I know that heart is in the right place when you post "reminder articles" like this for us to read. But, as I'm sure you know, they are painful to read.
Where to start. Where to start.
OK. How about this gem:
"And while there are plenty of GOPers in Congress who care deeply about which party holds 1600 Pennsylvania, there are also more than a few who think they were elected to change Washington.".
This might mean "change it back" since, after all, this Salon-Idiot (S-I) certainly voted for a Closet Muslim who's goal was to "fundamentally change the United States of America". One would have though the S-I would favor such a move.
And then there is the inevitable "... That is, needless to say, wildly at odds with scientific consensus across the globe; and dismissing the conclusions of essentially all of the worlds qualified scientists ..." when referring to the GOP vote against his imaginary human caused climate change.
I could go on but you get the idea.
Consider me fully "reminded" of where Salon stands and the fact that yes, liberals are fools.
I say again. The Uniparty must be destroyed.
Salon thinks the GOPe’s “strategy” is “savvy.”
What more does any conservative need to know about that “strategy”?
Unfortunately, this ain’t Ike’s America any more. I think he would be a very different President in today’s context.
How the hell did that loser Huckabee get his name in this article? Like he has a chance of being elected dog crap inspector.
One should always consult Saloon first when pondering GOP strategy. That said, it’s foolish to assume that the GOP even cares about winning the presidency as long as they control the purse strings - plenty of good money to be made for all, so why put their butts on the line? They would rather lose with a squish than lose their hands on the money tree by getting behind an honest conservative.