If conservatism was a crime and Bush was charged with it - the case would get thrown out of court on lack of evidence.
I guess we are going to gild it too!
Might as well have AlGore in the position!
BTW....My daughter is taking a history course at college. Her teacher is a flaming, bleeding liberal woman about 74 yeas old. Every other word she says berates Conservatives and Bush - she claims everything we do is against the Constitution. I think if she would look closer at Bush, she might change her stupid tune. He keeps rubbing the backs of the liberals, turning his back on us!
The teacher I mentioned also complains that conservatives want to follow the Constitution too closely word for word, rule of law, etc.
I told my daughter "That would be a nice start" ....
That teacher complains that Bush is doing things against the Constitution, then she complains that conservatives don't follow the Constitution. My daughter HATES this teacher. I plan to give said teacher a piece of my mind after my daughter finishes the course.
The teacher SHOULD be able to teach history without spouting her liberal ideology, without trouncing on everything my daughter believes in, and without REVISING US HISTORY!!!!
If conservatism was a crime and Bush was charged with it - the case would get thrown out of court on lack of evidence.