I need more substantive sources.
Someone has to pay for Porkulus.
This might sound mean but how many of these people suppported Obama, and to say they wount support him anymore if this is true is well to say the least is A day late and a dollar short.
Are you F’n kidding me? If that SOB messes up my husbands benenfits, that it! He needs to GO! My husband is a Vietnam combat vet we owe him!
So looting 1 TRILLION DOLLARS from the the US taxpayers to give to their democrat cronies as political payoff which we will be saddled with for decades is not enough, these liberals are now spitting in the faces of our Military by cutting health benefits??!!!
I don’t know how dependable this is, but I’ve never talked to a Marxist who didn’t want to hurt our military. I had hoped that once 0 became our dictator, he would see the military as his, and leave it alone. At least then patriots would have it when we retake this nation.
WTF?! I can’t keep up with this stuff. I just spent a week calling, faxing, emailing, posting and filling out e-forms to senators informing them of my opposition to this StickitToUs Bill.
Is there somewhere we can go read this?
Sorry for my typo’s. My blood pressure went from 0 to 60 in three seconds.
If this is the case it should be front and center on the VFW and American Legion website!
Proposed Tricare Cuts Could Cause Problems For Military Families and Retirees
Nothing in Google or Copernic. Smells like bullshit.
Tally up people that Obama doesn't like so far:
Active Duty military;
White people in states that need help.
This is getting bad. I would not re-enlist for that and keep my mouth shut until I am discharged with my DD-214 in hand. Big companies will hire ex-military folks while they are laying off.
Liberty once lost is lost forever." John Adams, July 7, 1775
A little research on the internet doesn’t shed much light on this except that it isn’t a proposal to cut benefits but to change the way benefits are delivered. I’m not suggesting it’s a good thing, but I think it is a little early to be jumping on the “they’re taking away our benefits” bandwagon. Better to keep the powder dry in case a bill does come up that reduces health benefits for veterans.
How about a link to something verifiable.
This must be why the latest Zogby poll asked if you or anyone in your family is covered by Tricare. They’re already polling in advance of sh@@ hitting the fan.
place keep
Interesting material, thanks for posting this.