She was weeping? About a woman she didn’t know, never heard of? What a delicate flower she is, and might I point out weeping, crying, boohooing, etc. is a hallmark of liberals everywhere. When they aren’t busy being “fearful of ______” they are “weeping because ________”. Fill in the blank with any cause celeb.
I have a very good friend who is a professor at the University of Texas in Austin. He is of course very liberal. He actually is finding Obama difficult to “swallow” lol but he has opened himself to the otherside he says....He really likes Megan McCain and her politics. OMG, thought I was going to fall off my chair. Point is, she resignates with those who dislike Obama and cant come to say they like R’s..... Its a trend that is disturbing to say the least.
Just sayin
Go away Meghan.
The sad part is that John McCain has other children who are fine, upstanding and private citizens. Some have an honorable tradition of public and military service. Yet this ditz Meghan defines the “next generation” of McCains. Too bad.
I hear that loser Levi is available for you.
He sure needs some help paying child-support to his two baby mamas.
Did you not get your invite to Dancing With The Stars?
“just about everyone involved in John McCains presidential campaign the candidate excluded....”
And speaking of “the candidate,” where has THAT sterling son of the sod been when it comes to sticking up for Sarah anywhere CLOSE to how SHE has stuck up for him?!
IMHO, if he had a toothbrush moustache when he gives that wimpy grin sometimes, he’d be the image of Charlie Chaplin; and since he got back from Nam he’s had about as much honor and character as Chaplin! What have you done for us lately, Johnny?!
And then there’s the big-mouthed daughter. What can I say? The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!
The national media and the rest of the left declared Palin to have IMPLODED with little, perky Katie. Right now, as then, Katie can’t draw an audience. Sarah can!!
Romney is a RINO...
Well, OTOH, this effectively finishes Mitt...