1 posted on
07/14/2004 2:50:15 AM PDT by
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To: kattracks
A lifetime of speaking about 4 short months in Vietnam.
85 posted on
07/15/2004 8:10:07 AM PDT by
(In the end, the Democrats are really just a bunch of jackasses.)
To: kattracks
Has the "self inflicted wounds" charge been explicitly made before? If this can be substantiated...
87 posted on
07/15/2004 8:37:36 PM PDT by
( "Ich kann nicht anders.")
To: kattracks
Bump for Swift Boat Vets. Kerry is a disgraceful liar.
101 posted on
07/17/2004 9:01:57 AM PDT by
(I am not a digital brown-shirt. I had a brown shirt once, but my dog chewed it up.)
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