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To: The FRugitive
There was one very sincere post:
We can't cower in fear of extremists... Who says we have to bow down all the time to the Muslim world? I would imagine a soldier that has fought with blood, sweat and tears, and is far away from home couldn't contain himself from seeing a stars and stripes. When the hell did the Democratic party, of which I belong, become such hell-bent on seeing everything negative? I swear, DU can't be happy for just a moment in that these people might actually enjoy a day a freedom.
37 posted on
04/09/2003 8:41:22 AM PDT by
To: The FRugitive
My sister has an old college pal that's involved with DU. One of the interesting things she told her was that DU's membership number always goes up because they include accounts that have been booted off, the number is far less if you just count active accounts. She also said that many of the regulars and moderators have 3 and 4 accounts themselves there.
Wouldn't surprise me one bit
To: The FRugitive
Someone PLEASE post this image at DUh!
To: Admin Moderator
AM-Thanks for the indulgence. Here's my contribution to this thread, from DU. In regards to the picture of a smiling Iraqi child giving a thumbs up sign, a DU Einstein unbunched his panties long enough to post this:
I'm hardly an expert on Iraqi culture but I do know that in a country near Iraq-isreal-a thumbs up is the equivelent of giving somebody the finger. I'm not saying whether the story is accurate or not but...gestures don't always mean the same in every country. maybe we should find soembody from Iraq who can tell us what thumbs up means in Iraq. "
Amazing. Almost sad, really.....
42 posted on
04/09/2003 8:43:53 AM PDT by
(Bless our Troops and Allies.........)
To: The FRugitive
Thanks for the's good to be reminded how much some hate this country, and will believe anything negative and hateful about whatever a Republican president does just as readily as the Islamofascists will.
To: The FRugitive
It's called DENIAL.
47 posted on
04/09/2003 8:47:12 AM PDT by
To: The FRugitive
"it's staged!" Of course it's staged. Everyone knows the entire war was actually pre-rendered using the Unreal II engine...
To: Psalm 73
On another thread, you said you'd bet it would be a glum day at DU. Thought a ping here was warranted...
51 posted on
04/09/2003 8:49:02 AM PDT by
(Bless our Troops and Allies.........)
To: The FRugitive
53 posted on
04/09/2003 8:50:11 AM PDT by
(Close the borders, problem solved !)
To: The FRugitive
Wow, I just checked out that DU site for the first time. I need a shower.
60 posted on
04/09/2003 8:52:03 AM PDT by
To: The FRugitive
"And the smell you smell is not victory -- it's the stink of despair, despair for the agenda of the Left in this country and for the relevance of the Stalinoids who back these protests. History has made them and their cause meaningless. When Iraq is liberated and the first steps towards the reconstruction of the Middle East are underway, I expect to see equally huge numbers of people in the streets bearing signs like, 'We Admit It, We Were Wrong' and 'Thanks For Doing What Needed To Be Done Despite Our Temper Tantrum, President Bush'."
-- B-chan, to an anti-war protestor, AWA Forum, "Gulf War II Part 2", Mon Feb 17, 2003 7:36 pm
63 posted on
04/09/2003 8:53:44 AM PDT by
(FR Catholic)
To: The FRugitive
Slackmaster's comment about it being called "statutory rape" got a chuckle from me. Most of the rest are just plain sick...
65 posted on
04/09/2003 8:55:22 AM PDT by
(Disinformation is the leftist's and enemy's friend; consider the source before believing.)
To: The FRugitive
I want to take a moment to remind everyone here and the DU lurkers that 70% of my hometown of San Francisco is in favor of what we did in Iraq.
They are a minority even here, and this is where the biggest protests were.
They're nothings. Very few DU birdbrains are over the age of 22, I believe. Political infants, really.
To: The FRugitive
They're funny. Very funny.
One writes:
"83. Some Perspective [...] For a city of 5 millon people, these are very small crowds"
Are we allowed to have the same "perspective" about the peace protesters? Another writes:
"86. The ones outside are very brave and/or foolish [...] Most people have more common sense than to be out in the open when tanks, LAVs, and armored personnel carriers are on your city's streets."
Of course the Iraqis, unlike the DU nitwits, understand that the Americans are not there to kill them but to liberate them.
What morons.
To: The FRugitive
To: The FRugitive
These guys evidently suffer from some sort of Mental Disfunction.
Proof that liberals are brain damaged?
72 posted on
04/09/2003 9:00:57 AM PDT by
(Nox aeternus en pax.)
To: The FRugitive
Bump! Glad they are letting us show how disgusting the DUh's are on this thread. If you really want a stomach purge, check out what they say about rescued P.O.W. Lynch and the man that helped her. These people (only cuz the DNA test come back positive) are about the lowest on the planet. "Support the soldiers that shoot their officers" probably came from them.
73 posted on
04/09/2003 9:01:27 AM PDT by
To: The FRugitive
About the event being staged, one moron writes:
"That the statue is torn down and the celebration starts less than 24 hours after most independent media is killed or driven out?"
Lots of tinfoil over at DU.
78 posted on
04/09/2003 9:03:02 AM PDT by
To: The FRugitive
Just came back from the DU link...I feel UNCLEAN. I need to be deloused.
82 posted on
04/09/2003 9:05:52 AM PDT by
(oh to die peacefully in my sleep like my uncle-not screaming in terror like his taxi passengers)
To: The FRugitive
DU is the abode of fatherless ingrates.
92 posted on
04/09/2003 9:09:09 AM PDT by
(Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God -Thomas Jefferson.)
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