Nothing furthur.
1 posted on
04/10/2003 4:47:21 PM PDT by
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To: rs79bm
Did she say HOW she would have got those Sadaam statues to come down? Of course is cheap. She is simply a socialist/marxist idiot!
37 posted on
04/10/2003 5:06:22 PM PDT by
To: rs79bm
The cost to our budget, Probably 100 Billion. We could have probably brought down that statue for a lot less... Really Nancy, HOW?
(nit wit)
To: rs79bm
Yes yes!!! Please become more angry and militant, it'll sure help your cause, Pelosi! :)
To: rs79bm
Today, in San Diego I watched at least a half dozen Iraqis become naturalized citizens, along with hundreds from 81 other countries. Then we registered many as new Republicans. The Dems were there - they wore yellow tee-shirts - no red/white & blue in sight.
The Iraqis got the longest applause. They will never vote for a Nancy P Usee.
Want a good cry? Listen to 400+ new American citizens say the Pledge of Allegiance!
42 posted on
04/10/2003 5:07:20 PM PDT by
To: rs79bm
She could be in real political trouble.
SF people were not happy over the disruptive protest (which Pelosi supported), and which cost the city over $900,000 per day for police and emergency personnel; not to mention street cleanup, etc.
And ... recently, there was a poll taken in SF and over 60% were in favor of the war.
47 posted on
04/10/2003 5:11:04 PM PDT by
To: rs79bm
To: rs79bm
THIS is what I was hoping for when I heard that Pelosi was going to be the top Democrat in the House.
This is beautiful.
Now, if the Dems will only nominate Dean...
52 posted on
04/10/2003 5:15:24 PM PDT by
William McKinley
(You're so vain, you probably think this tagline's about you)
To: rs79bm
I think some of those injections went to her brain instead of her laugh lines.
53 posted on
04/10/2003 5:16:27 PM PDT by
(Member of the Dose's Jesus Freaks, Purple Aes Sedai , Jack Straw Fan Club, and Gonzo News Service)
To: rs79bm
The Democrats crack me up. They are burning the lifeboats to keep warm, while the Titanic is going down with all hands. Is there a Darwin Award for politicians and political parties?
54 posted on
04/10/2003 5:21:34 PM PDT by
( It is as difficult to provoke the United States as it is to survive its eventual and tardy response)
To: rs79bm
It is fun to see the dems continue to self-destruct. Stick a fork in 'em -- they're done.
55 posted on
04/10/2003 5:21:38 PM PDT by
To: rs79bm
While peloski ir what evfer her name is spurts her venom, look here:
. "They were really happy. You could see it on their faces. They were overjoyed they weren't going to be oppressed anymore," said Cpl. Mike Menkewicz, a reconnaissance Marine with 2nd Force Recon. The Allentown, Pa. native added "Having all those people yelling and thanking us for saving them definitely makes me feel like I have a purpose over here and have accomplished something, even though all we personally did was make sure the freedom force could do its job." from:
An e-4 in the USMC makes more sence than a us congress critter from california.
To: rs79bm
Gee. What a shock. Further confirmation that she's a drooling idiot. Golly. Who knew.
To: rs79bm
The good news just keeps on coming. Am I dreaming? Pinch me!
64 posted on
04/10/2003 5:29:17 PM PDT by
(Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God - Thomas Jefferson.)
To: rs79bm
How much is your freedom worth much?
68 posted on
04/10/2003 5:32:03 PM PDT by
(Mine's priceless)
To: rs79bm; Canticle_of_Deborah
She is not talking a stand. She figures that in her district, this isn't going to hurt her much. Everyone else in the U.S. could find it repugnant, but she only has to worry about her district.
To: rs79bm
PELOSI "We could have brought that statue down for alot less"
O.K Ms. Eyes..just how would we do that being that you are a brilliant world and military strategist. Would we point our finger and say " Bad Sadam..bad bad boy, we will be very angry if you don't stop being a bad man"!
73 posted on
04/10/2003 5:34:54 PM PDT by
To: NormsRevenge
Nutsey PEElosi Ping...
To: rs79bm
I have absolutely no regret about my vote [AGAINST] this war.Being a Liberal means never having to say your sorry!
I guess we know which half this HO prefers for the Iraqi people.
75 posted on
04/10/2003 5:35:21 PM PDT by
husky ed
(FOX NEWS ALERT "Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead" THIS HAS BEEN A FOX NEWS ALERT)
To: rs79bm
Man oh man! Are the 2004 elections going to be a 'hoot' or what?
No way this will be a 'issue-less' campaign season.
Hang ain't seen nothing yet!!!
76 posted on
04/10/2003 5:35:54 PM PDT by
Brian S
To: rs79bm
This is great, great news. The self-destruction of the Democratic Party continues.
77 posted on
04/10/2003 5:37:10 PM PDT by
(Stalinists, Maoists, Ba'athists, Pacifists: Why are they always on the same side?)
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