Posted on 07/13/2005 7:06:10 AM PDT by stocksthatgoup
Now, Wilson didn't have an intelligence background. Indeed, the committee revealed that Wilson didn't have a "formal" security clearance, but the CIA gave him an "operational clearance." The fact is that there was little to recommend Wilson for the role, other than his wifes persistence.
Now, this addressed his "clearance" while he was on the trip to Niger, I imagine. But I don't know what job he would have had in the government in 1998 when he married his wife, or why he would have known to check her status back when he might have had such clearances.
Wilson isn't cavalier about his wife's employment -- usually. He often says he can't answer questions, but it seems more of an act. When you get on national TV and say that Karl Rove should be frog-marched out of the White House for outing a CIA operative, it is hard to later claim that you never actually SAID she was a covert agent.
They can and do if they are reassigned back to headquarters on a domestic assignment. Thousands of people work there and unless a specific individual is being tracked by a hostile power inside the US, it would be difficult to sort out who does what.
There are many levels and kinds of cover. Many CIA personnel are declared to host governments when they are assigned abroad and attached to the Embassy. It facilitates host country protection and working with intelligence officials abroad.
Pfame's usefullness to the Agency as a covert operative was severely damaged when her husband declared in his Op-Ed piece that he was on a mission for the CIA to Niger. His association with the CIA and his new high public profile would make it difficult for his wife to be assigned overseas with her family. She was now Mrs. Wilson, wife of CIA operative, Joseph Wilson.
Pfame's usefullness to the Agency as a covert operative was severely damaged when her husband declared in his Op-Ed piece that he was on a mission for the CIA to Niger.
The disclosure of HIS association with the CIA compromised her ability to function as a spook.
Many CIA personnel are declared to host governments when they are assigned abroad and attached to the Embassy.
But Wilson and the DEMs are trying to plant the false meme that Plame functioned as undeclared. Funny that "covert" has a range of meaning too, as in how many people or which bureacracies know the "secret."
The liberals are so desperate.
More Info on Joe Wilson and Plame
She may have been in a covert assignment overseas, i.e., not associated with the Embassy or other USG agency, but once she returned to the US, she was no longer covert, but rather, a domestic CIA employee. If the Agency had wished to keep her in deep cover, she would never have worked at the CIA.
That fact is what causes the disconnect on folks trying to make a rational analysis of the DEM charge that Rove (or anybody else for that matter) could have "outed" Plame in 2002 or 2003.
Does "covert" equal "deep cover?" How deep does the cover have to be before an agent is covert? How covert do they have to be before they have deep cover? Hehehehehe. All that is set out, from a criminal prosecution point, in 50 USC 426.
TITLE 50 : CHAPTER 15 : SUBCHAPTER IV--PROTECTION OF CERTAIN NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION 50 USC 421 - Protection of identities of certain United States undercover ...
50 USC 426 - Definitions
Cover overseas has been a real problem. The Foreign Service Nationals can identify most of the American employees who work for the Agency. Being integrated into another USG agency or working for an overseas commerical company help, but there are plenty of telltale signs that foreign intelligence agencies can use to figure out who is who. The Agency is constantly working on ways to improve cover.
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