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October 8th Bush/Kerry Post-Debate LIVE Thread
Posted on 10/08/2004 5:43:50 PM PDT by andrew1957
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To: stanz
If I had to miss the Yankee game, at least this time I enjoyed doing it. W came out swinging with both hands...great performance, I'm so relieved. (BTW Yankess are up 8-1...congrats to Boston...for now.) Yeah, that was really unfortunate timing for Yankees and Twins fans and for those who wanted to watch the presidential debate. I was wondering if you were watching the debate or the game. W did MUCH better tonight! I'm relieved also, but hope most of the country was tuned in (not watching the big game).
Hmmm... I suspect there will be a rematch of the Sox and Yanks! ;-)
posted on
10/08/2004 8:57:41 PM PDT
("The DemocRATic party...has been hijacked by a confederacy of gangsters..." - Pat Caddell, 11/27/00)
To: bert
Are you making a play on words? The aborted baby would not DIE of aids; it will carry the aids disease.
To: deport
Have chain saw, will travel?
posted on
10/08/2004 8:57:52 PM PDT
(What's the Font Spacing, Kenneth?)
To: mattdono
yeah. he hammered Kerry all over the place tonight. The President was fully in command tonight, without question. I was sitting in my car, screaming out loud with glee. This is what we knew the President could do...and he did.
From now on, anyone who does not clear the President's schedule on the day of a debate, gets "Trumped" (as in, "YOU'RE FIRED!")
posted on
10/08/2004 8:57:55 PM PDT
(There's nothing constitutional about a "right" that is nowhere to be found in the U.S. Constitution.)
To: CounterCounterCulture
posted on
10/08/2004 8:58:09 PM PDT
(Never Forget - And Never Again)
To: montag813
You must be watching a replay of the first debate. We're all watching the second debate now.
To: Mo1
How ignorant do the Chris Matthews of the world think we are? I guess they forgot that we have all been recently Ratherized.
I guess they figure people don't realize that the debate polls and the presidential vote polls are far from reconciled. DUH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To: DaveMSmith
Begala is UGLY,
but next to Ann Coulter
he's UNSIGHTLy. Hideously
posted on
10/08/2004 8:58:44 PM PDT
(John "F" Kerry deserves to be the final casualty of the Vietnam War - Re-elect Bush/Cheney)
To: Jorge
Another great Bush line: "I own a timber company? Need some wood?"
Will anyone ask Kerry what he was talking about in that accusation?
To: Salamander
Nope .. we live up in yankee land and I get to do the cooking :0)
posted on
10/08/2004 8:58:48 PM PDT
(The President's job is not to pass a global test, but to protect the American people.)
To: Mo1
I like Philly, but he ain't like the guys I've met from there. They're Italian "Whaddy mean. C'mon. Wha? Ayyy." Those are the bankers!
To: xenawp
Imagine how Ter-Ayy-Zuhhh would decorate the White House...Like Dracula's Castle!!
To: deport
posted on
10/08/2004 8:59:22 PM PDT
(What's the Font Spacing, Kenneth?)
Comment #6,854 Removed by Moderator
To: Jorge
Chris Matthews is actually touting the online polls as proof that Kerry won! Unbelievable.You can't fix stupid.
posted on
10/08/2004 8:59:29 PM PDT
To: jq2
President did call KK 'Kennedy.' I caught that, but that's great because it's gonna keep the 'liberal' image in people's minds! Never underestimate the mind! And that's REALLY got McM worried!
To: Darkwolf377
You can always sense when the dems loose. Begalla was all over the map. Using Kerry lines to make his points which were falling flat. Down, dour look. He was not saying Kerry won like last time I saw him.
Way to go W
posted on
10/08/2004 8:59:51 PM PDT
(French Fried Flip Flopper still Flouncing, be careful out there.)
To: Howlin
posted on
10/08/2004 9:00:09 PM PDT
(One Day at A Time || Blue Angel in PJs)
To: All
I love Hannity tonight. LOL!
he is enjoying watching the Dems on Defense!
To: UltraKonservativen
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