1 posted on
04/07/2003 11:09:24 PM PDT by
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To: ambrose
As far as I am concerned they are either all dead or in Syria or Russia running the war from there.
If a 4000lb bomb falls on you what is left to scrap up?
37 posted on
04/08/2003 6:04:42 PM PDT by
To: ambrose
It's hard to kill a flea by just stomping on it.
39 posted on
04/08/2003 6:05:59 PM PDT by
To: ambrose
DU will be joyous.
To: ambrose
Good grief! He's dead no he's alive,...Saddam's dead, no he's alive, no he's dead,..WMD found, no they're pesticides, more WMD found,wait no they ain't,...
42 posted on
04/08/2003 6:09:15 PM PDT by
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