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A SWAT team blew a hole in my 2-year-old son
Salon ^ | June 24, 2014 | Alecia Phonesavanh

Posted on 06/25/2014 3:23:38 PM PDT by Clintonfatigued

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To: Jonty30
It was lost because it was dependent upon trying to change human behavior.


Human nature doesn't change, only the trimmings and trappings.

If we had made consuming beverages in public (outside, under 21) after 10 illegal, then we could round up kids in the park with a bottle of orange crush instead of needles in their arm. (The more permissive a society, the more extreme an adolescent has to be to rebel against the status quo, and they almost always will rebel--it's part of establishing themselves as unique.).

I can't approve of unlimited drug use (legalization), mainly because of the swath of destruction it has cut through people I have known over the years, including some family.

Neither can I approve of going after penny-ante criminals with military style assaults. Blowing the meat off a toddler's ribs was NOT justifiable collateral damage. LEOs, at least some of them, need to tone down the rhetoric, get off the Ft. Apache attitude, take a deep breath, and realize they live among us.

Maybe when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail, but you don't use a BFH as a tack hammer, either. Time for some common sense.

141 posted on 06/25/2014 8:02:50 PM PDT by Smokin' Joe (How often God must weep at humans' folly. Stand fast. God knows what He is doing.)
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To: GeronL
You'll have to show me the part of the constitution which permits the federal government to ban drugs. As regards the individual states, the powers granted to them by their governed vary, but generally they are limited to to acts of legislation which serve a compelling public interest. I will argue that even if the intent of such legislation is righteous, if it fails to serve that interest it should not stand. Such is the case with drug prohibition, the evidence being before us and the case being made with no doubt.

In most cases, drug use in and of itself harms only the user and it seems rather a waste of a governing body's time to legislate against an adult individual who wants to get spun up on dope and isn't causing harm to another person in the act. If I was the policing authority of a land I would pursue conduct in which one person harms or violates others. And while it is a certainty that such conduct can be a result of drug use, drug related crimes are more often the result of circumstances created by the criminalization of drug use.

If you want to make an argument to contrary, perhaps you can provide a review of the history of drug related crimes which occurred with any regularity before drug prohibition, and show how those types of crimes have been reduced as a result of prohibition.

142 posted on 06/25/2014 8:10:29 PM PDT by Clinging Bitterly (I will not comply.)
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To: robowombat
Speak harshly to a young person, other than a blackamoor, today and they will shrink from snapping back. What is going on?

They have been browbeaten and/or medicated from an early age. The reaction you're seeing is about the same as you'd get from a dog that had been abused since it was a puppy.

Some are 'radicalized' in that they'll fight back, but most will cringe in the corners.

143 posted on 06/25/2014 8:11:11 PM PDT by Smokin' Joe (How often God must weep at humans' folly. Stand fast. God knows what He is doing.)
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To: jonascord

Of course he does. He’s wrong, but he’s not stupid.

His heart is in the right place, he just doesn’t want to admit that his “drug war without a gestapo” is as much a pipe dream as anything libertarians could possibly think up.

144 posted on 06/25/2014 8:44:46 PM PDT by Dead Corpse (Tri nornar eg bir. Binde til rota...)
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To: editor-surveyor

So, when do we start the 1335-day countdown?

145 posted on 06/25/2014 8:53:34 PM PDT by DuncanWaring (The Lord uses the good ones; the bad ones use the Lord.)
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To: Lurker
If you support the “war” on drugs then you don’t get to disavow the collateral damage.

But the "War" isn't on drugs. If it is on drugs, it is an abject failure. There are more ways to get messed up than ever, more available than ever, and legal in many jurisdictions.

Regardless of who has been in office, two things have not abated:

The flow of illegals across our borders

And the flow of drugs.

In fact, some old drugs are making a comeback.

So, increasing the intensity of the 'conflict' isn't getting the job done. Sounds like the old saw about hitting the same button (only harder) and expecting different results.

If we want to reduce the flow of drugs into the US, we need to control the border, and ferret out all the enforcers and other people in higher places who are making a lot of money off this crap, directly or indirectly.

I am dead set against the loss of freedom that has come with the "War".

I am also against the rampant and unfettered abuse and availability of the drugs we have made illegal by decree/legislation.

But what is being done isn't working, innocents are getting hurt, communities (even this one) polarized, and blowing the meat off a kid's rib cage is just the tip of that iceberg.

Maybe, aside from the profit motive, the idea is to keep people so in disarray that they can't effectively recognize and deal with the real problems--not the users, but those who are raking it in, wherever they may be.

The failure of every administration since Eisenhower to deal with the problem convinces me that a lot of money is going into the hands of people who have a heavy influence on policy, and who have made sure the problem is 'managed' rather than dealt with--at the expense of our Liberty, not to mention the multitude injured or killed by everything from 'enforcement' to the drugs themselves.

146 posted on 06/25/2014 9:08:23 PM PDT by Smokin' Joe (How often God must weep at humans' folly. Stand fast. God knows what He is doing.)
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To: DuncanWaring

When Antichrist stands on the mercy seat of the Ark.

Paul told this to the Thessalonians, do you think it was only for them?

147 posted on 06/25/2014 9:17:32 PM PDT by editor-surveyor (Freepers: Not as smart as I'd hoped they'd be)
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To: Lurker
Can you point out exactly where in Article II, Section VIII of the US Constitution Congress is granted the specific, enumerated power to regulate what an adult puts into their own body?

'Cause if they have the authority to regulate anything you put in, they have the authority to regulate everything an adult puts into their own body.

A slippery slope, indeed, especially considering the Mooch (Who elected her to anything, anyway?) wants to usurp legislative authority and decree our diet.

Now, eat your peas, citizen!

148 posted on 06/25/2014 9:19:46 PM PDT by Smokin' Joe (How often God must weep at humans' folly. Stand fast. God knows what He is doing.)
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To: DuncanWaring
Everyone seems to quote "Gods of the Copybook Headings" for their own purpose. Like all good poetry, it means different things to different people. For some, it foresees the end of times. For John Bogle, father of the ETF industry, it means deserting free markets and shacking up with Keynes, to the greater glory of pinhead analysts:

"While the English author Ruyard Kipling was no economist (probably just as well!), his poem "The Gods of the Copybook Headings" beautifully captures thethinking of Schumpeter and Keynes. ... What Kipling is telling us is that the reality of arithmetic - "that two and two makes four" - ultimately trumps the illusion of the marketplace - the "beautiful things [promised by the] smooth-tongued wizards ... the Gods of the Market." His oft-forgotten rhymes neatly summarize the central thesis that permeates this book: that the real market of intrinsic value ultimately triumphs over the illusory expectations of speculation, hyperbole and self-interest."

I see Kipling's poem, among other things, as a warning not to give up our weapons, lest we become slaves. "Stick to the devil you know".

149 posted on 06/25/2014 9:31:48 PM PDT by Praxeologue
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To: Star Traveler

Adventists, of which I am one, believe that things will get continually worse and worse and the world and its institutions will unite against God’s people to destroy them.

When that happens, Christ will come and destroy all these institutions and take His people to Heaven for 1,000 years. After which He will bring His people back to earth for eternity.

The reason why there will be no rebellion from God’s people after this, is not because God has set up the most oppressive government imaginable, but that we won’t want to rebel in the least bit.

150 posted on 06/25/2014 9:32:48 PM PDT by Jonty30 (What Islam and secularism have in common is that they are both death cults)
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To: GeronL

It amazes me how the little libertarians flock to any thread about drugs. It’s their life cause. It is for THIS reason alone I could never fall in line with them. Talk about a one issue party, jeez.

Keep up the great work Geron, your words shed much needed light, though the little libers won’t let it in.

151 posted on 06/25/2014 9:53:58 PM PDT by AllAmericanGirl44
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To: Star Traveler
“One of the functions of government that you see is endorsed by God in the Bible, is to go after criminals and make them fearful of continuing their crimes."

Fear is the tool of tyrants and terrorists.

"Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. “

It's dogmatic baloney like this that causes me to revile religious sheep of every faith under the sun. You are like a blind photocopier of abusive history, continuing to roboticly repeat the same fanatical, abusive religious jargon that has demanded blind, unquestioned obedience to government Authoritarianism since the dark ages. An obedience to tyrannical government authorities who have murdered millions upon millions around the world. All of this blind obedience demanded under nationalistic banners of *submitting* themselves to “authorities” that they believed God had installed to power.

“The authorities that exist have been established by God.”

What utter nonsensical blather that only the Islamic fanatics such as those we now see murdering people in the middle east would accept as God's *establishment*.... Thankfully, the irrational belief in a Tyrannical Almighty is only accepted by a few radical nutjobs in the middle east. Blind, unquestioning obedience to tyranny disgusts me.

152 posted on 06/26/2014 3:28:28 AM PDT by FBD
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That’s what the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob says, whether you like it or not.

He also says that there is salvation in no other name under heaven, other than His Son. And his Son says that no one comes to the Father except through him.

You might want to add those to your list of “stupid things” you don’t like ... LOL ...

153 posted on 06/26/2014 3:43:51 AM PDT by Star Traveler (Remember to keep the Messiah of Israel in the One-World Government that we look forward to coming)
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A few more to add to your list of “hated words of God” ... LOL ...

Proverbs 1:7
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Proverbs 9:10
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

Psalm 111:10
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever.

Exodus 20:18-19

18 Now all the people witnessed the thunderings, the lightning flashes, the sound of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking; and when the people saw it, they trembled and stood afar off.

19 Then they said to Moses, “You speak with us, and we will hear; but let not God speak with us, lest we die.”

Mark 4:41
And they feared exceedingly, and said to one another, “Who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey Him!”

154 posted on 06/26/2014 3:58:27 AM PDT by Star Traveler (Remember to keep the Messiah of Israel in the One-World Government that we look forward to coming)
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A few more “hated sayings” for you ... and we know which side you’re on in these sayings ... LOL ...

Proverbs 2:5-9

5 Then you will understand the fear of the Lord, And find the knowledge of God.

6 For the Lord gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding;

7 He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk uprightly;

8 He guards the paths of justice, And preserves the way of His saints.

9 Then you will understand righteousness and justice, Equity and every good path.

Proverbs 1:22-33

22 “How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? For scorners delight in their scorning, And fools hate knowledge.

23 Turn at my rebuke; Surely I will pour out my spirit on you; I will make my words known to you.

24 Because I have called and you refused, I have stretched out my hand and no one regarded,

25 Because you disdained all my counsel, And would have none of my rebuke,

26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your terror comes,

27 When your terror comes like a storm, And your destruction comes like a whirlwind, When distress and anguish come upon you.

28 “Then they will call on me, but I will not answer; They will seek me diligently, but they will not find me.

29 Because they hated knowledge And did not choose the fear of the Lord,

30 They would have none of my counsel And despised my every rebuke.

31 Therefore they shall eat the fruit of their own way, And be filled to the full with their own fancies.

32 For the turning away of the simple will slay them, And the complacency of fools will destroy them;

33 But whoever listens to me will dwell safely, And will be secure, without fear of evil.”

Proverbs 8:11-16

11 For wisdom is better than rubies, And all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her.

12 “I, wisdom, dwell with prudence, And find out knowledge and discretion.

13 The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; Pride and arrogance and the evil way And the perverse mouth I hate.

14 Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom; I am understanding, I have strength.

15 By me kings reign, And rulers decree justice.

16 By me princes rule, and nobles, All the judges of the earth.

Proverbs 10:27

The fear of the Lord prolongs days, But the years of the wicked will be shortened.

Proverbs 14:26-27

26 In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence, And His children will have a place of refuge.

27 The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, To turn one away from the snares of death.

Proverbs 15:16

Better is a little with the fear of the Lord, Than great treasure with trouble.

Proverbs 16:6

In mercy and truth Atonement is provided for iniquity; And by the fear of the Lord one departs from evil.

Proverbs 19:23

The fear of the Lord leads to life, And he who has it will abide in satisfaction; He will not be visited with evil.

Proverbs 22:4

By humility and the fear of the Lord Are riches and honor and life.

Proverbs 23:17

Do not let your heart envy sinners, But be zealous for the fear of the Lord all the day;

Proverbs 30:30-31

30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.

31 Give her of the fruit of her hands, And let her own works praise her in the gates.

155 posted on 06/26/2014 4:18:58 AM PDT by Star Traveler (Remember to keep the Messiah of Israel in the One-World Government that we look forward to coming)
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To: Star Traveler
"That’s what the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob says, whether you like it or not. He also says that..."

The God of Isaac?
-The same God who according to Hebrew legends, told Abraham to sacrifice his only child, and then an angel magicly appeared and grabbed Abraham's hands at the last moment? That psychotic and insecure God? (And yes I know it was just a test of Abrahams obedience, and an allegory that was supposed to show that God wouldn't want anyone to sacrifice their own child, he would only sacrifice his own child many years later.)

In the mean time, blood sacrifices of animals continued for another 5,000 years. Discovery of logic and reason takes a long time to accept for unthinking photocopy machines.

Anyone who was caught trying to sacrifice his child to a god today, would be thrown in prison, and branded as a lunatic. Fortunately, most religions of today have given up on blood sacrifices. They have made various reasons for it, mostly because they finally realized that it was immoral and unethical to kill people. And they discovered science, and the realization that sacrificing people animals, etc, didn't appease the weather and volcano gods, or the gods of thunder and lightening.

The Muslim religion still believes in blood sacrifice, unfortunately. They are where the Hebrew religious sheep were about 5,000 years ago. The sooner all religious superstitions are overcome by science, the better.

Just curious, are you one of these Christians who still believes that God punishes people with tornadoes, hurricanes and volcanic activity?

156 posted on 06/26/2014 4:47:38 AM PDT by FBD
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To: editor-surveyor

Does this mean we can count on you to let us know when Antichrist stands on the mercy seat of the Ark?

157 posted on 06/26/2014 5:02:49 AM PDT by DuncanWaring (The Lord uses the good ones; the bad ones use the Lord.)
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To: Star Traveler
“Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right” (1 Peter 2:13-14)

Does this exempt us from submitting to governors who punish those who do right and commend those who do wrong?

Or are we to submit to them also, as they also are sent by the Lord?

158 posted on 06/26/2014 5:07:38 AM PDT by DuncanWaring (The Lord uses the good ones; the bad ones use the Lord.)
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To: Star Traveler
"A few more “hated sayings” for you ... and we know which side you’re on in these sayings ... LOL ..

[Proverbs 8:15] 15 By me kings reign, And rulers decree justice.16 By me princes rule, and nobles, All the judges of the earth."


-Ahh, good old wise King Solomon, of " Cut that baby in half" wisdom. Of course he would proclaim that he was on the throne by divine Providence, and of course his temple priests would tell the Hebrew sheep that God had put Solomon in power, isn't that what every king did? I seem to recall that Solomon had quite a few wives and concubines for his own personal pleasure, and that was okay with God too, of course. Of course it was.

Priests and politicians, a clever lot, they both are. Always telling the religious sheep who they need to obey.

There's King Solomon, hard at work, divining God's thoughts about obeying him. (Solomon) and after wards, he's gonna go get a little nookie from one of his concubines, all of them told to do be sex slaves in obedience to Solomons Lord. Uh-huh. Really righteous stuff.

159 posted on 06/26/2014 5:25:34 AM PDT by FBD
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To: Smokin' Joe

“Human nature doesn’t change”

Times change. People don’t.

160 posted on 06/26/2014 5:30:26 AM PDT by Lurker (Violence is rarely the answer. But when it is it is the only answer.)
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