1 posted on
08/11/2003 9:19:23 AM PDT by
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To: dansangel; LBGA
Please add my thoughts and prayers to the others being sent your way. God Bless.
33 posted on
08/11/2003 9:49:10 AM PDT by
(FReepers are Everywhere! We Support Our Troops! (Hillary's VRWC))
To: dansangel
Prayers sent. Lord, let your loving kindness be upon them, who put their trust in You.
36 posted on
08/11/2003 9:50:24 AM PDT by
To: dansangel
James - Chapter 5
"Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit."
To: dansangel; LBGA
Heartfelt prayers on the way for LBGA and her family.
nutmeg & zelig
43 posted on
08/11/2003 9:56:48 AM PDT by
(Is the DemocRATic party extinct yet?)
To: firebrand; StarFan; Dutchy; stanz; RaceBannon; Cacique; Clemenza; rmlew; NYC GOP Chick; ...
Please FReepmail me if you want on or off my infrequent miscellaneous ping list.
44 posted on
08/11/2003 9:57:32 AM PDT by
(Is the DemocRATic party extinct yet?)
To: dansangel; LBGA
In my thoughts and prayers...
To: dansangel; Howlin
May God provide comfort and strength to LBGA, her family, and her friends during this difficult and painful time.
To: dansangel
Add my prayers...
50 posted on
08/11/2003 10:01:00 AM PDT by
Chad Fairbanks
(The wages of sin are death, but by the time FICA and SSI are taken, it's just sorta tired feeling)
To: dansangel; LBGA; 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub
Thank you for posting this, Dansy. For many of us who "know" Lynne, this news has hit very hard. My heart is heavy as I know her to be one of the nicest people on all of FR.
Lynne, we're praying mightily for you and your son and daughter, and the rest of your family and loved ones.
Tonk, I pinged you to use your Canteen ping list - remembering that wonderful collage Lynne did so long ago at the Canteen.
God Bless you, dear LBGA, please know we love you.
53 posted on
08/11/2003 10:03:33 AM PDT by
To: dansangel
"And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up."
James 5:15
To: dansangel
Is there a charity set up to send flowers/candy/funds?
All my prayers are with you. May God hold you in the palm of His hand and be with you though this and may He bring you comfort. You will be on my mind and in my prayers constantly.
Our God is the God of miracles. I will be praying that He will heal completely, that He will continue to surround you with the peace that passes all understanding, and that He will encircle Tyler and Teale in His arms.
61 posted on
08/11/2003 10:08:36 AM PDT by
(¡Viva Bush/Cheney!)
To: dansangel; LBGA
LBGA, I extend my hands to you in love and comfort. God is the architect of your life, and doctors sometimes do not read the blueprint well. There are many here who were told to count their lives in days, not years, and yet they are still with us; the miracles of God are many, and all are under the care of this, the Great Physician.
But there is another, greater body of believers who stand with you now, and all of us must join them someday. They are the ones who grasped the hand of Death and passed through the portal beyond our sight, and they have left a legacy for us that no one can deny, and those of us who were blessed enough to witness their passing must testify...
I give to you my Father's legacy; he gave me the greatest gift a man could give to his child, the gift of dying. I was privileged to be there when the verdict was announced, that cancer would grant him only short months. He wrested that death sentence from the doctor and turned it into a triumphal march of the spirit, a march that led him through treatments, months of reprieve, and finally to the gates of heaven itself. Not until he grasped the Hand of the Master himself did he let go of his grip on the sword; he wanted to live. But even more, he wanted to die like a soldier of Christ.
I give this to you, my Father's legacy to me. Give to your children the last vision of you crossing the River in a blaze of light; not in mourning, but in defiant joy against darkness, for the darkness has not overcome you. The final sound of your voice lifted in a song, the song they will sing when they cross the River to join at last with you and their God...
To: dansangel
Prayers up!
66 posted on
08/11/2003 10:16:06 AM PDT by
(Xin Loi... Saddam)
To: dansangel; LBGA
Oh my, I am so saddened to hear this news. LBGA is one of my favorite Freepers. I formerly had email contact with her but lost touch when her email changed.
May God bless, comfort and heal her and be with her family and give them strength. May He and Jesus walk with her through this time. Wish I could help her.
Yet, no matter what physicians say, they have been proved wrong many times in the past as we hear countless stories of those outliving a physician's diagnosis.
So very sorry to hear this.
69 posted on
08/11/2003 10:20:15 AM PDT by
(It's just not safe to vote Democratic.)
To: dansangel
Praying for LBGA and family...
To: dansangel
Prayers on the way!
To: LBGA; dansangel; Billie; Kathy in Alaska; MoJo2001; LindaSOG; LaDivaLoca; bentfeather; Bethbg79; ...
"LBGA has since been told she is "terminal." She has accepted this pronouncement with the grace and dignity that only LBGA could exhibit. Those of you that know her will understand what I am trying to describe. LBGA is a remarkably strong, talented and witty person who is a role model that I lovingly look up to."
URGENT prayer PING for LBGA and her family
LBGA : offering my prayers
dansangel : Thank You for posting this.
Billie : Thank You for the alert.
To: dansangel
Prayers going out for a righteous person and a first-class Freeper.
79 posted on
08/11/2003 10:35:07 AM PDT by
("Each of us can find a maggot in our past which will happily devour our futures." Horatio Hornblower)
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