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To: The FRugitive
Most of these thick-headed dimwits NEVER understood the world in the fist place, much less "anymore." What is it about human meat grinders and bone crushers that they cannot understand?
Jubilation day for the Iraqi people, may they live in freedom forever! And for the DU crowd lurking angrily around here... :)
350 posted on
04/09/2003 12:06:41 PM PDT by
(God Bless our Commander In Chief and our Troops!)
To: The FRugitive
symbolman (1627 posts) Click to EMail symbolman Click to send private message to symbolman Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster Click to add this poster to your Friend List Apr-09-03, 02:22 PM (ET) 140. Is it congenital that Freepers cannot spell the word "loser", instead they always spell it "looser"? Always a dead give-away.. What a wonderful day, maybe the marines can run around and re-animate babies as well - if they can find all the parts.. f***ing murderers and nazis pure and simple.. nothing to be proud of here. Hey! Does everyone know who this is? It's that idiot trying to boycott Rush Limbaugh because of hate speech! I've screen shots of several of his stuff. If he ever gets on O'Reilly, I'm e-mailing them to O'Reilly. Talk about hate speech!
361 posted on
04/09/2003 12:22:11 PM PDT by
To: The FRugitive
here are the predictions of one of the biggest DU morons. BUZZFLASH: Why should someone read War in Iraq?
PITT: Because the United States of America and the Bush administration in particular are preparing to go to war against a country preemptively, which is something we have never done, that will set a precedent that is incredibly deadly. We have been allowed to live in the fantasy that the entire 20 million civilian population nation of Iraq is in the guise of one man. We will kill tens of thousands of these people. We will lose hundreds or thousands of our own people.
We will destabilize and set aflame the entire Middle East. We will guarantee worse terrorism on our own shores, up to and including the possibility of terrorists getting a hold of Pakistani nuclear weapons, which somehow we're perfectly satisfied with Pakistan having. The downside of this is far greater than the farcical and unproven and incredibly-remote-as-to-be-nonexistent possibility that Saddam Hussein might drop some terrible weapon on us. That's not going to happen. The fact that Saddam Hussein, in the midst of this pitched charge towards war against him, was savvy enough to offer to allow the inspectors back in, means that he is many things, but suicidally stupid is not one of them. He would be signing his own death warrant.
BUZZFLASH: On the other hand, if we do go to war with him, he probably would have nothing to lose to use those weapons, if he has them.
PITT: Intuitively, I would offer this advice: If America goes to war in Iraq, I think everyone in Israel needs to pack a bag and leave.
To: The FRugitive
379 posted on
04/09/2003 1:00:58 PM PDT by
To: The FRugitive
384 posted on
04/09/2003 1:07:56 PM PDT by
To: The FRugitive
DU: The cyberspace "Island of Dr. Moreau".
To: The FRugitive
Well, what do ya' know, the rocket scientists at DU were wrong.
391 posted on
04/09/2003 1:20:44 PM PDT by
To: All
I suggest that the DU'S might want to try living over there and see how it is like, I have been there and prefer the states. I am thankful for being an american. They might just fit in over there, being told how to live there lives.
397 posted on
04/09/2003 1:39:35 PM PDT by
To: The FRugitive
Here's something funny:
When I registered to troll at DU, I picked the name "saddamforpresident." Guess what? Someone beat me to it.
433 posted on
04/09/2003 3:17:38 PM PDT by
To: The FRugitive
To: The FRugitive
"...but in a city of 6 million people is it really that big a message that 2 dozen dragged the head of a statue down the street in front of the American military?"
(don't tell anyone, but he just described the War Protestors).
440 posted on
04/10/2003 7:07:14 AM PDT by
( it when Michael Moore, Susan Sarandon and other liberal whiners self-destruct for us...)
To: Maedhros
self bump
441 posted on
04/10/2003 10:14:35 AM PDT by
(Forms were too often changed by quite respectable people into formulae.)
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