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President Urges Congress to Support Nation's Priorities
whitehouse ^ | 7/7/2002 | President Bush

Posted on 07/08/2002 4:12:15 PM PDT by TLBSHOW

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To: TheEaglehasLanded
"Q You weren't President then; Bill Clinton was President. Do you think in some way he contributed to that, set a moral tone in any way?


I believe a better response would have been "No Comment" as it is vacuous to argue that Clinton's rampant criminality while in office did not set a decadent tone for some less-morally-tethered individuals within Corporate America to follow.


21 posted on 07/09/2002 6:30:18 AM PDT by Mudboy Slim
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To: CyberAnt
"Bush doesn't want to talk about Clinton - because the MEDIA LOVES CLINTON AND THEY ARE JUST STANDING THERE SALIVATING FOR BUSH TO START BASHING CLINTON. He just won't do it. Besides, he doesn't have to - the latest Gallup polls show the American people already believe it was Clinton's corruption which caused the whole mess. Why should Bush get involved. The people already know the truth!"

Dubyuh needn't spearhead the attack, just allow Ashcroft's DoJ to do their jobs and prosecute the Guilty, which most certainly includes Der SchleekMeister and Terry McAwful.

Until Dubyuh allows the Attorney General to do a full investigation and prosecute those who committed felonies, we will never really know the Truth, nor will the Sheeple be confident in the Federal Guv'ment's ability to hold their own accountable.


22 posted on 07/09/2002 6:34:25 AM PDT by Mudboy Slim
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To: Mudboy Slim
There must be some reason why the Rats are in a tailspin over this Harvey Pitt, who I heard this morning has already done more than any other SEC head in prohibiting malfactors from serving as corporate officers and/or directors.

And where exactly is Mr. Robert Rubin, anyway? He seems to have faded into the woodwork, although, if you will remember, he was considered the architect of the Clinton boom.

One would think the press would be grabbing him for his opinion, wouldn't you?

23 posted on 07/09/2002 6:40:10 AM PDT by Miss Marple
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To: Miss Marple
"There must be some reason why the Rats are in a tailspin over this Harvey Pitt, who I heard this morning has already done more than any other SEC head in prohibiting malfactors from serving as corporate officers and/or directors."

He sure is being Gingrich'd, isn't he? I think the RATS know how vulnerable they are with the blatantly-corrupt McAuliffe heading the DNC, and they want to focus on some GOPers to give the false impression that "They ALL Do It!!" Still, I don't think it'll stick because it is all based on LIES!!

"And where exactly is Mr. Robert Rubin, anyway? He seems to have faded into the woodwork, although, if you will remember, he was considered the architect of the Clinton boom."

Limbaugh's been raking him over the coals and I don't see that letting up until after November at the very least. Rubin's as deep into this Fraud and Abuse as any CEO they can possibly bring up in front of Congress!

"One would think the press would be grabbing him for his opinion, wouldn't you?"

The Press, yes, but also Congressional investigators and the Attorney General's office.


24 posted on 07/09/2002 6:50:03 AM PDT by Mudboy Slim
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To: Mudboy Slim; Miss Marple
The big mistake the Dems made early in 1995 was to go after Gingrich openly and on slim stuff. IT LOOKED petty and mean, and they never got any traction off it at all. If anything, it only spurred Newt on.

They never had a shot until the Mediscare thing, and even then, it was the weakness of the Senate Republicans that may have done them in (but then again, could Dole have beaten Clinton?). With Democratic control of the media just about a given, we have to rely on surprise and skill. And that means we operate in STEALTH mode.

Better for the surprise to be a massive indictment where we have the goods because the Dems won't have had time to shred the evidence. If McAulliffe is CONVICTED, we have the Dems as the part of fraud (hey, the chairman of the DNC was CONVICTED). But they seem to realize if they are going to prosecute McAuliffe, they have to make sure he is convicted.
25 posted on 07/09/2002 7:38:07 AM PDT by hchutch
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Our nation is at war and

I really wish he would stop saying that. We are NOT at war, because he hasn't asked Congress to declare a state of war. He need to realize that this is the next logical step. Otherwise, we risk becoming more and more like 1984, and that's exactly whats got people like Hilary licking her chops. Her ilk can't wait to get their hands on the Executive Branch again so they can abuse PATRIOT...
26 posted on 07/09/2002 9:53:57 AM PDT by WyldKard
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To: hchutch
"The big mistake the Dems made early in 1995 was to go after Gingrich openly and on slim stuff. IT LOOKED petty and mean, and they never got any traction off it at all. If anything, it only spurred Newt on."

Newt had a lot of fresh ideas which resonate to this day, but I'm unsure he was fully confident in his know, he used to be a relatively-Lib'ral professor.

"They never had a shot until the Mediscare thing..."

Hah!! I believe 'twas Newt's weaknesses of the flesh that ultimately undid Gingrich.

"...and even then, it was the weakness of the Senate Republicans that may have done them in (but then again, could Dole have beaten Clinton?)" much as I respect my fellow Kansan, Senator Dole, he really was a pisspoor GOP candidate, wasn't he?!

"With Democratic control of the media just about a given, we have to rely on surprise and skill. And that means we operate in STEALTH mode."

If TalkRadio and the Net are your idea of STEALTH, I reckon yer Right!! But I'd prefer to take the RATS head on and and demonstrate exactly how feeble and corrupt the Vile Lib'ral DemonRAT Party has become over the years!!

"Better for the surprise to be a massive indictment where we have the goods because the Dems won't have had time to shred the evidence. If McAulliffe is CONVICTED, we have the Dems as the part of fraud (hey, the chairman of the DNC was CONVICTED). But they seem to realize if they are going to prosecute McAuliffe, they have to make sure he is convicted."

Dogged Relentlessness is a Virtue, my FRiend...MUD

27 posted on 07/09/2002 4:53:34 PM PDT by Mudboy Slim
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