1 posted on
11/27/2004 10:23:37 PM PST by
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To: Bedford Forrest
53 posted on
11/28/2004 9:13:53 AM PST by
(May you be in heaven a half hour before the devil knows that you're dead.)
To: neverdem; abbi_normal_2; Ace2U; adam_az; Alamo-Girl; Alas; alfons; alphadog; amom; AndreaZingg; ...
Rights, farms, environment ping.
Let me know if you wish to be added or removed from this list.
I don't get offended if you want to be removed.
80 posted on
11/28/2004 5:09:42 PM PST by
( In Essentials, Unity...In Non-Essentials, Liberty...In All Things, Charity.)
To: neverdem
What about the Phoenix Project? That project proposes putting wind powered generators off shore. The wind generators produce electricity that is used to split the hydrogen from the water. No need to use coal or nuclear fuel so the method is much cleaner.
I know there is a web site relating to the Phoenix Project.
I can't believe it isn't being pursued. Initial cost could be a factor. But the cost of doing nothing will be far greater.
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