblogginaway
Not really. Could be something remained unexploded. A dud in other words.
posted on
10/01/2005 7:54:06 PM PDT
(CA: Stop union theft for political agendas with YES on Prop 75!)
To: SVTCobra03
Thank God your wife is safe. Take care.
posted on
10/01/2005 7:54:17 PM PDT
(How about rooting for our side for a change, you liberal morons?)
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